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Radical Cleric Who Called for Murder of ‘Every Zionist Who Enters Egypt’ Lived & Lectured in America

Posted on September 28, 2011 at 7:07pm by Billy Hallowell

Remember Dr. Salah Sultan, the radical cleric and Muslim Brotherhood member who, on al-Jazeera, recently called for the murder of “every Zionist who enters Egypt?”

As horrifying as his original comments were, some other details may be even more surprising. Sultan, who has radical ties to Islamist figures across the globe, recently resided in Columbus, Ohio. In addition to living in the U.S., he has also allegedly lectured at a local, Islamic elementary school (Sunrise Academy) and purportedly still has family living in the house he owns here in America.

Since leaving the U.S., he has relocated to Bahrain. His application for U.S. citizenship, of course, has been denied (he appeared at a Hamas rally in Turkey and has made comments overseas that lay blame for 9/11 on the U.S. government). While he initially scheduled an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network,

Below, watch a CBN report that delves deeply into his connections here in America.

Patrick Poole, who says that Sultan lived in his community and who has sounded the alarm on his antics in the past, has more:

…Prior to Sultan being denied U.S. citizenship and later being denied reentry into the United States because of his advocacy of violence against the U.S., he lived in my own hometown of Hilliard, Ohio, not a mile from my own house. In fact, he still owns his home and some of his family still reside here. His oldest son, Mohamed, is the president of the Ohio State Muslim Student Association.

Below, watch Sultan’s most recent comments calling for any and all “Zionists” who enter Egypt to be killed:


Posted on 28 Sep 11 by theblaze

Victory in Alabama! Judge Upholds Key Parts of Immigration Law

On September 28, 2011, in news, by velvethammer

Finally, some good news.

(Washington Times) A federal judge on Wednesday said Alabama law enforcement officers can try to check the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country illegally, but blocked other parts of the state’s new crackdown law, which is the toughest in the country.

U.S. District Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn said Alabama is allowed to tread anywhere that federal law doesn’t explicitly prohibit states from acting, which means the state can enact its own penalties for immigrants who fail to carry their registration papers, and can enable its state and local police to check immigration status.
And in a key part of her ruling, Judge Blackburn said the state can require schools to determine the legal status of students’ parents, though children of illegal immigrants may not be denied attendance.

But the judge did block four parts of Alabama’s law that she said go beyond what federal law allows: One provision created a civil action against employers who hired illegal immigrants over legal workers; another banned illegal immigrants from applying for a job; one made it a crime to harbor an illegal immigrant; and the other prohibited businesses from claiming tax deductions on wages paid to illegal immigrants.

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley called the decision vindication for the state, and promised to appeal those parts of the law that were blocked.

“This fight is just beginning,” he said. “I am optimistic that this law will be completely upheld, and I remain committed to seeing this law fully implemented. I will continue to fight at every turn to defend this law against any and all challenges.”
In addition to its law enforcement provisions, the Alabama law requires all businesses to use E-Verify, a national database run by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services that allows employers to check potential hires’ Social Security numbers to see if they are authorized to work.

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posted in:  Ironic Surrealism

Geller: Islamophobia a fictitious term invented by the Muslim Brotherhood

posted in:  Atlas Shrugs

Iranian Pastor Must Disavow His Christian Faith This Week…or He’ll Be Executed

Posted on September 28, 2011 by Billy Hallowell

Iranian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani

Iranian Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani continues to very literally fight for his life in Iranian courts. As the Blaze reported back in July, Nadarkhani was arrested in October 2009 and charged with apostasy (the total abandonment of one’s religion) following a conversion from Islam to Christianity.

As we have already reported, Nadarkhani, now 32, made this conversion years ago when he was a teenager. While this has become the basis for the Iranian case against him, his initial arrest surrounded his public opposition to Christian schoolchildren being forced to participate in Islamic religious education. The Christian Post has more about how the pastor first came to the attention of authorities:

The case began in October 2009 when Nadarkhani protested at the local school of his two sons. The government had recently passed a law stating that Islam must be imposed on children in local school, and even on Christian children.

Nadarkhani publicly protested at the school, stating the law was unconstitutional because it did not allow the free practice of religion. His protest caught the attention of the police and government.


The details surrounding the legal handling of the case are complicated. According to some accounts, there was a glimmer of hope earlier this summer when Iran’s Supreme Court reportedly offered a recant or die option. In this instance, the government would avoid executing Nadarkhani if he “repented.”

But the court also allegedly sent the ruling back to the pastor’s hometown court. Jordan Sekulow provides more information in his Washington Post op-ed:

Iran’s Supreme Court had previously ruled that the trial court must determine if Youcef had been a Muslim before converting to Christianity.

However, the judges, acting like terrorists with a hostage, demanded that he recant his faith in Christ before even taking evidence. The judges stated that even though the judgment they have made is against the current Iranian and international laws, they have to uphold the previous decision of the 27th Branch of the Supreme Court in Qom.

Watch Sekulow discuss the case on CBN:

Interestingly, Nadarkhani’s lawyer, Mohammed Ali Dadkhah, claimed that, because Nadarkhani was not a practicing Muslim prior to becoming a Christian pastor, he hadn’t technically renounced Islam. The court, of course, didn’t necessarily buy into this rationale.

Under Islamic law, repenting would involve the pastor apologizing and denouncing his conversion to Christianity. To date, this has not happened, as Nadarkhani has stuck to his religious ideals.


Now, his day of reckoning has come, as he is being asked to recant during court hearings this week (purportedly ending today). If he refuses — as he has done thus far — the Christian Post reports that he will be executed by hanging as early as next Wednesday. Christian Solidarity Worldwide, an organization that works to ensure religious freedom, further explains (emphasis mine):

Following investigation, the court in Rasht has ruled that Pastor Nadarkhani was not a practicing Muslim adult before becoming a Christian.  However, the court has decided that he remains guilty of apostasy because he has Muslim ancestry.  Pastor Nadarkhani’s lawyer, Mr Mohammed Ali Dadkhah, has made it clear to the court that the repeated demand for recanting is against both Iranian law and the constitution.  The court replied that the verdict of the Supreme Court must be applied, regardless of the illegality of the demand.

The death sentence for apostasy is not codified in the Iranian Penal Code.  However, using a loophole in Iran’s constitution, the judges in Rasht based their original verdict on fatwas by Ayatollahs Khomeini, the “father” of Iran’s revolution in 1979, Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, and of Makarem Shirazi, currently the most influential religious leader in Iran.

This case will likely be settled in the coming days, as religious freedom advocates desperately attempt to save the life of a man who is guilty of nothing more than adhering to a personal belief system.

Posted on 28 Sep 11 by theBlaze