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Jordan is Palestine – The Truth Unveiled!

An Arab Palestine is a fallacy – it is based on lies and misconceptions. There has never, in the history of the world, been a nation of Palestine. Is this just a radical pro-Israel viewpoint or is it a universal truth that can be proven in many ways? This website is inspired by Geert Wilders, a Dutch Parliamentarian, who said in June 2010 that “Jordan is Palestine”.

Okay, so where is this proof? The most important proofs for this are historic maps of Palestine, and quotes from so-called “Palestinian” leaders over the years, showing that Palestine, as a distinct identity, never existed – EVER! There were times of Muslim rule over Palestine at several points in history, but Palestine was always part of a larger entity and it’s inhabitants never had anything that distinguished them from others in the vicinity – they had the same language, names, monetary system, government, culture and artifacts of those in neighbouring areas. This website explores the question of just who the Palestinians are and why Jordan should be called Palestine, and NOT the West Bank or Gaza.

Those who know the history of the Middle East will tell you that the assertion that “Jordan Is Palestine” can be seen clearly in historic maps. See, after the Ottoman Empire lost control of the Middle East following World War I in 1917. As can be seen clearly in the map below, the British Mandate of Palestine consisted of a very large swath of land, incorporating what is today Gaza, the West Bank, Israel and Jordan (which was called Transjordan at the time and became Jordan in 1946). In 1923, the British split “Palestine” into two parts – Palestine, the land to the west of the Jordan River and Transjordan, the east side of the Jordan River. And the anomoly of history is that the new Palestine was merely 24% of the British Mandate of Palestine, whereas Transjordan was 76% of it. It is quite clear then, that it is much more proper to consider the land to the east of Jordan River as “Palestine” than the land to the west of the Jordan River. Yes folks – this map proves that Jordan is Palestine.

Map of the British Mandate of PalestineMap of the British Mandate of Palestine

This topic is covered in a little more detail in Middle East Maps for Dummies.

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2 Responses

  1. With all respect, the conflict has nothing to do with historical Palestine. The important thing is that there is a palestinian people NOW, who are being oppressed by the israelis. What does it matter what land was originally called Palestine? Don’t all people – regardless of their history – deserve a land to live in where they are not being oppressed? Is this not the exact thing that enabled the jewish people to create the state of Israel in the first place?

    • problem with that is, the Palestinians are people that the the Syrians, and other Arab nations refuse to take in, and the other problem is that Israel is not oppressing anyone, it is their country, and the Palestinians are trying to get something for nothing…well, trying to get something by only committing crimes and murder, which is allowed and demanded by allah, to kill all “children of the scriptures”. The conflict lies spiritually…satan wants to try and make Elohim out to be a liar, so he is doing all he can to try and take over and destroy Elohim’s people and nation, but here in the last days, with the Gog and Magog war that is soon to happen, Elohim will protect Israel and eliminate several million Arab aggressors.

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