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St Nicholas Church Rally at Ground Zero – Rebuild the 95-Year-Old Church, Stop the Ground Zero Mosquestrosity!

Apparently, Islamic Supremacism trumps Christianity at Ground Zero

While Mayor Bloomberg wets himself in anxious haste to build the cultural obscenity, the Ground Zero mosque, the iconic St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, built in 1916 and destroyed by the destruction of the World Trade towers by Muslim terrorists, remains vanquished, unable to rebuild. Bloomberg is lobbying for 911 taxpayer funds for the Islamic supremacist grifters behind the Ground Zero mosque, but the St. Nicholas church is in purgatory, ten years after the worst day in modern American history.

Perhaps St. Nicholas should claim they are a mosque. Mayor Gloomberg and NYC Council speaker Quinn would probably pour the cement for its foundation (Bloomberg worked behind the scenes to get Ground Zero Mosque approved).

St. Nicholas Church is suing the Port Authority, claiming that agency is blocking church’s reconstruction (NY Daily News)

A notice of claim was filed on behalf of St. Nicholas Church and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, declaring their intention to sue.”This claim arises out of the arrogance, bad faith and fraudulent conduct of the Port Authority in preventing St. Nicholas from re-building its church at Ground Zero,” the church says in its legal filings.

Why not tie up the Ground Zero mega mosque in this red tape morass?

Book September 11th we will be holding our second annual freedom rally for our war dead and to protest the 15-story mega mosque going up on Ground Zero. Be there. Join us on the tenth anniversary of that bloody, brutal day when jihad came to America.

The stealth jihadists behind the Ground Zero mosquestrosity launched a public fund-raising drive yesterday in a bid to open its doors to the public with an art exhibit that would debut just 10 days after the Sept. 11 anniversary:

The group plans to open the three-month exhibit on Sept. 21, which the United Nations has declared the International Day of Peace. The exhibit would feature portraits of the city’s immigrant kids representing at least 171 different countries.

“NYChildren Exhibit: Let’s open Park51’s doors to the World!” the fund-raising solicitation says. By early last night, Park51 had raised $867 from 14 donors, according to Kickstarter.

“While our critics know us as the Ground Zero Mosque, we are the Park51 Community Center,” Park51 says in the appeal. “This exhibition is about finding the courage to meet and get to know neighbors to build trust and friendship.”

96-Year-Old St. Nicholas Church at Ground Zero Sues for Right to Rebuild While Bloomberg lobbies for 911 Taxpayer Dollars for Ground Zero Mosque Supremacists 

St Nicholas Church Rally at Ground Zero (6-26-11) by Pamela Hall


TEN YEARS AFTER 9-11 they are still asking, “How long must St. Nicholas WAIT to Rebuild?”


The video is 45 minutes (yes) but well worth your time. Listen to the intelligent statements and pleas regarding the STONEWALLING of the City Of New York towards St. Nicholas Church, as they have been denied over and over for TEN YEARS to  rebuild their Church Home (while the city supports the creation of a mosque in a Coat Factory)

The are some very important and useful statements made by the politicians concerning how the church has been disabused vs the proposed mosque. Watch it.

It’s explosive – the  revelation that Bloomberg is kicking the Greek Orthodox Community to the curb.

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The leading membership-based association for the nation’s three million American citizens of Greek heritage, the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA),]

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was host to this rally at Ground Zero …..calling for St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church to be rebuilt at 130 Liberty Street.

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The rally was on Sunday, June 26, 2011, 2 p.m., at Liberty Street and Trinity Place in Lower Manhattan… across from Ground Zero.  Where generations of a church…that has been there since 1913…came together…. BEGGING to rebuild their Church!

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Federal, state, and local legislators were invited to attend, many were there, speaking to the OUTRAGE and stonewalling of the Port Authority and NYC and State politicians who have kept St. Nicholas from being rebuilt.

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Ten Years later they must still beg to REBUILD  a church that has been at that location since 1913….

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Yet, it seems Mayor Bloomberg can’t do enough to help build at Mosque in a Coat Factory at Ground Zero

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While TEN YEARS LATER , negotiations to rebuild St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, the only house of worship destroyed in the attacks of September 11….negotiations between the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and church representatives and the Port Authority of New York/New Jersey came to a halt in August 2010.  The people of St. Nicholas ask : WHY?

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In support of the effort to rebuild St. Nicholas at 130 Liberty Street, a site chosen by the Port Authority, AHEPA submitted more than 20,000 signatures .

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Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, June 27, 2011 at 08:20 PM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis