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FBI official: ISIS is recruiting U.S. teens

Updated 7:40 PM ET, Tue February 3, 2015

Washington (CNN)For the head of the FBI’s counterterrorist division, Michael Steinbach, the unknown worries him the most.

Steinbach is leading the daunting effort to stay on top of the evolving threat landscape, which includes targeting and recruiting teenage Americans. In an exclusive interview with CNN inside the agency’s Strategic Information and Operations Center, he acknowledged it’s extremely difficult to track every American who might travel abroad to join terrorist groups like the Islamic State.

“I’m worried about individuals that we don’t know about that have training,” Steinbach said. “We know what we know. But there is a number that’s greater than that that we don’t know.”

Steinbach says U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies don’t track individuals leaving the United States to vacation in Europe.

“Once you get to Europe, you can easily get down to Turkey and into Syria” Steinbach says.

There’s growing concern about homegrown violent extremism in the aftermath of last month’s terror attacks in Paris. Those strikes underscored the threat posed to the West by small groups of terrorists with western passports who are influenced by the rhetoric espoused by ISIS. Steinbach is concerned that type of attack could happen on U.S. soil.

ISIS images appear to show Jordanian pilot burned alive

When asked if there are ISIS cells in the U.S., Steinbach said “there are individuals that have been in communication with groups like ISIL who have a desire to conduct an attack” and those people are living in the U.S. right now, but he says the term “sleeper cells” is too simplistic, because the threat is much more complicated and diffuse.

In the U.S., the FBI has seen children as young as 15 recruited by ISIS and Steinbach said he “can’t speak with 100% certainty that individuals of that age group have not gotten over there successfully.”

In some cases, Steinbach said parents even encourage their children to be involved with terror groups.

“There are individuals out there who are inspired by the message of terrorist groups and they encourage family members, including their children, to follow that path,” he said, adding in those cases, the FBI holds the parents responsible.

Steinbach said the FBI is working around the clock to combat the recruitment of Americans but U.S. law enforcement can’t do the job alone. It’s up to families to speak up as well, he said.

“In the majority of cases, we know that someone recognizes that change in behavior, that radicalization,” he said. “That family member or friend chooses not to intervene. And by not getting involved, the story ends in a very familiar fashion, and that’s death.”

He also said ISIS is aggressively pursuing women on social media.

“The recruitment of women by ISIS is much more than we’ve ever seen by a terrorist organization,” he said. “We have seen everything from a female fighter — dedicated groups of women fighters — and those who have come over to support foreign fighters by marrying them.”

Colorado teen gets 4 years for wanting to join ISIS

He emphasizes ISIS is pushing out a false narrative of what it’s like in Syria in order to lure them.

Monitoring social media poses its own challenges, he said. The sheer volume of posts calls for strong analytical skills to weed through the data, which he said is a “full time job and a challenge.”

“We’ve seen lots of places, online media, forums, social media, where there have been calls to conducting lone wolf attacks in your home country through a variety of means, not necessarily a sophisticated technique, but use what you have, use the tools you have and conduct an attack,” Steinbach said. “They are using it successfully, I might add, to spot, assess, identify, target folks outside of war zones,” he elaborated.

And, of course, the FBI must also strike a delicate balance of respecting privacy concerns of Americans while trying to protect them.

“We don’t have a desire or a right to step on somebody’s freedom of expression. They have a right to express their opinion,” Steinbach says. “But when that opinion turns into violent rhetoric and then into action, that’s something different.”

Obama: ISIS only ‘interested in death and destruction’

Still, the recent arrest of an Ohio man, Christopher Lee Cornell, has drawn criticism that the government is making terrorists out of people. He raised red flags by posting messages supportive of violent jihad on social media and was eventually arrested for plotting to attack the U.S. Capitol. But there were doubts about how seriously Cornell sought to act on his threats.

To his critics, Steinbach says, “I need folks to understand that whether you’re talking about a foreign terrorist organization directing individuals or just inspiring individuals…we identify individuals with the intent. We don’t manufacture that intent. We don’t put that intent into their mind.”

But do they have the capability and manpower to combat so many individuals with the intent of attacking Americans?

“I don’t know if enough manpower is the right word,” he said. “Look, there are lots of threats out there, criminal threats, counter-intelligence-based threats, cyber threats and terrorism threats. And we have to identify those highest priority threats and focus the resources. There is a finite number of resources and we have to focus those resources on those threats.”

Posted on 3 Feb 15 by CNN

Four Star Admiral: the Muslim Brotherhood Has Penetrated ALL of Our US National Security Agencies Under the Obama Administration [Video]

05 Feb, 2015 by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

I could not agree more. Every one of these Marxists should be removed from office, especially Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett (who is not even in office, but is the consigliere to Obama and is from Iran). We have allowed the enemies from within to gain control of virtually every security and intelligence agency we have. We are lousy with Islamists within our walls, who are conducting a silent coup within our government. Our conquest by Islam is happening right before our very eyes. The Muslim Brotherhood has meetings with the Obama Administration all the time and then they call for a decade of Jihad and the death of Egypt’s al Sisi. All with the blessing of Barack Obama. Everything our president has done screams that he is aiding and abetting the enemy.

From TPNN:

Retired 4-Star U.S. Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, speaking at the National Press Club in January, says that under Obama’s guidance, the Obama Regime has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorism front group, saying that the radical anti-freedom organization has penetrated every U.S. security agency. Admiral Lyons said that “the transformation of America has been in full swing ever since 2008,” the year Obama was elected based upon his campaign promise to “fundamentally transform America.”

Speaking about Obama’s refusal to attend the recent march in France, reportedly attended by more than 50 world leaders to condemn Islamic terrorism following the gruesome murders of cartoonists who had the audacity to lampoon Islam, Admiral Lyons said that act was a “signal to Islamic Jihadis,” and is “one of many signals he sent over the years while in office.”

