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NORWAY: So why did Anders Breivik kill Norwegians and not Muslims?

Posted: July 25, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Islamization of the West | 35 Comments »

From ‘Islam in Europe’ – Much has been written and said in the past few days about Anders Behring Breivik’s anti-Islam terrorism. The guy hates Muslim, there’s no question about it, but what I find curious, is that he intended to fight them by killing his fellow countrymen.

Islam in Europe – There’s a lot of talk in the anti-Islamic blogosphere about a coming civil war, when the Europeans will rise up and deport their Muslim neighbors. But with all the talk of deportations and ethnic cleansing and armed resistance, Breivik’s civil war didn’t target Muslims, it targeted the non-Muslims he saw as traitors, the ‘cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites of Europe’. From his point of view, Muslims weren’t even players in the game:

Thousands of Norwegian Muslims went into the streets of the capital Oslo Friday, February 12, in protest at a newspaper cartoon lampooning Prophet Muhammad as a pig.

Fight category A and B traitors NOT Muslims or ANTIFA (anarcho-Marxists/Marxist Jugend)

DO NOT for the love of God aim your rage and frustration at Muslims. Muslim or Paki bashing is a sure way to hurt our cause as this is what the cultural Marxist elites WANT you to do. They want you to waste your efforts on fighting Muslims and they will do anything to prevent you from aiming your efforts at them. They want the indigenous Europeans to busy fighting Muslims as that will guarantee their positions. We will never have a chance at overthrowing the cultural Marxist if we waste our energy and efforts on fighting Muslims.

Posted in:  Bare Naked Islam

NORWAY MASSACRE: Biblical Prophecy?

Posted: July 25, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Islamization of the West | 33 Comments »

Genesis 12:2-3: [The LORD speaking to Abraham, said] “I will make unto you a great nation and I will bless you…. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse….”

FRONT PAGE MAGZINE (Joseph Klein) ‘The Quislings of Norway,’ posted a few days before the terrorist massacre. The infamous Norwegian Vidkun Quisling, who assisted Nazi Germany as it conquered his own country, must be applauding in his grave. In the latest example of Norwegian collaboration with the enemies of the Jews, Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere declared during a press conference this week, alongside Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, that “Norway believes it is perfectly legitimate for the Palestinian president to turn to the United Nations” to seek recognition of an independent Palestinian state.

Despite Abbas’s decision to throw his lot in with the Hamas terrorists as part of some sort of “unity” government, Stoere signed an agreement with Abbas on upgrading Palestinian representation in Norway. Under the agreement, which effectively rewards Abbas for joining forces with Hamas, the Palestinian representative will have the full diplomatic rank of ambassador.

The foreign minister of Norway, which chairs a group of Palestinian donor nations, also used the occasion to hold the tin cup out for Abbas. Foreign Minister Stoere chided those who have decided to hold back on their contributions. “All donors should make an extra effort to support the Palestinians this summer and autumn,” he said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (L) and Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere attend a news conference in Oslo July 18, 2011

None of this should come as a surprise. Let’s not forget, for example, that Foreign Minister Stoere is in charge of the same Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in which Socialist Ingrid Fiskaa — who said in April 2008 that she sometimes wished the United Nations would send “precision-guided missiles against selected Israeli targets” — so proudly serves as a state secretary.

During the Nazi occupation of Norway, nearly all Jews were either deported to death camps or fled to Sweden and beyond. Today, Norway is effectively under the occupation of anti-Semitic leftists and radical Muslims, and appears willing to help enable the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel.

For example, one of Norway’s leading intellectuals, Jostein Gaarder, published an op-ed article in a major Norwegian daily newspaper in 2006 arguing against recognizing the state of Israel in its current form and claiming that Judaism is “an archaic national and warlike religion.”

Gaarder equated the Jewish state of Israel’s attempts to defend itself against Islamic terrorists with apartheid and ethnic cleansing:

We no longer recognize the State of Israel. We could not recognize the apartheid regime of South Africa, nor did we recognize the Afghani Taliban regime. Then there were many who did not recognize Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or the Serbs’ ethnic cleansing. We need to get used to the idea: The State of Israel, in its current form, is history.

The State of Israel has raped the recognition of the world and shall have no peace until it lays down its arms.

