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Lotus School of Excellence (LSE) Accord Institute Schools

11001-a E. Alameda

Aurora, CO 80012

Last known principal – Adnan Doyuran

Lotus School for Excellence (LSE) is attempting to expand, this charter school is one of 150+ managed by the Gulen Movement. Learn about Islamic Imam Fethullah Gulen and his grand ambition “work in the arteries of the system until you reach all power centers.   LSE is due to present their expansion before the St. Vrain School District on November 12th.  What can you do?

1 Blog about this as Act for America chapters have:



2) Contact your local media –

3) Stay involved with your local politcs and School District board members

4) Show up to the November 12th meeting

5) Encourage parents to educate themselves and others, pull your children out of these school they rely on enrollment for tax money reimbursements.

Gulen Interfaith in Colorado is called Mosaic Foundation- Read below about FREE Trips to Turkey for Colorado politicians, media and academia

People involved/background Gulen organizations

You don’t know who Fethullah Gulen is or why he is described as the most dangerous Islamic Imam in the world?  Gulen has a grand ambition to control media, education, politics, interfaith dialog, police and military.  This is being conducted worldwide.  In the USA the Gulen Movement operates over 150 Charter schools, growing at a rapid pace.  However, many of the school applications are denied and there have been Gulen Charter schools closed for chronic financial mismanagement.   The teachers have no credentials and largely are imported to the USA via h1-b visas, they are NOT SCHOLARS.  Gulen lives in seclusion on 40 acres in Poconos, PA, where his network of foundations and institutes oversee his $25 billion empire.  One of Gulen’s grand schemes is to have Turkish/Turkic Academia representatives in ALL major US Universities to support his efforts in the USA.  This same plan/model is nothing new it is carried out worldwide, and in Gulen’s native Turkey where he was exiled for attempting to overthrow a secular government there is current investigations into the Gulen movement.  5 credible sources with facts, and government data:






These above 5 web sites are by ex teachers, parents of ex students and the “Boiling Frog” is by Sibel Edmonds, who is an ex FBI Turkish translator turned whistle blower who knows more about Gulen than Gulen knows about himself.

The local Interfaith Gulen groups offer free dinners and trips to **Turkey for politicians and other higher academia people to gather support for their schools and other business interest.  Gulen owns the media in Turkey and (Zaman Today, ERBU TV and Fountain Publishing)  So you will see a fair amount of biased and sweet information about the 5th grade educated Fethullah Gulen.  Turkey has no tolerance for Christianity or other faiths, look what they have done to their Christian minorities the first people of the area and their churches? Turned them into mosques and museums, it was a Turk who tried to kill Pope John Paul II.

Trips **  Several trips to Turkey for Colorado Academia, Politicians and Journalists:


Alan Gottlieb a local educator in Colorado was sent to report back how great the Gulen education is in Turkey.

This has been done from state to state, some send the local TV news stations as in the case of Dan Marries by Accord Institute’s sister schools in Arizona. Who in turn did a series on the trip to Turkey with the students from SSA.

We learned today why other countries are eating our lunch when it comes to education. We paid a visit to Ibrahim Büyükkoyuncu hıgh school on the outskirts of Konya, a provincial capital in south-central Turkey. It’s a private Gülen school for boys grades 9-12. Actually, it’s two schools in one (and there is a girl’s equivalent across town) – one focused on sciences, one on languages. (One of the many excerpts from Gottlieb’s blog) by the way this is untrue, Turkey’s educational system is horrid and corrupt


Mayor Chad Auer gets a complimentary trip to Turkey by the Gulen Interfaith people – note his slide show photos one is in front of Gulen”s Zaman – Newspaper media.  Chad Auer is the mayor of Firestone, CO, 13 miles from Longmont where the second Lotus school is trying to open.
There’s a high probability that the Multicultural Mosaic Foundation Gulenists provided him with the trip.


Reporters of the Vail Daily in Turkey – Dennis Jones and Yolanda Marshall

Fethullah Gülen is a Turkish intellectual now living in Pennsylvania. His writings have inspired a movement, said to have the sympathies of 75 percent of Turks. One of its primary goals is education. Later, we are to visit several schools and a university built by the movement- EXCERPT FROM THEIR TRAVEL BLOG TO TURKEY….I GUESS WE KNOW WHO PAID FOR THIS TRIP DON’T WE?

**Colorado members of Congress sent to Turkey 2006-2010 Total $18,089


Cong. Mark Udall ($3,020)  by Rumi Forum for Interfaith Dialog (GULEN NGO)  for Alan Salazar

Cong. Tom Tancredo ($3,020) by Rumi Forum for Interfaith Dialog (GULEN NGO) for Tyler Houlton

Cong. Ed Perlmitter (3,589) by Turkish Coalition of America (TASCO /Colorado branch) for Jose Rodriguez

Additional $9,000+ in trips to Turkey appear to be by a group that may not be associated with Gulen (German Marshall fund of the US)

Colorado Charter School Blog


h1-b Visa Information


This is Lotus School for Excellence SPECFIC h1-b Visa info.  Looks like 1 Visa was denied!