“There’s no question we got a hell of a job ahead of us,” Admiral Lyons said. “With the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies,” he proclaimed.

Admiral Lyons said that our “lead intelligence agency” is “headed by a Muslim convert,” a reference to Obama CIA head John Brennan.

The new GOP majority in both houses of Congress were elected to “stop the transformation of America, not to see how they could work with the president.”

Admiral Lyons asserted that there is no such thing as radical Islam, but that “Islam is Islam.”

“The threat is Islam. Let’s make no mistake about it. There’s no such thing as radical Islam,” Lyons asserted.

When four-star admirals come forward and tell you that Islamists are running the show in America, you had better listen. This is something that Trevor Loudon and I have been harping on for years. Barack Obama will not stop our enemies, because he is one of them. He has gutted our military and intelligence agencies. He has replaced our leaders with Islamists, communists and sycophants. The treasonous damage he has done will cripple or destroy us if we do not have the spine to face evil and cull the Islamists and their sympathizers from our midst in our halls of power, our military and our intelligence agencies. Islam does not need a Trojan horse…they have Obama.

Posted on 5 Feb 15 by Right Wing News

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Sorry to say this, but with a Word from the Lord that came down that tells us that if America does not come back to God, as a covenant country (only two countries exist that have a covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…Israel and America) we have been given harbingers, and refused to come back to Him, we have been given signs and prophesies in the Old Testament through Israel’s history when they turned their backs on God…they always suffered an economic collapse, then a capture/destruction…America now, is far worse than any country in the past that has been judged by God…and America is not mentioned, through iconology or symbolism, in the end times of Revelation, the “Apocalyptic” book of the Bible. There is a Shemitah that will happen against the US in September, where the dollar…our entire economy…will die, the US dollar will be taken out of the World currency, then shortly afterwards, Barack Hussein Obama will enforce martial law on the US, and will rid the US of American law, and will shuffle in Shari’a (Islamic law)…and the Muslim Brotherhood will have conquered America, just as they have planned, with a Trojan horse as president.

When the Word comes that America needs to come back to Christ, it doesn’t mean just an “Ask the Lord for forgiveness and everything will be ok again”…it means we need to come back to Him…by turning away from our national signs…the sins of homosexuality/transgendering (Sodom and Gomorrah was punished for this and was destroyed), all crime, both violent and non-violent (the laws of God, and the laws of the US originally were basically, an eye for an eye…but we no longer do that, so criminals get away with murder so to speak), abortion (this falls under the worship of the idol/god molocke), following false gods (wanting more wealth, more material things, more clout…being obsessed with hobbies like material items {PC gaming, console gaming, texting, best house, anything that is being obsessed over} is actually following false gods because they have become the god in your life, they are what you want most of), pornography (this is a lust, fornication, adulterous problem…it causes some people to become obsessed over stalking people, raping people, having illicit sex with people they don’t know, having illicit sex without marriage, cheating on spouse if married), pharmacia (Greek word for pharmacy…but overall it entails ALL drugs, good and bad), not to mention uncourteousness, selfishness, laziness, unhelpfulness…the list goes on…America would have to repent, and turn away from all this…the proper medication usage is the only exception…but drug use, improper medicine use, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, following false gods, lack of manners…all must be changed…or America will be destroyed…destroyed as we know it…destroyed from what it is now…

ISIS Vows to Behead Obama Inside the White House (Video)

Posted by sharia unveiled on February 2, 2015

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. There was a picture in the article from Sharia Unveiled, but with my posting my re-bloged articles in facebook, I fear that if I had the picture showing, they would pull the post…so I left the picture out…

Finally, a positive message from ISIS…

by, Lori Lowenthal Marcus | The Jewish Press

ISIS, humiliated by the Peshmerga, threatens to behead Obama, turn the U.S. into a Muslim province, and destroy France and Belgium.

The barbarians from ISIS recently released another bloody video. This one shows several of their members standing beside an executioner-style black hooded man towering over a straight-backed Kurdish captive.

The filming takes place in the middle of a street in Mosul, Iraq. We know the words spoken in the video, thanks to the translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute, MEMRI.org.

In this, as in all the ISIS videos, the terrorists boast about their bloodthirsty deeds committed in the name of Allah, and promise still more bloodshed.

In this video, see below, the executioner promises that ISIS will come to America and cut off President Obama’s head, right in the White House. He also promises that ISIS will turn the United States into a Muslim province.

Video courtesy of: MEMRI and Today’s World News Channel

Then the ISIS executioner threatens France and Belgium, warning them that ISIS will bring car bombs and explosives to their streets. He also threatens to cut off the heads of the French and the Belgians.

But his greatest ire is directed at Masoud Barazani, the president of the Kurds. His voice grows louder still, and he shouts out his threat to Barazani, whom he calls a dog, saying ISIS will behead him and throw him onto the trash bin of history.

It is no surprise that ISIS feels the greatest enmity for the Kurds. The Kurdish fighting force, the Peshmerga, have been fighting the ISIS forces with superhuman dedication and focus for months.

The Kurds finally regained control over Kobane, a previously Kurdish-ruled city, driving out the barbarians from all neighborhoods in the that city. The victory occurred on Monday, Jan. 27, the day after this video was made, but the tide had begun to turn earlier.

Once ISIS was routed from Kobane, Barazani said that it was “a great honor for the Kurdish people that they stood along 1,500 kilometers in the face of the most brutal terrorist organization and defeated it. This victory is the victory of humanity over the savagery of terrorists.”

And then, as if to prove Barazani’s point, the ISIS executioner says: “We will institute the laws of Allah, may he be exalted and praised.” He then turns his focus back to the Kurdish soldier at his feet, upon whose head the executioner kept his hand, throughout the speech.

“This is the fate of one of your soldiers, and every time you launch a missile, we will send you back the head of one of your soldiers.”

At the end of the original video  – this is excised from the version, below – the executioner beheads the Kurdish soldier at his feet.