Norway’s Labor Party lawmaker Anders Mathisen has gone even further and publicly denied the Holocaust. He said that Jews “exaggerated their stories” and “there is no evidence the gas chambers and or mass graves existed.” While the Norwegian political establishment and opinion-maker elite may not have reached that point of lunacy just yet, they do tend to treat Muslims as the victims of Israeli oppression – as if today’s Muslims are filling the shoes of the Jewish victims of the Holocaust and today’s Nazis are the Israelis.

Thorbjørn Jagland, former prime minister of Norway, the president of the Norwegian Parliament, and the head of the Nobel Prize committee that gave President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, sided with Turkey and condemned Israel for the defensive actions it took last year against the so-called Free Gaza flotilla.

Socialist leader Kristin Halvorsen has been leading the boycott Israel campaign. While serving as Norway’s finance minister, she was amongst the demonstrators at an anti-Israel protest, in which a poster read (translated): “The greatest axis of evil: USA and Israel.” Among the slogans repeatedly shouted at the demonstration was (as translated) “Death to the Jews!”

Halvorsen has recently supported a measure calling for military action against Israel if it decides to act against Hamas in Gaza, based on the reasoning that the world community’s credibility in confronting the Qaddafi regime would be undermined if it does nothing to help Hamas repel Israeli air attacks in Gaza.

Last year, the Norwegian government decided to divest from two Israeli entities working in the West Bank. Norway’s sovereign wealth fund divested from the Israeli company Elbit, because it has worked on the Israeli security fence that keeps out Palestinian suicide bombers. Israel has also been blocked from bidding for Norwegian defense contracts.

The state-owned TV NRK aired the one-sided movie “Tears over Gaza,” photographed by several Palestinian cameramen during and after Israel’s Operation Cast Lead. Its film director Vibeke Løkkeberg had the gall to compare Israel’s defensive military actions in Gaza, which protect Israeli civilians from Hamas bombs, to “the massacres Qaddafi is conducting against Libyan insurgents.”

Pro-Hezbollah demonstration in Oslo 2009

As explained by Bruce Bawer, an American literary critic, writer and poet who lives in Norway and has criticized European anti-Semitism and radical Islam, in an interview with the Jerusalem Post, contemporary Norwegian anti-Semitism is alive and well in Norway especially amongst “the cultural elite – the academics, intellectuals, writers, journalists, politicians, and technocrats.”

It is such anti-Semitic tripe and moral equivalency that embolden the Muslims living in Norway to legitimize their own anti-Semitic conduct, which Norwegian officials have been tolerating in the name of multiculturalism.

As Bawer explained:

Part of the motivation for this anti-Semitism is the influx into Norway in recent decades of masses of Muslims from Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia and elsewhere. Multiculturalism has taught Norway’s cultural elite to take an uncritical, even obsequious, posture toward every aspect of Muslim culture and belief. When Muslim leaders rant against Israel and the Jews, the reflexive response of the multiculturalist elite is to join them in their rantings. This is called solidarity.

In 2009, when Muslims rioted violently in downtown Oslo to protest Israel’s actions against Hamas, resulting in extensive damage, there were few consequences for those responsible.

Anti-Israel rally at Norway’s version of a Hitler Youth camp the day before the massacre

Teachers at schools with large shares of Muslims reported that Muslim students often “praise or admire Adolf Hitler for his killing of Jews,” that “Jew-hate is legitimate within vast groups of Muslim students” and that “Muslims laugh or command [teachers] to stop when trying to educate about the Holocaust.”

Norway is repeating its Quisling treachery of the Nazi era, this time in league with a growing radical Muslim population. And once again the Jews are the victims.

Joseph Klein is the author of a recent book entitled Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, the United Nations and Radical Islam.

Posted in:  Bare Naked Islam

Oslo and the Dangers of Moral Equivalence

Posted by Bruce Thornton Bio ↓ on Jul 25th, 2011

The revelation that the perpetrator of the terrorist attacks in Oslo, Anders Behring Breivik, is a self-described Christian and conservative is sure to provoke an outburst of the moral equivalence favored by apologists for jihadism. Ever since 9/11, those unwilling to confront the theology of violence in Islam have relied on the tu quoque fallacy––“you do it too”––to dismiss the role of Islamic doctrine in Muslim terrorism. In this argument, all religions have violent extremists, and so it is irrational bigotry to suggest that there’s something in Islam that makes such violence more acceptable and legitimate.

