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Deadly Norway Tragedy Claims Nearly 100 Lives in Worst Attack Since WW2

July 23, 2011 06:40 AM EDT

4 people recommend this | comments: 8

 Oslo, Norway experienced a truly horrific event yesterday when a series of attacks claimed the lives of several dozen people. In a mindless and hate-fueled attack by one man, Norway is in mourning the losses of several people.

In what is called the deadliest tragedy in Norway history, over 91 people are dead after a man by the name of Anders Behring Breivik bombed one part of the city before proceeding into a shooting rampage. The suspect, who was apprehended shortly after the carnage ensued, is described as being a “right-wing” radical. Whatever right-wing means in Oslo, it must be pretty extreme for someone to go on a Timoty McVeigh-styled rampage in the otherwise docile community.

Anders Behring Breivik, 32, strolled into a Utoya Island youth camp where over 600 members of Jens Stoltenberg’s Labour Party were present. He immediately opened fire and killed at least 10 people, some as young as 15-years old. This is after he hopped a ferry to the island, disguised as a police officer, immediately after allegedly blowing up several buildings in the downtown area of the city of Oslo.

Part of Oslo is still completely blocked off as bodies are still being fished from the rubble. It is described as scene worse than they’ve experienced since World War II, when the nazis invaded Norway. As of now the death toll is at over 91, and it could climb to higher as searchers continue to dig through the aftermath of these attacks.

oslo bombing

Anders Breivik is a self-described “conservative christian” who enjoys hunting and other right-wing activities. He is also believed to be a radical with a hatred for muslims, and it’s believed that these characteristics attributed to, or directly fueled, the attacks on Oslo and the tiny Utoya Island. Thankfully he is now in custody, and police can find out whether or not he worked alone. It is extremely difficult to believe that one single person with ultra right-wing ideals, could pull off such a massive and violent attack on the Norwegian community. It simply doesn’t seem probable. However, he very well could have worked alone, given he had enough time. Police are reporting that they are still finding undetonated explosive devices around the city, adding to the reasons why parts of Oslo are completely blocked off from the public.

It appears as though someone, possibly Mr. Breivik alone or with associates, has been quite busy and thorough in attempting to take down the entire city of Oslo, Norway.

Chelsea Hoffman is an author/commentator with more than 3,000 articles published as well as three novels. You can learn more about Chelsea and contact her by clicking the banner to her official author website.

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