The Peshmerga forces have already begun their assault on the ISIS stronghold in Mosul.

Posted on 2 Feb 15 by Sharia Unveiled

Obama Cooperates With Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder

Adina Kutnicki

IF one understands how dangerous the Muslim Brotherhood is to western civilization, let alone America, one then realizes what it means to embrace the grandson of its founder, Hassan al-Banna!! Ramadan Exhorts COLONIZING U.S./Canada FBO Islam!

IT is with this mind that the readers should internalize the following commentary. Enough said.

Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


AS always, one can count on the (w)academic community – intellectual “acanemics” –  to propagate the most outrageous falsehoods, all in order to push through their ideological objectives. In fact, historical truth is as valued as soiled toilet paper.

INHERENTLY, anti-American/anti-western profs lend “intellectual” cover to Islamic supremacists/jihadists. Dangerous reprobates.

BUT when you factor in enumerable Islamists educated in the west, the landscape becomes even more ominous. Deadly.

IN this regard, they selectively bare their Islamic fangs before certain audiences, yet, their western educated silvery tongues – honed via their pedigrees – convince many that they are “reformers”. Moreover, some attended (and teach) at the most prestigious universities, garnering them even bigger megaphones and wider prestige. Mind you, to those who are paying attention, it puts paid to the hogwash that Islamists are deprived, uneducated, alienated and otherwise disadvantaged!

John Kerry said it would be a mistake to link Islam to criminal conduct rooted in alienation, poverty, thrill-seeking and other factors.

ENTER, Tariq Ramadan (via this linked video), as slippery as a snake, opining that “Islamophobia” is a root issue to examine, yet feigns “moderation” in this and that. Oh yeah. Orwellian doublespeak.

 Brother Tariq

MOST significantly Tariq Ramadan…hold onto your seats…is the GRANDSON of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder Hassan al-Banna!!

YES, it must be understood how earth shaking this factor is, as he is an heir apparent to the most dangerous (worldwide) Islamic umbrella/front group, bar none. Regardless, Barack HUSSEIN Obama gave him open sesame, as indicated below.


AS expected, Islamists, whatever their stripes, can’t stay away from Muslim Brotherhood and other associated terror groups: Ramadan headlined at ICNA!

ICNA has established a reputation for bringing anti-American radicals to speak at its annual conferences. Moreover, experts have long documented the organization’s ties to Islamic terrorist groups. Yehudit Barsky, a terrorism expert at the American Jewish Committee, has said that ICNA “is composed of members of Jamaat e-Islami, a Pakistani Islamic radical organization similar to the Muslim Brotherhood that helped to establish the Taliban.” (Pakistani newspapers have reported that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a leading architect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was offered refuge in the home of Jamaat e-Islami’s leader, Ahmed Quddoos.) On September 27, 1997, another Pakistani Islamist leader, Maulana Shafayat Mohamed, played host to an ICNA conference at his Florida-based fundamentalist madrassa (religious school), which served as a recruitment center for Taliban fighters.

In 2000, CNSNews.com made public a press release, originally posted on a Middle Eastern website, from a July 2000 ICNA meeting, which read: “Jamaat e-Islami’s supporters have an organization in America known as ICNA …” The press release also recounted some of the views expressed at the aforementioned ICNA meeting. These included an exhortation that “Islam must be translated into political dominance”; pleas for support for “jihad” in “Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq [against U.S. forces], southern Sudan, and … in Bosnia/Kosova [sic]”; an appeal for unity among Pakistani Muslims against “Hindu Brahmins and Zionist Jews”; and an endorsement of Muslim women’s inclusion in carrying out jihad. One Islamic leader present at the ICNA event complained about “human rights violations” being carried out by the U.S. government against the terrorist mastermind Omar Abdel Rahman, spiritual leader of Egypt’sIslamic Group.

In part because of such revelations, ICNA is now under investigation by U.S. authorities for possible connections to terrorist groups. In December 2003, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee requested that the Internal Revenue Service provide detailed information on 25 U.S. Muslim organizations, including ICNA…..

DESPITE the above – or more accurately due to it – Barack HUSSEIN Obama opened America’s gates to Ramadan, a Swiss citizen of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood legacy!

MUSLIM SUPREMACIST TARIQ RAMADAN says, “We are not here to adopt Western values, we are here to colonize the U.S. (and Canada) and spread Islamic sharia law”

Banned from entering the U.S. by George W. Bush, Ramadan was welcomed back by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. He states that “Canada has one of the easiest legal systems to penetrate and advance sharia from within…but if that doesn’t work, we won’t hesitate to use violent jihad.”

IN the main, you gotta thank said Islamic supremacists for slipping up, even though Tariq Ramadan believes that his doublespeak via taqiyya is lost on clueless Americans. In other words, while some are more “in your face” than others, their Islamic designs are one and the same: a global caliphate under Shariah Law!

SO realize that another linked video clip, by leading British Islamist Anjem Choudhary, is a mirror image to Ramadan. Choudhary is the same jihadist who was cited in an intelligence analysis this investigative journalist was part of. It was not for nothing.

INTRINSICALLY, when one is less than 6 degrees separated from “43 Islamists on trial for a Euro-terror plot” (for starters), well, others would do well to hear what he (they) have to say. Indeed, they mean (Shariah law) business.

BOTTOM LINE: it is always, hands down, better to know with whom you are dealing, thus, to internalize where you stand.

IN effect, just like Choudhary lays it on the line, so too does Tariq Ramadan. A host of others alike. Agreed, some choose to come out in full Islamic garb, while others charm with their smooth-style western clothing and affectations, yet, their final messages are still the same:submission to Allah!

IS it any wonder why the Islamist-in-Chief granted him a visa and embraces these same brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia? 

“My bothers and sisters, we must exploit the so-called democracy and freedom of speech here in the West to reach our goals.