After 9/11, for example, the fact that the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was a nominal Methodist was presented as evidence for Christian terrorism––even though he died a self-professed unrepentant agnostic––or used as an example of how religious affiliation had nothing to do with Muslim violence, as Greg Easterbrook did in his book The Progress Paradox . The tendentious depiction of the Crusades in popular culture, as in Ridley Scott ’s historically ignorant Kingdom of Heaven, went even further, suggesting that Christianity’s record of religiously inspired violence was worse than Islam’s. More recently, during Representative Pete King’s hearings into Muslim extremism in America, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee scolded King for ignoring “Christian militants.”

Or consider the six-hour CNN documentary, God’s Warriors, which appeared in 2007. Its host Christine Amanpour not only equated the tiny number of Christian and Jewish terrorists with the vastly greater number of jihadists, but also implied that Jewish militants were the cause of Muslim violence: “The impact of God’s Jewish warriors goes far beyond these rocky hills [i.e. Jewish West Bank settlements]. The Jewish settlements have inflamed much of the Muslim world.”  So, too, historian of religion Philip Jenkins, who told NPR that “the Islamic scriptures in the Quran [concerning war] were actually far less bloody and less violent than those in the Bible.” The serial apologist for jihad John Esposito wrote in his book Unholy War, “Terrorists can attempt to hijack Islam and the doctrine of jihad, but that is no more legitimate than Christian and Jewish extremists committing their acts of terrorism in their own unholy wars in the name of Christianity and Judaism.” An atheist Richard Dawkins makes the same argument, alleging that Christian fundamentalists “fuel their tanks at the same holy gas station” as Muslim terrorists.

The absurdity of these arguments is patent. First, the number of attacks attributable to self-professed Christian terrorists is miniscule compared to the toll of Islamic jihadists––17,489 since 9/11, as counted and documented by Religion of Peace. More important, though the former terrorists may call themselves Christian, only a tiny handful of Christians would accept that label, contrary to the wide acceptance and approval of jihadist terrorism that can be found throughout the Muslim world. For example, a recent Pew survey found that one in five people in Egypt view al Qaeda favorably, the same percentage in supposedly moderate Indonesia, figures representing over 60 million people. It is unimaginable that a similar survey about Breivik would generate anything more than a rounding-error’s worth of Christians supporting him.

This fact reflects the most obvious fallacy behind the moral equivalence argument: the complete lack of anything remotely resembling a theology of violence in the Bible. Yes, there is plenty of blood and guts in the Old Testament, but as Raymond Ibrahim points out, the references to those battles are “descriptive, not prescriptive,” and reflect history rather than theology. There is nothing in the Bible remotely similar to the numerous commands to wage war against the infidel that can be found in the Koran, the hadiths, the biographies of Mohammed, and 14 centuries of Islamic jurisprudence, commentary, history, and theology.

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Posted in:  Front Page Magazine

Gunman’s background puzzles police in Norway

APBy KARL RITTER – Associated Press | AP – Sat, Jul 23, 2011

Divers search for bodies on the shore of the small, wooded island of Utoeya July 23, 2011. Click image to see more photos. (Reuters/Truls Brekke)Divers search for bodies on the shore of the small, wooded island of Utoeya July 23, 2011. Click image to see more …

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  • Smoke rises from the central area of Oslo Friday, July 22, 2011 after an explosion. Terrorism ravaged long-peaceful Norway on Friday when a bomb ripped open buildings including the prime minister's office and a man dressed as a police officer opened fire at a nearby island youth camp. (AP Photo/Scanpix, Jon Bredo Overaas) NORWAY OUT

    Smoke rises from the central area of Oslo Friday, July 22, 2011 after an explosion. …

STOCKHOLM (AP) — The 32-year-old suspected of gunning down scores of young people at a summer camp and setting off a bomb in downtown Oslo that killed at least seven is a mystery to investigators: a right-winger with anti-Muslim views but no known links to hardcore extremists.”He just came out of nowhere,” a police official told The Associated Press.

