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God Smiled on NY: Largest Israel Day Parade Ever, As Naksa Day Protests Erupt along Israel’s Borders

In a glorious show of love and affection for the tiny Jewish state, tens of thousands descended upon Fifth Avenue to salute Israel today. An estimated thirty thousand people took part in the annual Celebrate Israel Parade in New York City, the largest number of participants ever in the parade, which has been held every year since 1964.

While in Israel, Syrian “Palestinian” (every Jew hater is a “Palestinian,” don’cha know?) Muslims stormed the border, attempting to provoke Israel on the anniversary of its victory over their armies in 1967.

The IDF released an 18-second video in which Israeli commanders are heard ordering their soldiers to cease firing in order to allow the Red Cross to evacuate casualties on the Syrian side. US on Naksa clashes: Israel has right to defend itself

DSC00478As always, the weather was just gorgeous. The weather for the Nakba bund rallies is always torrential rains 🙂 True that


Israel balloon

Getting ready to march —
Tuning up
Geller israel

Atlas dancing 🙂 — Israel flag tied to belt loop


How gorgeous is this?
Sidewalks jammed with supporters

Geller israel6

Go, Israel, go!


Israel parade kids


Israel parade 2011  


Mayor Bloomberg and Minister Edelstein (Above Photo: Dan Brohawn). New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo also marched in support of Israel, and was joined by numerous politicians, including elected officials from the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Congress members from Washington were also in attendance. 

The weiner was a no-show: Congressman Weiner a no-show at Israeli Day Parade


He is such an opportunistic coward. Uses the Jewish card when it serves him.



No pro-Jewish rally is complete without the usual cast of aspiring nazis. They were a very small group.

  Jew haters

And our AFDI ad on the back of  the NY Special Israel Day Section — how great is that?

Afdi israel ad

UPDATE: Breaking: Palestinian, radical leftist protest in Israel turns violent

UPDATE: TMD had these wonderful snaps:

Israel TDD

Israel tmd2

Israel gilad

Israel jerusalem
Israel us

Posted in:  Atlas Shrugs