Our prophet Muhammad, peace be unto him and the Koran teach us that we must use every conceivable means to defeat the enemies of Allah.

Tell the infidels in public we respect your laws and your constitutions, which we Muslims believe that these are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

The only law we must respect and apply is the Shari’a.”

Tariq Ramadan – www.facebook.com/pages/Quoting-Islam 

CLEAR as a bell!!


Posted on 1 Feb 15 by Joe for America

At least 27 killed in coordinated Egypt attacks; ISIS-affiliate claims responsibility

Coordinated and simultaneous attacks strike more than a dozen army and police targets in three Sinai towns during most deadly series of attacks in months.

By The Associated Press | Jan. 30, 2015 | 8:41 AM
 Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi. Photo by AP

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi. Photo by AP

An Egyptian militant group affiliated with the Islamic State has claimed responsibility for coordinated and simultaneous attacks that struck more than a dozen army and police targets in three towns in the restive Sinai Peninsula, killing at least 26 security officers.

The wide-ranging attacks late Thursday required a previously unseen level of coordination. At least one car bomb was set off outside a military base, while mortars were simultaneously fired at the base, toppling some buildings and leaving soldiers buried under the debris, official said.

An Army spokesman immediately blamed former Islamist President Mohammed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood of orchestrating the attack. Twenty-five Army soldiers and a policeman were among those killed.

Along with the military base that was hit, the other attacks included mortar rounds fired at a hotel, a police club and more than a dozen checkpoints, officials said.

The militants struck the Northern Sinai provincial capital el-Arish, the nearby town of Sheik Zuwayid and the town of Rafah bordering Gaza.

Hours before the attack, the Islamic State affiliate in Egypt posted on its official Twitter account pictures of masked militants dressed in black. They were carrying rocket-propelled grenades in a show of force, while flying the Islamic State black flag.

The militant group later claimed responsibility for the attacks, saying on Twitter that two suicide bombers and three car bombs struck an army base and adjacent security building in el-Arish — the biggest of all attacks.

The posting called it “an extensive simultaneous offensive for the soldiers of the caliphate” and listed at least eight checkpoints that also came under attack in the three locations.

The group, previously known as Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, has launched several attacks against police and the army in Sinai in recent years. It was initially inspired by al-Qaida, but last year, it pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, which controls large parts of Syria and Iraq. In November, it changed its name to Sinai Province, or Waliyat Sinai, reflecting its loyalty and subordination to the Islamic State, which has captured a third of both Syria and Iraq.

At least 60 people were wounded in the Thursday attacks, according to medical officials, who also confirmed the death toll. Officials said the death toll was expected to rise. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

Army Spokesman Ahmed Samir blamed the Muslim Brotherhood group for orchestrating the attacks in a statement posted on his official Facebook page.

In a brief statement, he said that because of the “successful strikes” by army and police against terrorist elements in Sinai, militants attacked a number of army and police headquarters using car bombs and mortars. He said that security forces are exchanging gunfire with the militants.

The explosions smashed windows and shook residential areas in el-Arish. Electricity went off across the city.

Egypt’s army chief-turned-president, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who led the ouster of Morsi, has been depicted as by nationalist media as the rescuer of Egypt from Islamic militancy.

Sissi led a wide crackdown on the Brotherhood, who staged near daily demonstrations demanding Morsi’s reinstatement, imprisoning thousands and killing hundreds in street protests.

In apparent retaliation, militants launched a spate of attacks that ranged from homemade explosive devices to suicide attacks.

The areas where the attacks took place have been under a state of emergency and a curfew since October, when militants killed 31 soldiers in an attack on a checkpoint in Sinai, the deadliest for the military in recent history.

The Islamic State affiliate claimed responsibility for that attack in a video posting that showed militants spraying soldiers with bullets and vowing more attacks.

In an attempt to stop weapons smuggling to and from the Gaza Strip, authorities demolished houses and residential buildings located within 500 meters of the border, where a complex network of tunnels had long been used to bring consumer goods, as well as weapons and fighters, to and from the Palestinian territory.

Sinai-based militants have exploited long-held grievances in the impoverished north of the peninsula, where the mainly Bedouin population has complained of neglect by Cairo authorities and where few have benefited from the famed tourist resorts in the more peaceful southern part of Sinai.

The police in northern Sinai largely fled during the 2011 uprising that toppled longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak, as militants attacked their stations and killed scores of security forces.

Thursday’s attacks are expected to cause a great deal of embarrassment to the government and military after nearly a yearlong offensive in Sinai aimed at uprooting Islamic militants.

Posted on 30 Jan 15 by Haaretz

BREAKING: US Pacific Fleet Commander Drops Bombshell About Obama and Muslim Brotherhood

Sunday, January 25th, 2015

It’s pretty bad when a former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet feels compelled to write a telling piece as to why his former boss, President Obama, is on the verge of single-handedly handing over the fate of American citizens to radical Islamists.

Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, a 36-year Navy officer, wrote the column for Breitbart, which is beyond shocking and infuriating. Coming from a man who often reported directly to the White House and was responsible for a long list of victories, both diplomatic and physical, Lyons is about as credible as a source could ever hope to be.

The big news over the past few weeks was Obama’s no-show for the massive march in solidarity that took place in Paris with forty other world leaders in attendance. Obama’s absence was nothing short of a message, albeit subtle, to the Islamic nation that as long as he’s king, they’re free to advance their radical agenda.

Lyons brought to light a shocking number of instances over the course of Obama’s time in office when he has given a virtual green light to radical Islamists and has completely reversed America’s stance in the Middle East, at least during the current administration. (H/T Breitbart)

One instance he wrote about was when Obama showed his support for the Islamic uprisings that were eventually known as the “Arab Spring.” He pointed to a frightening statement Obama made during a 2012 UN Assembly where he declared, “that the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”

The Arab Spring was not a movement of freedom and democracy, rather, it was an obvious awakening for radical Islamists across the Middle East and the start of a revolution against the West.