Seven people were killed in the bombing at the prime minister’s office and at least 85 were slain in the shooting spree on the island, police said Saturday. The warned the death toll could rise further as many people remained missing.

Public broadcaster NRK and several other Norwegian media identified the suspected attacker as Anders Behring Breivik, a blond and blue-eyed Norwegian who expressed right-wing and anti-Muslim views on the Internet. Police have the suspect in custody but have not confirmed his identity.

Norwegian news agency NTB said Breivik legally owned several firearms and belonged to a gun club. He ran an agricultural firm growing vegetables, an enterprise that could have helped him secure large amounts of fertilizer, a potential ingredient in bombs.

But he didn’t belong to any known factions in Norway’s small and splintered extreme right movement, and had no criminal record except for some minor offenses, the police official told AP.

“He hasn’t been on our radar, which he would have been if was active in the neo-Nazi groups in Norway,” he said. “But he still could be inspired by their ideology.”

He spoke on condition of anonymity because those details had not been officially released by police. He declined to name the suspect.

Neo-Nazi groups carried out a series of murders and robberies in Scandinavia in the 1990s but have since kept a low profile.

“They have a lack of leadership. We have pretty much control of those groups,” the police official said.

Breivik’s registered address is at a four-story apartment building in western Oslo. A police car was parked outside the brick building early Saturday, with officers protecting the entrance.

National police chief Sveinung Sponheim told public broadcaster NRK that the gunman’s Internet postings “suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views, but whether that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen.”

He regularly posted on a Norwegian right-wing site called Document.no in 2009 and 2010, the editor of the site Hans Rustad said.

“He writes mostly about what Americans call the cultural war; focused on immigration, demography, identity, and politics in the broader sense,” Rustad wrote on the site on Saturday.

“His main enemy is not Muslims, but multiculturalists and what he calls cultural marxists.”

A Facebook page under Breivik’s name was taken down late Friday. A Twitter account under his name had only one Tweet, on July 17, loosely citing English philosopher John Stuart Mill: “One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests.”

Police were interrogating the man, first at the scene of the shooting, and later at a police station in Oslo.

“It’s strange that he didn’t kill himself, like the guys that have carried out school shootings,” the police official told AP. “It’s a good thing that he didn’t because then we might get some answers pointing out his motivation.”

He said there did not appear to be any links to international terrorist networks. The attack “is probably more Norway’s Oklahoma City than it is Norway’s World Trade Center,” he said referring to the 1995 attack on a federal building in Oklahoma City by domestic terrorists.

Investigators said the Norwegian carried out both attacks — the blast at the prime minister’s office in Oslo and the shooting spree at the left-wing Labor Party’s youth camp — but didn’t rule out that others were involved.

Authorities were questioning witnesses about reports of a second gunman, but the police official said it wouldn’t be impossible for one man to carry out the attacks on his own.

“He’s obviously cold as ice. But to get close to the government is easy. The streets are open in that area,” he said.


Associated Press writer Bjoern H. Amland in Oslo contributed to this report.

(This version CORRECTS death toll of 85 killed on island in third paragraph.)

Deadly Norway Tragedy Claims Nearly 100 Lives in Worst Attack Since WW2

July 23, 2011 06:40 AM EDT

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 Oslo, Norway experienced a truly horrific event yesterday when a series of attacks claimed the lives of several dozen people. In a mindless and hate-fueled attack by one man, Norway is in mourning the losses of several people.

In what is called the deadliest tragedy in Norway history, over 91 people are dead after a man by the name of Anders Behring Breivik bombed one part of the city before proceeding into a shooting rampage. The suspect, who was apprehended shortly after the carnage ensued, is described as being a “right-wing” radical. Whatever right-wing means in Oslo, it must be pretty extreme for someone to go on a Timoty McVeigh-styled rampage in the otherwise docile community.

Anders Behring Breivik, 32, strolled into a Utoya Island youth camp where over 600 members of Jens Stoltenberg’s Labour Party were present. He immediately opened fire and killed at least 10 people, some as young as 15-years old. This is after he hopped a ferry to the island, disguised as a police officer, immediately after allegedly blowing up several buildings in the downtown area of the city of Oslo.

