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Christian girl being sexually abused to make her convert to Islam

I spit on the feminist big mouths who cower for Islamic supremacist pigs. I spit on the world community under the spell of this evil. They deserve what is coming, but we don’t. This woman breaks my heart. I am sick to my stomach. It’s graphic. And don’t tell me not to run this stuff — the media and the political elites are sanctioning this with their silence. Silent no more.

Watch all the snakes come out in the comment section.

This speaks to Islam’s relentless war on women. It’s about the control of women, the trafficking of women, the subjugation of women. Women are the booty. Their diminishment and dehumanization is the critical strategy of this grotesque ideology that demands/commands global domination. The honor killings, the forced marriage, the child marriage, the clitorectomies.…….. it’s all manifesting itself in the West.

Women as chattel. Women as a commodity. Women as slaves, as garbage.

Christian girl being sexually abused to make her convert to Islam Christian girl being sexually abused to make her convert to Islam Leponline (thanks to Urban Infidel)

(1) The video was received by a group calling itself “Free Copts”. It shows an incident in which a Coptic Christian girl was sexually abused in an attempt to Islamize her. She belonged to a large and wealthy family of Christian Copts living in Minia in upper Egypt. One of her Muslim neighbours induced her to go to his house. Upon arriving there she was surprised to find a group of young Muslim males. They forced her to go with them to a nearby house. They threatened to kill her if she made any noise or cried for help. They forcibly took her clothes from her and videoed her completely naked next to one of the young men. The plan was to blackmail her into marrying him by informing her and her family that the tape would be made public unless she did so. They also threatened her with the same fate as had befallen another girl not far away, a girl who had been raped by 8 Muslim men, murdered, and had her body dumped in a nearby graveyard. The police and the prosecuting authority let those 8 men go free. The ringleader of the men in this video was supposed to receive a reward of 30,000 Egyptian pounds from a mosque in El Manya if they managed to get the girl to convert to Islam. The four men in the video are habitual criminals who constantly rob the shops and businesses of the Christian Copts.

(2) The girl eventually escaped back to her family. The men then tried to extort money from them.

(3) This is one of the methods Muslims are using to Islamize Egypt — they kidnap young Christian girls, rape them, force them to convert to Islam. Sometimes they are forced to marry old Muslim men who keep them as hostages for their sexual gratification and kill them when they are of no further use.”

Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 08, 2011 at 04:04 PM in The Truth About Islam, Women and children | Permalink | Comments (90) ShareThis

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