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EXCELLENT! Not just CAIR, now the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Civilization Jihadists) is concerned about growing ‘Islamophobia’ among presidential candidates

Posted: January 23, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam |

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) expressed alarm over the anti-Islam rhetoric coming out as the US presidential elections race heats up as well as over the recent results of parliamentary elections in some European countries.

Arab News  (H/T Rob E) “The rise in Islamophobia in Western politics is a great concern for the OIC,” said Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the OIC.

The radical right-wing parties have won significant political weight in the parliaments in Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden and France as well as the European Parliament; in addition, such groups as the English Defense League in Britain and CasaPound in Italy are also gaining ground. They all share an anti-Islam agenda that threatens the welfare of the Muslim community there in practicing their religion and increases their chances of being discriminated against. (That’s because we want you to get out of our countries)

The US is also not far away from this hostility toward Islam and Muslims, albeit to a lesser extent. (Give us a little more time) However, statements made by presidential hopefuls Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, who said, “I believe Shariah is a mortal threat to the survival of freedom in the United States,” are worrisome for Muslims. (You’ll be pooping in your pants when Gringrich becomes President and Allen West Vice President or Secretary of Defense)

Presidential hopeful Rick Perry said on Fox News a few days ago that Turkey is being ruled by what many would perceive to be “Islamic terrorists” and therefore it should be kicked out of NATO. (He’s right!)

Ihsanoglu said the phenomenon in the US is connected to the presidential elections, but the main theater of concern is Europe. “It is a concern for us when Islamophobia is used as an instrument in electoral politics, especially as a way in competing to gain voters’ support.” (It’s a very successful strategy as more and more Europeans now view Islam as a plague in their countries that needs to be eradicated)

In the latest issue of Newsweek Geert Wilders, the radical popular Dutch politician who is unapologetic about his xenophobic racist (Since when is Islam a race?) attitude toward Muslims, said the United States should be “getting rid of Islamic symbols — no more mosques — and closing down Islamic schools.” (And most of America agrees with him)

Wilders have support from American politicians and writers who agree with his views including Gingrich. (Be afraid; be very afraid of Newt Gingrich if you are a Muslim)

On January 16 hundreds of Washington State Muslims marched together to the Capitol Building to meet state lawmakers in their offices and urge their legislators to speak out against Islamophobic rhetoric and hate crimes. (The truth isn’t a hate crime, no matter how much Muslims want it to be)Span>

US Muslims have been sensing a growing hostility following a hearing presented by Republican representative Peter King on what he described as the “radicalization” of US Muslims. (Take a hint…LEAVE!)

Recently, a Republican Missouri lawmaker described Islam as a disease like polio while another Alaska Rep. branded Muslims as “occupiers” of American neighborhoods.

Lawmakers in at least 15 states have introduced proposals forbidding local judges from considering Shariah when rendering verdicts on issues of divorces and marital disputes. (It is unconstitutional to consider Sharia law in the US)

Posted on 23 Jan 12 by BNI

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