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I recently saw a You-tube video with a lady on it protesting Senator Lindsey Graham’s remarks on Face the Nation in which he denounced Pastor Terry Jones burning of the Koran.  In this video the lady standing in front of an American flag repeatedly calls Lindsey Graham a “Jack-Ass” as she denounces what he said and then proceeds  to burn the Koran herself right there on the video.

I too vehemently disagree with Senator Lindsey Grahams remarks, and I too am sick of the political correctness in this nation in regards to Islam.  And I greatly disdain the concessions we have made to 9/11 criminals and the obvious blindsidedness in regards to Cair, and other Islamic organizations in this country who have obvious ties to Hamas and evil intentions for America and Israel; but, I still do not agree that burning the Koran is the answer either.

Brigitte Gabriel wrote in this excellent article that, “Koran burning is counter productive”;  I agree with that, however, I absolutely abhor how we Americans and the Obama administration have been setting Islamic beliefs above our very own Constitution!  You can also read in Ms. Brigitte’s same article how our military in Afghanistan is forced to wear gloves when they handle the Koran. If that is not cowtowing to Islam, I don’t know what is!

I also read an article in Citizen Warrior not long ago which says, “Every accomodation non-Muslims make for Muslims moves our culture, our beliefs, and our legal systems one step closer to Sharia law”, Citizen Warrior goes on to say, “Forbidding the criticism of any religion is certainly not a precept of a free society or of Western civilization. This means: To whatever degree Islamic supremacists succeed in silencing our criticisms of Islam, to that degree they have imposed Sharia law on non-Muslims.”

We are allowing the Obama administrations policies of making concessions to radical Islam bring us closer to sharia law in this nation!  Anytime we allow anyone’s religious beliefs to take precedence over our First Amendment Rights it is an absolute travesty to every soldier who ever died fighting for that freedom!  Guy Rodgers spoke about how we are empowering our enemy in his article, “Jihad Denial Syndrome”.  Guy said, “What better way to sabotage a nation from within than to dupe its leadership regarding the true nature of, and motivation for, the threat that is arrayed against it?”

So when will we wake up?  When will our administration wake up?   Will it take another 9/11, or will America stop the madness and demand from our current administration that they stand for the constitution that we hold dear?  Will it take all of us to start burning Korans for our administration to acknowledge our own constitution?  I fight back the only way I know how, with the written word.  How about you?  I believe a nation is only as good as its leaders, so unless our current administration has a change of strategy and soon, we had all better be prepared for a fight that will take more than burning Korans.