Part of Oslo is still completely blocked off as bodies are still being fished from the rubble. It is described as scene worse than they’ve experienced since World War II, when the nazis invaded Norway. As of now the death toll is at over 91, and it could climb to higher as searchers continue to dig through the aftermath of these attacks.

oslo bombing

Anders Breivik is a self-described “conservative christian” who enjoys hunting and other right-wing activities. He is also believed to be a radical with a hatred for muslims, and it’s believed that these characteristics attributed to, or directly fueled, the attacks on Oslo and the tiny Utoya Island. Thankfully he is now in custody, and police can find out whether or not he worked alone. It is extremely difficult to believe that one single person with ultra right-wing ideals, could pull off such a massive and violent attack on the Norwegian community. It simply doesn’t seem probable. However, he very well could have worked alone, given he had enough time. Police are reporting that they are still finding undetonated explosive devices around the city, adding to the reasons why parts of Oslo are completely blocked off from the public.

It appears as though someone, possibly Mr. Breivik alone or with associates, has been quite busy and thorough in attempting to take down the entire city of Oslo, Norway.

Chelsea Hoffman is an author/commentator with more than 3,000 articles published as well as three novels. You can learn more about Chelsea and contact her by clicking the banner to her official author website.

Did Oslo Terrorist Anders Brejvik Have Links To British Extremists?

 July 25, 2011 08:15 AM EDT

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 As Norway tries to recover from the shock terrorist attacks in Oslo on Friday, suspect Anders Brejvik is due to appear in court – with more and more information about his plans becoming public, including possible links to British extremists.

Friday’s attacks came as a huge shock to everyone, apart from Brejvik, who had been planning the attack in a 1,500 page document online. The document makes it clear that he wanted a large stage in which to make a statement – he even had his hair and make up done before being photographed, so the photographs projected around the World would make him look his best.

Anders Behring Breivik

Brejvik vowed to “take revenge” on “indigenous Europeans” who had betrayed their heritage by allowing Islam to take over. He claimed they would be punished for their “treasonous acts”.

The manifesto does reveal some clues for investigators trying to piece together Brejvik’s mental state – Brejvik was determined to get notoriety, even planning to allow himself to be arrested, and has ensured investigators have all the information they need on how he planned the attacks, and why.

It’s his reference to a UK mentor called Richard which has caused some alarm – Were British extremists involved in this attack somehow?

The English Defence League has posted a statement online denying any links with the terrorist, and said it condemned what he had done, according to the Metro.

“Terrorism and extremism of any kind is never acceptable and we pride ourselves on opposing these…We strongly oppose extremism and always reject any suggestion of us being either extremists or far-right, due to our great past record of dealing with anyone who holds such extreme views.”

Brejvik’s father has revealed his son cut him out of his life in 1995, and heard about his son’s arrest on the news. Brejvik dressed as a police officer after bombing Government buildings in Oslo, before open-firing on 14 to 18-year-old Labour supporters at a youth camp. At present, the death toll is thought to be around 90.

The World is anxiously waiting for Brejvik to appear in court – he has already admitted the crimes to investigators, but has denied any criminal guilt, and claimed he has not broken the law. Whether he will be able to speak at the hearing – and whether anything he says is released to the media – remains to be seen. As it is his desire to be heard and remembered, however, maybe censoring his message would be for the best – it is sure to be one hate, and despite his horrific crimes, everything possible should be done to prevent him from achieving the notorious status that he craves. More then 60,000 people have joined a Facebook page calling for the court to demand a closed court, to stop the media from being able to report on his trial.

Reports are now breaking that Polish police have arrested a man after discovering that Brejvik tried to buy explosives for the massacre from Poland, although as yet this is unconfirmed. It is also reported that Brejvik asked for permission to wear a uniform to court – it was not revealed what, although it has been reported that he owns a wide variety of military uniforms. Prosecutors have asked for eight weeks to prepare a case against him, and only one victim has been named so far – 51-year-old policeman Tront Berntsen, the stepbrother of the crown princess.

This morning thousands of people gathered to take part in a minutes silence for the victims, laying candles and flowers at a service lead by King Harald V and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

Photo Source: The Metro