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Egyptian Christan businessman may face prosecution for posting online cartoon of Mickey Mouse in full Islamic beard and Minnie in a niqab

Jun 28, 2011 03:05 am | Marisol

From one Facebook group set up in response: “Spread the message, we have to cut the tongues of those who defame our faith.”

Sawiris apparently didn’t get the Khomeini Memo: “There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam.” Therefore, never mind all the other more pressing issues going on in Egypt here of late. This is an outrage. “Egypt’s business mogul Sawiris under fire for Islamic cartoons,” from Al-Ahram, June 27 (thanks to all who sent this in):

Islamic lawyer Mamdouh Ismael and 14 lawyers submitted a complaint to the general prosecutor’s office against Naguib Sawiris after he posted a cartoon of popular cartoon characters Mickey Mouse with an Islamic beard and dressed in a Jilbab and Minnie Mouse wearing a full Muslim veil on twitter. The post was accompanied with the comment: “Mickey and Minnie after”

Ismael said that the images were defamatory and ridiculed the Islamic faith. However, Ismael stressed that he is not going after Sawiris because he is a Copt.

Ahmed Mahmoud Kareema, Professor of Islamic Shariaa at Al-Azhar University, said that insulting religion is criminalized by the Islamic faith and Sawiris would not like it if the tables were turned and people mocked the clothes worn by Christian clerics, and, furthermore, had he mocked the clothes of Jewish rabbis, he would have been accused of being an anti-Semitic.

Following the incident, Sawiris who was attacked on social networking sites, insisted that he meant no harm and simply thought the images were funny. However, “Boycott Sawiris,” groups were launched on both Twitter and Facebook. The Facebook group titled, “We were also joking Sawiris,” urged people to boycott his products saying that “if you are really a Muslim, boycott his (Sawiris) products if you love your faith. Spread the message, we have to cut the tongues of those who defame our faith.”

After being repeatedly attacked for posting the photo, on June 24, Sawiris wrote on twitter, “I apologize for any who don’t take this as a joke, I just thought it was a funny picture, no disrespect meant! Assef (sorry).” The next day, he repeated the apology on Twitter, saying “I at least apologized as I had no intention to mock any religion.”

Sawiris is the founder of the liberal Free Egyptians Party, which was established after the 25 January revolution.

A small version of the cartoon can be seen here.

Posted in:  Jihad Watch

2 Responses

  1. First and foremost I would like to say Hi everyone…

    First post to this forum.. hopefully not the very last.. 🙂

    I wanted to ask if your small children tend to be acting weird recently.. Each of the kids are trying to find those Cowboy Coloring Books out of the blue and I don’t know why.
    I mean, there isn’t any new cowboy or any rodeo video or a show on tv right…? So what’s the big deal..? Anyone had any luck finding some coloring books totally free?? All I’m able to find is just site who sells [url=http://cowboy-coloring-books.wikispaces.com]Rodeo Coloring Pages[/url] but I mean it is not free.. 🙂

    Any advice?? My children are starving for more…

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