Another glaring issue that still plagues U.S. military leaders today is the fact that we essentially changed teams in the Global War on Terror. Instead of aligning with important allies in the region, we began backing militias who are aligned with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood, a group which Obama is quite familiar with and even friendly toward, have already began the process of accomplishing their goal to bring the U.S. to its knees and infiltrate all levels of U.S. government.

Because Obama has embraced this radical group, who operate under the guise of the front group CAIR in the U.S., they’ve managed to take top positions of leadership and influence throughout the U.S. intelligence community – even going as far as directing the removal of negative references to Islam in every training manual used by government agents and law enforcement.

The psychological operation they’re running against the U.S. is powerful and effective, to say the least.

It doesn’t appear that much will change as long as Obama is president and the GOP is still controlled by Obama’s Republican puppet, Rep. John Boehner. So until then, we can hope for good men such as Rep. Trey Gowdy, Allen West and a handful of other no-nonsense leaders to keep America from completely succumbing to the growing shadow of radical Islam.

We salute Admiral Lyons for his willingness to expose his former boss for American citizens to see.

Posted on 25 Jan 15 by Conservative Tribune

Reported ISIS Member Says They Will Destroy The Kaaba In Mecca, ‘Kill Those Who Worship Stones’ [UPDATE]

 |  By Yasmine Hafiz
Posted: 07/01/2014 10:43 am EDT | Updated: 07/01/2014 9:59 pm EDT


Muslim pilgrims circle counterclockwise with their hearts tilted toward the Kaaba, the cube-shaped structure that Muslims around the world face in prayer five times a day, in the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013. | ASSOCIATED PRESS

Muslim pilgrims circle counterclockwise with their hearts tilted toward the Kaaba, the cube-shaped structure that Muslims around the world face in prayer five times a day, in the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013. | ASSOCIATED PRESS

The Twitter account https://twitter.com/nm8smyh, which sent the original message, has been suspended. The authenticity of the account as belonging to an ISIS member has not been verified.

A reported member of the militant group Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), which recently dubbed itself simply as The Islamic State, has declared that they will destroy the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, which is Islam’s most holy site.

APA quoted alleged ISIS member Abu Turab Al Mugaddasi based on reports from Turkish media, who said on Twitter:

If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba. People go to Mecca to touch the stones, not for Allah.

ISIS reportedly is planning to take over the city of Arar in Saudi Arabia, which is very close to the Iraq border. It is a fifteen-hour drive away from Mecca, the site of the Hajj pilgrimage which all observant Muslims are expected to do at least once.

If indeed the statement is from an ISIS member, it’s a shocking one even for them, considering that ISIS has been attempting to increase recruitment from Muslims worldwide by declaring the restoration of an Islamic Caliphate.

According to John L. Esposito, Professor of Religion and International Affairs and of Islamic Studies at Georgetown University, “In terms of legitimacy- unless you’re someone who’s ready to join a terrorist group at this point, for the vast majority of Muslims there is no legitimacy with this group.” This most recent threat reinforces Esposito’s point, particularly as it comes during the holy month of Ramadan.

This piece has been updated to reflect the lack of authentication behind the reported tweet.

Posted on 1 Jul 14 by Huffington Post

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. This could be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy…with Mystery Babylon being destroyed…you see, Saint Malachy, the Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland, that gave the Pope Prophesies in 1139. In the ending of his prophesies (that are 100% fulfilled so far) he foresaw that “The city of the seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people.” Many people think that the end time Mystery Babylon that falls (Rev. 18:1-3) is Rome, because Rome has been pushed off on everyone that it is the only “holy city” on seven hills…however…if you look at Islam, they have two holy cities that are on seven hills…Istanbul, Turkey, and Mecca Saudi Arabia…and according to the Revelation 17:3-11, Mecca could very well be the Mystery Babylon…and ISIS could be the ones looking at, in a round about way, fulfilling the prophecy of Mystery Babylon being destroyed, without realizing they are fulfilling it…]

Al-Qaida threatens to use ‘undetectable’ bombs against U.S.

By J.J. Green

WASHINGTON – Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is warning Americans that they’ve been working long and hard on a new tool to attack the U.S.

In the latest issue of the terror group’s Inspire electronic magazine, an individual called the AQ Chef was quoted as saying they developed a bomb in 2009, but “the brothers in the external operation committee did not give us the green light until recently.”

Hinting at al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula’s dedication to building undetectable bombs, he said in the winter 2014 edition of Inspire, released in late December, “they have developed other bombs that are more effective.”

AQ Chef indicates that lessons learned from failures in past assassination attempts and plots to attack U.S. airplanes and buildings have fed the development of a new generation of what it calls “undetectable” bombs.

In “The Hidden Bomb,” a 20-page section of the magazine, the writer goes into painstaking detail about how to build and test such a bomb: “For several months, we conducted a number of experiments. As a result we came up with these simple materials that are readily available around the globe, even inside America. We spared no effort in simplifying the idea in such we made it ‘another meal prepared in the kitchen’ so that every determined Muslim can prepare.”

The magazine’s editor, Yahya Ibrahim, in a different section of the magazine, also claimed the organization’s bomb-makers have been working on a recipe that is “something unique that can easily be prepared at home.”

Reflecting the group’s urgent desire to disseminate the recipe, Ibrahim apologized to their supporters for taking nine months to produce the 13th edition — indicating that the work on the new bomb was the hold-up.

Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, also known as AQAP, is viewed by security experts the world over as the per-eminent architects of technologically advanced IEDs. The group boasts in the magazine about the nearly successful plot to bring down Northwest Airlines Flight 253 en route from Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day 2009. Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to ignite a bomb concealed in his underwear, but the device failed. The group’s master bomb-maker, Ibrahim Al-Asiri, designed that explosive and another, a rectal bomb designed to kill Saudi Interior Minister Muhammad bin Naif, earlier in 2009. Naif survived, but the man carrying the bomb, Asiri’s own brother, was killed. Both men used bombs similar in design.

