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Hamas Sides With Bin Laden – Is This A Partner For Peace?

Posted by Roni Drukan May 6th 2011 at 7:41 am in Israel, Middle East, Terrorism | Comments (8)

On the background of the reconciliation agreement with Fatah, Hamas showed the world its true colors once again.

While the free world applauds the successful operation which finally put down the world’s number 1 terrorist, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh condemned the murder of Osama bin Laden calling it a continuation of the US aggression against Arabs and Muslims.

“While his murder is still unconfirmed, if true we regard this as a continuation of the US policy based upon oppression and the shedding of Muslim and Arab blood”, said Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, “Despite differences of opinion in the Arab & Islamic realm, we most certainly condemn the murder of this Arab and Muslim Holy Warrior.”


Hamas has a long history with Al-Qaeda movement. Both groups are off shoots of the Muslim Brotherhood and they share ideological roots.

On the background of Hamas and Fatah reconciliation agreement, to be signed tomorrow in Cairo, Haniyeh’s statement holds special meaning. Hamas has entered a unity government with the secular Fatah movement. While Hamas has been controlling Gaza, the unity agreement now makes Hamas a dominant part of the Palestinian Authority government.

Haniyeh’s statement is a useful reminder of what Hamas believes and wishes for Palestinians. A Palestinian government that contains a group mourning Osama Bin Laden will not appear to most Americans to be a possible peace partner for Israel.

Can the US and Europe acknowledge such a government, one that contains a terrorist group that supports Al-Qaeda?

In this Arab spring of revolution and freedom let’s not confuse terrorism with freedom fighting. Osama Bin Laden was engaged in Jihad against the free world, against Christians, Jews, and anyone that is not Muslim. Hamas and Haniyeh have the same fundamental believes. Sadly, we in Giyus.org know all too well that a unity Palestinian government which includes Hamas will not be a partner to peace.


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