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Ethiopia: Muslims beat evangelist to death, assault his pregnant wife

One might almost get the idea that the Religion of Tolerance has something against non-Muslims proselytizing. Naaah, couldn’t be. These guys must just be Misunderstanders of Islam. “Four Ethiopian Muslims Beat Evangelist To Death, Assault His Pregnant Wife,” from International Christian Concern, April 26 (thanks to AINA):

Washington, D.C. (April 26, 2011)–International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on April 21 four Muslims beat an evangelist to death and assaulted his pregnant wife in Worabe, Ethiopia, an area that is 97% Muslim.The Muslims lured Evangelist Abraham Abera from Kale Hiwot Church at 9:30 p.m. telling him that his friend was sick and needed immediate attention. Abraham left with the men; they turned on him and began to beat him with rods. The minister’s pregnant wife, Birtukan, saw the men attack her husband and ran to intervene, but the Muslims beat her as well.

In using deception to lure Abraham to his death, these Muslims were imitating Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, who once took offense to Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf, a poet who had mocked him, and asked his followers: “Who is willing to kill Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?” One of the Muslims, Muhammad bin Maslama answered, “O Allah’s Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?” When Muhammad said that he would, Muhammad bin Maslama said, “Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab).” Muhammad responded: “You may say it.” Muhammad bin Maslama duly lied to Ka’b, luring him into his trap, and murdered him. (Bukhari, volume 5, book 59, number 369)

Abraham died on the spot and his wife, who sustained a severe head injury, was left unconscious in the street. She was found and taken to a hospital in Butajira, where she regained consciousness on April 22nd and was able to recount the details of the attack.Birtukan spoke with an ICC source and said she knew two of the attackers. She said as the Muslims were beating her and her husband, they told them, “You (Christians) are growing in number in our area. You are spreading your message (the gospel). We will destroy you.”…

Posted by Robert on April 27, 2011 5:35 AM | 4 Comments