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Geert Wilders Speech in Toronto. Video

Last night at the Canadian Christian College in Toronto, Canada, Geert Wilders, the president of the Freedom Party (PVV) in the Netherlands, spoke to a packed room to sound the alarm of Islamism rising in Europe and the West, and what that means for the future of the free world. Wilders does not call Islam, Islamism but in Canada, there is a difference between Islam and Islamism. According to the human rights tribunals, the former is a religion, and the later an idelogy. It is considered hate speech to criticize Islam in Canada. Ask Mark Steyn and best selling author of Shakedown and host of “The Source” on the Sun TV News Network, Ezra Levant, who masterfully moderated the event, what can happen if you do.

“Speak the truth” Wilders repeated, “Speak the truth.”

Wilders warned the audience about the loss of freedom of speech and the growing influence of the United Nations Organization of the Islamic Conference. He suggested that Canada and Europe include an American-styled freedom of speech amendment to their laws.

He offered facts and statistics of Islamism’s increasing role in Europe. He discussed recentparliamentary successes he achieved in the Netherlands; including immigration reforms, and stripping criminals with dual citizenship of their Dutch citizenship and deporting them.

Wilder’s reminded how 65 years ago Canadians were sent to battle to defeat Nazism to free Europe, to free the Netherlands. “And it would be an enormous insult to them if we Europeans would give up the precious freedom for another totalitarian ideology…” he said.

Previously the Dutch parliamentarian traveled widely throughout the Middle East. That changed in 2004 when his life was threatened by Muslim extremists. In 2008 he made and released a short documentary entitled Fitna which Wilders says shows how verses from the Koran are being used to incite modern Muslims to behave violently and anti-democratically. For the last seven years he lives under 24-hour police protection. He moves shadowed by bodyguards. He cannot sleep in the same place for two consecutive nights, yet there is no anger or bitterness in his voice, rather there is an thoughtfullness when he speaks, a desire to perhaps educate and inform. It is not only the West and Europe who Wilders wants to remain free but he wants to free the Muslims too. Wilders received a standing ovation.

Watch Geert Wilders in Canada

Posted in:  Faithfreedom.org

6 Responses

  1. Reblogged this on mahmoudoun and commented:
    This is islamophobia

    • Mahmoudoun…its not Islamophobia, if the Muslim’s doctrine teaches them to kill all kafirs…not all Muslims are terrorists, but ALL TERRORISTS ARE MUSLIMS…but, according to Shari’a, all Muslims are to engage in jihad to some extent, whether it is killing/martyrdom, paying for supplies, taking care of the martyr’s family…any faithful Muslim that believes in Shari’a, and is following Shari’a, pays their zakat, which, for the most part, is helping to engage in jihad, so, my Muslim friend, Islamophobia, is is a fake “title” the Council of American-Islamic Relations have given kafirs that are showing the world the truth about totalitarian Islam, to try and indoctrinate the global blinded population into thinking that Islam is peaceful and respectful.
      With the Muslim Brotherhood, and it’s front groups, (not counting the terrorist groups that the MB has made), the MB’s Trojan horse United States president (the prophesied “Sun of the West” and Muslim uniter, and the ignorance and blindfullness of Americans, make it easy to just come up with a title to make people look bad…like calling Muslims freedomphobics because Muslims are afraid of freedom like the majority of the Kafir nations enjoy.

      • Retiredom i am agaist the muslim extremists terrorists but i desagree as you say all the terrorists are muslims !here you are making a great error :first the muslim terrorists are finaned trained by USA IN ORDER THAT THE ZIONIST IMPERIALISTS FIND A PRETEXT TO INVADE RICH COUNTRIES AS afganistan Irak and so on ;alqaida is a mossad usa made ,created for the pourpuse of a new imperialism ;extremist muslims in all the world are used as milicias !look at LYBIA?SYRIA?AFGANISTAN ETC…who is the terrorist ,the great rich counties who has the arms of massiv distruction or the muslims?millions of humen beings were killes in Irak ,in Afganistan ,in lybia ,in syria etc who is the real terrorist ?think twice !

      • Well ahmedbensalha46, you are greatly mistaken…as I know for fact, all Muslims are against terrorism, however; all Muslims that follow, and believe the Qur’an, the Sira, ahadith and live according to what Shari’a Law tells them, then you know, (although I know you will deny this, but all Muslims I have talked to agree with this as long as I don’t print their names) killing infidels and kafirs is not terrorism in the minds of the Muslims. As far as your false claims of the “muslim terrorists are financed by USA IN ORDER THAT THE ZIONIST IMPERIALISTS FIND A PRETEXT TO INVADE RICH COUNTRIES AS afganistan Irak and so on ;alqaida is a mossad usa made” it has been proven from the Muslim Brotherhood that HAMAS and Al-Qaeda are creations of the Muslim Brotherhood…Osama bin Laden was never trained by the US, but he attacked the US. Mullah Obama, I mean President Obama is a Muslim that is trying to make the Muslim better than any US citizen, as well as trying to get the US converted to be a Shari’a compliant country…maybe you should check into the Muslim Brotherhood…they took over Egypt, are trying to take control of Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Jordan, Qatar, they are not a Western, Christian organization…Mohammad commanded ALL Muslims to perform jihad in an offensive way, in fact, Shari’a mandates that ALL Muslims participate in it, whether actually killing “children of the Book” or supporting them financially through zakat, or anything (non-violent or violent) that pushes Islam onto everyone in the world.
        So, unless you do not wish to follow Mohammad, or follow and obey the Qur’an, ahadith, Sira or Shari’a, (basically if your an apostate Muslim, which, as you know, is a death sentence) than you are either doing the obligated taqiyya, or you do not know your Islamic history or what your sacred texts tells you.
        I do need to add, or re-iterate myself…not all Muslims are terrorist, but all terrorists are Muslims.

  2. THIS wave of islamophobia is unsain because all religions made crimes on behalf of the dirigeant economical and political ruling classes .search on google to see the crimes of the “Inquisition’ in the EUROPE BTWEEN 1600 AND 1700 .remember the genocides betwween catholics and protestants .

    • Well Mahmoudoun, the inquisition started because of Islam’s trying to force people to convert to Islam, just like Islam started piracy with the Barbary pirates, remember the genocide between Muslims and Kurds?

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