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Did Oslo Terrorist Anders Brejvik Have Links To British Extremists?

 July 25, 2011 08:15 AM EDT

comments: 1

 As Norway tries to recover from the shock terrorist attacks in Oslo on Friday, suspect Anders Brejvik is due to appear in court – with more and more information about his plans becoming public, including possible links to British extremists.

Friday’s attacks came as a huge shock to everyone, apart from Brejvik, who had been planning the attack in a 1,500 page document online. The document makes it clear that he wanted a large stage in which to make a statement – he even had his hair and make up done before being photographed, so the photographs projected around the World would make him look his best.

Anders Behring Breivik

Brejvik vowed to “take revenge” on “indigenous Europeans” who had betrayed their heritage by allowing Islam to take over. He claimed they would be punished for their “treasonous acts”.

The manifesto does reveal some clues for investigators trying to piece together Brejvik’s mental state – Brejvik was determined to get notoriety, even planning to allow himself to be arrested, and has ensured investigators have all the information they need on how he planned the attacks, and why.

It’s his reference to a UK mentor called Richard which has caused some alarm – Were British extremists involved in this attack somehow?

The English Defence League has posted a statement online denying any links with the terrorist, and said it condemned what he had done, according to the Metro.

“Terrorism and extremism of any kind is never acceptable and we pride ourselves on opposing these…We strongly oppose extremism and always reject any suggestion of us being either extremists or far-right, due to our great past record of dealing with anyone who holds such extreme views.”

Brejvik’s father has revealed his son cut him out of his life in 1995, and heard about his son’s arrest on the news. Brejvik dressed as a police officer after bombing Government buildings in Oslo, before open-firing on 14 to 18-year-old Labour supporters at a youth camp. At present, the death toll is thought to be around 90.

The World is anxiously waiting for Brejvik to appear in court – he has already admitted the crimes to investigators, but has denied any criminal guilt, and claimed he has not broken the law. Whether he will be able to speak at the hearing – and whether anything he says is released to the media – remains to be seen. As it is his desire to be heard and remembered, however, maybe censoring his message would be for the best – it is sure to be one hate, and despite his horrific crimes, everything possible should be done to prevent him from achieving the notorious status that he craves. More then 60,000 people have joined a Facebook page calling for the court to demand a closed court, to stop the media from being able to report on his trial.

Reports are now breaking that Polish police have arrested a man after discovering that Brejvik tried to buy explosives for the massacre from Poland, although as yet this is unconfirmed. It is also reported that Brejvik asked for permission to wear a uniform to court – it was not revealed what, although it has been reported that he owns a wide variety of military uniforms. Prosecutors have asked for eight weeks to prepare a case against him, and only one victim has been named so far – 51-year-old policeman Tront Berntsen, the stepbrother of the crown princess.

This morning thousands of people gathered to take part in a minutes silence for the victims, laying candles and flowers at a service lead by King Harald V and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

Photo Source: The Metro