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SAUDI ‘MUSLIM’ MAN arrested at JFK with a cache of weapons in his luggage

Posted: September 25, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam


A Saudi Arabian man was busted at JFK Airport after the Transportation Security Administration spotted a stun gun and four other weapons in his checked bag on a flight bound for Riyadh.

NY POST  (H/T True Grit) Mohamed Hefni, 54, was arrested in a first-class lounge at JFK at 4 p.m. Thursday after agents found the contraband in his luggage before he could board his Saudi Airlines flight to Riyadh, authorities said. Hefni, told officials he was taking them home to Saudi Arabia to protect his family. (Sure, he was)

After TSA agents first noticed the gun’s outline during a routine screening, they opened Hefni’s package. Inside they discovered a fully operable battery-powered electric stun gun, three electric stun batons, an electric stun pen, and a large can of pepper spray, authorities told the New York Post.


Hefni’s lives in New York City and was arrested by Port Authority cops on misdemeanor weapons charges. The New York Times reports that Hefni was released Friday evening without bail, and a TSA spokeswomen told the Times that “We do not believe this was related to terrorism.” (No, of course it wasn’t related to terrorism. Why would we ever suspect a Saudi Muslim carrying weapons onto a plane to be a terrorist?)

Hefni told the police he had bought the weapons “for his protection,” according to court papers, and NY1 reports that the man told TSA agents the weapons were to protect his family in Saudi Arabia. Hefni was charged with five misdemeanor counts of illegal weapons possession, each of which carries a penalty of up to a year in prison.

Posted on 25 Sep 11 by BNI

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