Former TSA Administrator John Pistole, who left his position to return to private life on Dec. 31, told WTOP late last month, “What gives us greatest concern are the non-metallic improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that that can go through a metal detector.”

That is precisely what AQAP bragged about in the latest edition of Inspire. The group claims to have defeated U.S. layered defenses designed to detect concealed explosives.

In addition to a detailed explanation of some detection techniques, AQAP offers the readers suggested methods for defeating these defenses, saying, “any security system, be it human or mechanical, has weak points through which it can be breached as long as you know its details and mechanism.”

Pistole explained that terrorists have spent years developing bombs that can slip through metal detectors, such as “substituting liquid explosives in sports drinks. They drilled out the bottom of the bottle, so the bottle was still intact, drained out the sports drink and then filled it with liquid explosives.”

AQAP is betting a wave of lone jihadist attacks taking place worldwide will be sustained. So the organization is promoting a new strategy for attacking the West — developing individual extremists who act alone.

Ibrahim said, “The new reality has flipped the coin of war. It has shifted America from an offensive position into a defensive one. We no longer hear them speaking of the successes or failures of the battle for the hearts and minds. …

“Instead”, he said, “we find them acknowledging their incapability of preventing lone Jihad attacks on their soil.”

But U.S. systems and officials have not remained stagnant during AQAP’s evolution.

New detection methods to target non-metallic explosives are in place, and new tactics are being used to disconnect AQAP and other terrorist groups from potential recruits.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has been traveling to strategic areas of the country to deliver what he calls an alternate narrative to counter the message of violent extremism.

“I want our reach to go as far as possible,” Johnson says. “If I go to eight major cities, it is possible to reach a large segment of the community that I’m trying to reach, but the alternate message is important.”

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Posted on 5 Jan 15 by Washington’s Top News

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. I have looked for a copy of the Inspire magazine, but a I cannot seem to find one to verify what Yahya Ibrahim, through the magazine, claims. Been trying to find one to bring to the FBI authorities for an investigation against the Muslim Brotherhood, whom Al-Qaeda is associated with, including their charter stating they are part of the brotherhood. This would help the intelligence, as well as the legislators to be able to mark the MB nd ALL of it’s front groups as terrorists, as well as ban them from the US…including ALL congressmen/senators/White House cabinet members that are associated with the terrorist groups (i.e. Barack Hussein Obama, just name one)]

CAIR collects millions from foreign donors thanks to non-profit shell game


[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. I know this is old info that shows how illegal the Muslim Brotherhood’s front groups operate, trying to get more money to fund their global jihad, and they get away with it, but there is a small paragraph that I did this article on…it entails the acronym of WTF…funny how that looks, seeings as most people know that when you see WTF, in it’s written form, means “WHAT THE F**K!” But In June 2013 the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) changed their name to Washington Trust Foundation (WTF)…WTF, CAIR was found guilty of financing it’s violent terrorist group (both listed under the same terrorist “godfather” creating organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, that has made an effort to literally take over the world by creating active terrorist groups, had pirates, performed assassinations, started revolutions by creating rebels or “freedom fighters” (Libyan Freedom Fighters, Syrian Freedom Fighters) and created, with the help of one of their world leader brothers-in-arms, Barack Hussein Islama, an Islamic army, ISIS.

So, how does the MB pay for all of it’s costly violent and non violent but chaotic jihadist attacks in every Western Country in the world today, you might ask…my response is partially…WTF…they were found guilty, as CAIR, as a terrorist financier, they have been bringing American businesses and people to court because they are working with Barack Hussein Islama to make America Islamic, and want to sue people to try and show their demented “religion” is far more powerful then mere non-submitters (kuffars/infidels) by causing much chaos throughout the lands…it’s all a part of their great (and mentally unstable, Pope Boniface IV puppet and demon possessed) founder Muhammed, that commanded them to spread terror and chaos across the land to make people want to submit themselves to greedy, selfish, cruel, dictators, all for the glory of satan, I mean the idol/false god Ba’al, sorry meant the chief Arabic god at the Kaaba, prior to Muhammed, Hubal, sorry, messed up again, I meant it was all a part of the commandments given to Muhammed through their “god of skeeming/deception”…allah…did you know, historically, allah was less of a god, and less revered in the Kaaba, to Hubal, prior to Muhammed’s demon possession. And did you know that Hubal had the crescent moon and a star as part of his idol? And did you know that Hubal, in Aramaic (the shared Semetic, pre current Arabic, pre current Hebrew language) Hubal breaks down to this…HU = THE…BAL = BA’AL…anyway that was just an FYI…

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) conceals donations from overseas through a series of shell organizations, according to documents from court actions involving the Muslim advocacy group.

Since its founding in 1994, CAIR has presented itself to American Muslims and the media as a single organization centered on American concerns. But it shows a different face to the IRS, with multiple corporate entities that conceal the large financial donations that come to CAIR from Middle East sources.

As a registered lobbying group, CAIR is required to report to the IRS contributions over $5,000. Its shifting 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) branches, however, make it possible to collect millions of dollars from oil-rich Muslim nations without disclosure. Documents show CAIR has received millions of dollars in overseas contributions and tens of millions in pledges from overseas.

CAIR’s convoluted structure and funding machinations are dizzying. Today, the original Council on American Islamic Relations doesn’t exist at all. In June 2013, CAIR changed its name to the nondescriptly named Washington Trust Foundation, Inc. (WTF).

“Plentiful legal evidence, acquired in the course of a lawsuit—plus CAIR’s own official filing documents to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) and IRS—make clear that CAIR has engaged in a thinly-disguised money laundering operation,” David Reaboi, vice president for strategic communications at the Center for Security Policy, told The Daily Caller.

“In addition to violating its 501(c)(3) regulations, CAIR’s undisclosed and hidden foreign donations amount to violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act as well,” Reaboi continued.

CAIR formed in 1994 by filing with the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) and soon after obtained 501(c)(4) status from the IRS as a non-profit lobbying organization.

The year before, the organization’s two founders — current Executive Director Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad — were captured on FBI wiretaps of high-level Hamas leaders, discussing the need for a public relations effort supporting that group. On the recorded meetings and phone calls, the terrorist group was referred to, in code, as “Samah,” as the participants made covert efforts to fund and promote its activities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to the tune of millions of dollars.

At the time, both CAIR founders Awad and Ahmad served in leadership positions in a key piece of the Muslim Brotherhood’s network in the United States, the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), which was founded by Hamas political director Mousa Abu Marzook before he was deported from the United States.

In 2008 both the IAP and CAIR founder Ahmad were designated unindicted co-conspirators in the largest terrorism funding trial in American history, US vs. Holy Land Foundation.

CAIR and other Islamic groups sought unsuccessfully to petition the government to clear its name. In 2009, U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis rejected their appeal and maintained their status as unindicted co-conspirators, noting, “the government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR…with NAIT [North American Islamic Trust], the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas.”

Despite the group’s ties to Hamas and its court-documented origins as part the Muslim Brotherhood’s network in America, CAIR officials — including Awad, its communications director Ibrahim Hooper, and others — have appeared in media, been praised by politicians and continued to claim to represent the American Muslim community.

This last claim may ring hollow, though, as CAIR’s fundraising practices are constructed in a way that makes it impossible to trace large donations from overseas, including from foreign governments.

While behaving and referring to itself as a single organization, CAIR has taken advantage of the lack of donor reporting requirements for its de-listed 501(c)(4) non-profit to collect funds from large donors who remain anonymous, then depositing the funds into its 501(c)(3) entity. This practice is referred to in the federal criminal statutes as “laundering” of funds.

When foreign funds are laundered into a US political non-profit this way, it runs afoul of the Foreign Agent Registration Act, a 1938 statute requiring “persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal.” Similarly, it is illegal under US law to shift funds from overseas in order not to report to the IRS.

More than a decade after CAIR obtained a 501(c)(4) certification from the IRS, it created CAIR-Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization to offer tax deductions to its American donors in 2005. CAIR-Foundation obtained 501(c)(3) status from the IRS in 2007.

The original 501(c)(4) CAIR then formally changed its name to CAIR-Action Network, Inc. The group never made this name change public, and its representatives have never referred to it as such.

CAIR-F 2007 Articles of Incorp (Ex. 10 to Ex. A_OCR)


Although CAIR-Foundation had obtained its 501(c)(3) status in 2007, it never filed required IRS 990 forms through 2008-2010, and was subsequently de-listed in 2011.

When attempting to get reinstated as a non-profit with the IRS, CAIR admitted the close relationship between the two groups:

CAIR-F 2013 IRS Reinstatement (Ex. 10 to Ex. A_OCR)


“CAIR Action Network and CAIR Foundation have overlapping boards,” the 2013 reinstatement document reads. “CAIR Action Network donates office space to CAIR Foundation at no cost to CAIR Foundation. The Council on American-Islamic Relations Action Network, Inc. (‘CAIR Action Network’), with which CAIR Foundation is closely connected, owns various trademarks related to the name CAIR and Council on American-Islamic Relations. The Organization has a license to use those trademarks from CAIR Action Network. The Organization does not pay any fee or royalty to CAIR Action Network for these licenses.”

The original 1994 CAIR (now CAIR-Action Network) maintained only one website, which listed itself as a 501(c)(3) at the bottom of page. It made no distinction between its lobbying and non-profit arms. In this way, it was able to solicit funds both transparently and non-transparently.

Under IRS regulations, an organization may have 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) related entities, but it must maintain a wall between the two. This is accomplished by establishing separate bank accounts, board of directors, bookkeeping, and payroll. CAIR, though, had none of these.

International donors, like the government of Qatar, have made donations to “CAIR.” CAIR deposits such donations into whatever bank account it chooses: its own non-reporting lobbying account or CAIR Foundation’s 501(c)(3) charitable tax deductible bank account. CAIR can then move the money to CAIR Foundation with no reporting requirements.

“According to both the letter and spirit of the law, this is illegal as CAIR is avoiding disclosure of foreign sources of funding to a 501(c)3 (CAIR-F),” Reaboi explained to TheDC.

The nature of the non-profit scheme is so convoluted even CAIR’s leadership is confused. Under oath in a lawsuit deposition, Awad, the organization’s executive director, described CAIR’s two organizations as one and the same, was unable to make a distinction between the two and even misrepresented his own role in the group. Awad states that he’s “not privy to the exact distinction between the various organizations.”

Q. Now, we talked a little bit earlier about CAIR Action Network and CAIR Foundation, correct?
Awad: Yes.
Q. And you had some idea about the distinction between those two entities. Would you tell me what you understand to be the difference between those two entities?
Awad: No, I cannot tell you exactly.
Q. Do you serve in any official capacity for CAIR Action Network?
Awad: I think I’m a board member.
Q. A board member. Are you executive director or an officer of that company?
Awad: I’m executive director of CAIR Foundation.
Q. So you serve as the executive director of CAIR Inc. and of CAIR Foundation?
Awad: CAIR Foundation.
Q. Did you not testify earlier that you serve as the executive director of CAIR Inc.?
Awad: No, I said CAIR Foundation.
Q. Okay. So again, looking—
Awad: I told you that—are you done?
Q. Please.
Awad: The names have changed over the years. And I’m not privy to the exact distinction between the various organizations. I serve in my capacity as executive director of CAIR Foundation. And I have a good understanding of what this organization is.
Q. I didn’t hear the last part.
Awad: I have a good idea of that organization, what that represents, and my capacity in that organization.
Q. I direct your attention again to the first page of CSP Depo Exhibit 5. And we are talking about the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Inc. Form 1120 2010 filing. Do you see that?
Awad: This one?
Q. Yes.
Awad: Yes.
Q. And I asked you if you were the executive director of this organization. And your answer was yes. Is your answer now that you are not the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Inc.?
Awad: Okay. I think you’re confusing me.

Ex. 2 to Ex. A


CAIR’s claim to represent American Muslims is contradicted by its falling membership and donations. While the group claimed “some 50,000 members” in 2007, the Washington Times showed that CAIR’s membership plummeted from a 2000 high of 29,000 to only 1,700 in 2006. Based on its IRS 990s from 2004 to 2006, CAIR’s reported membership revenue from American Muslims plunged from $119,029 in 2004 to $41,383 in 2006. This accounts for only 1 percent of the group’s funding from that year.

Even as its grassroots base continued to erode, CAIR’s revenue was increasing. The website CAIRObservatory chronicles its significant contributions from foreign donors, embassies and governments.

For years, CAIR has made conflicting statements about its overseas sources of funding. In a press release issued after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it asserted: “We do not support directly or indirectly or receive support from any overseas group or government.”

By January 2009, however, CAIR claimed, “there is nothing criminal or immoral about accepting donations from foreign nationals… The U.S. government, corporations and non-profit organizations routinely receive money from foreign nationals.”

CAIR Inc Last _confidential_ Filing 2007


According to an attachment to the foundation’s Form 1023, the government of Qatar has given $405,000 over a 5 year period. This figure doesn’t include the foreign money that could come in through the lobbying arm, CAIR-AN, which has given $1,080,000 during that same period. These donors include:

Embassy of the UAE – $219,563
Kingdom Holding Company, Saudi Arabia – $199,980
National Bank of Fujairah, UAE – $100,000
Red Crescent, Abu Dhabi, UAE – $99,985
Bin Hammodah Properties, Abu Dhabi UAE – $44,985

Although the group has sometimes drawn congressional scrutiny, successive presidential administrations have stopped short of moving against CAIR.

In June of 2011, Rep. Frank Wolf, a Virginia Republican, asked the IRS to investigate whether CAIR has received or solicited funds from foreign governments.

Wolf was especially concerned about CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad’s letter to Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, which solicited money and praised the dictator. Wolf also asked the IRS if it is aware that Awad tried to solicit funds from Sudanese President Omar Hassan Bashir, who has been indicted internationally as a war criminal.

The IRS did not do an investigation.

According to the documents, CAIR received at least $2,792,203 in contributions, income and money from foreign principals in the form of 11 distinct transactions, including a $2,106,251 mortgage loan from a foreign principal for CAIR’s Washington, D.C. headquarters and at least $54,500,000 in pledges from foreign principals.

CAIR has met and coordinated with foreign principals on at least 35 occasions and engaged in more than 100 political influence operations on behalf of foreign principals in the United States.

CAIR did not respond to requests for comment.

Posted on 21 Sep 13 by Daily Caller

Muslims Fight To Ban Christianity From The Military

September 8, 2014

You learn a lot of things in the United States military. Including not to eat or drink in front of Muslims, and to learn more about their religion. At least, that’s according to recent reports from Fox News.

Apparently, that directive was released to active duty military personnel at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, which is a Department of Defense medical and graduate school in Maryland. The instructions were released just before the start of Ramadan.

“This is a period of great personal restraint and commitment in addition to renewed focus on worship,” Brigade Commander Col. Kevin Glasz wrote. “I’d like to encourage you to learn just a little more about this religion, but more importantly, I’m asking you to be considerate and do not consume food or drink in front of our Muslim colleagues; it is a simple, yet respectful action.”

In his email, the brigade commander provided a link to a website about Islam.

The announcement received some backlash from some of the officers and doctors who were in training.

“I respect the intention behind this email, but note that there is no similar call honoring other faiths,” one Marine told a Fox News reporter. “There is no similar invitation for non-Jewish colleagues to refrain from eating leavened products during Passover, or non-Christian colleagues to refrain from eating meat during Lent.”

The Marine continued on to conclude, “Our veterans have sacrificed too much blood, sweat and tears to have their own rights and freedoms be sacrificed on the altar of progressive political correctness.”

“Our troops are being told to respect the Muslim Ramadan and encouraged to say ‘Ramadan Kareem,’ while at the same time they cannot have a cross on chapels, display a manger scene or say ‘Merry Christmas’ for fear of offending,” another officer said. “There is something wrong with this picture.”

While we are not against religious tolerance, if the institution is attempting to make a statement, shouldn’t it be supporting all religions equally?

Posted on 8 Sept 14 by American News

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. I have blogged a little about this in September, but in the same token, it shows that the military is submitting to Islam through the forced, assistance from the President/Caliph of the United States…the Puppet in Chief of the Muslim Brotherhood, who is, contrary to what most Americans think, knows exactly what he is doing, and he is following his handler’s commands by using their documented threat of being a Trojan horse (number four on page 21 to see the threat) in the Federal Government to destroy it by using non violent GRAND JIHAD. People need to approach their legislators and insist on them revising the U.S. Codes.

The US Codes that need to be revised are:

A) Internal Security Act of 1950 U.S. Code, Title 50, Chapter 23, Subchapter IV, Sec. 843.

B) U.S. Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part II, § 1182, – Inadmissible Aliens – section (B) terrorist activities –

C) Communist Control Act of 1954 – U.S. Code, Title 50, Chapter 23, Subchapter IV, § 841-844

D) U.S. Code, Title 22, Chapter 11, Subchapter II, § 611

E) U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 115, § 2385 – (The Smith Act of 1940)

These US Codes, or public laws, need to be brought to your law makers attention…to either be adhered to or, in the case of 50 USC 841-844, be re-written to not only include Communism, but also include ANY FOREIGN IDEOLOGY THAT INTENDS ON TAKING OVER THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.]