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Obama Cooperates With Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder

Adina Kutnicki

IF one understands how dangerous the Muslim Brotherhood is to western civilization, let alone America, one then realizes what it means to embrace the grandson of its founder, Hassan al-Banna!! Ramadan Exhorts COLONIZING U.S./Canada FBO Islam!

IT is with this mind that the readers should internalize the following commentary. Enough said.

Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


AS always, one can count on the (w)academic community – intellectual “acanemics” –  to propagate the most outrageous falsehoods, all in order to push through their ideological objectives. In fact, historical truth is as valued as soiled toilet paper.

INHERENTLY, anti-American/anti-western profs lend “intellectual” cover to Islamic supremacists/jihadists. Dangerous reprobates.

BUT when you factor in enumerable Islamists educated in the west, the landscape becomes even more ominous. Deadly.

IN this regard, they selectively bare their Islamic fangs before certain audiences, yet, their western educated silvery tongues – honed via their pedigrees – convince many that they are “reformers”. Moreover, some attended (and teach) at the most prestigious universities, garnering them even bigger megaphones and wider prestige. Mind you, to those who are paying attention, it puts paid to the hogwash that Islamists are deprived, uneducated, alienated and otherwise disadvantaged!

John Kerry said it would be a mistake to link Islam to criminal conduct rooted in alienation, poverty, thrill-seeking and other factors.

ENTER, Tariq Ramadan (via this linked video), as slippery as a snake, opining that “Islamophobia” is a root issue to examine, yet feigns “moderation” in this and that. Oh yeah. Orwellian doublespeak.

 Brother Tariq

MOST significantly Tariq Ramadan…hold onto your seats…is the GRANDSON of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder Hassan al-Banna!!

YES, it must be understood how earth shaking this factor is, as he is an heir apparent to the most dangerous (worldwide) Islamic umbrella/front group, bar none. Regardless, Barack HUSSEIN Obama gave him open sesame, as indicated below.


AS expected, Islamists, whatever their stripes, can’t stay away from Muslim Brotherhood and other associated terror groups: Ramadan headlined at ICNA!

ICNA has established a reputation for bringing anti-American radicals to speak at its annual conferences. Moreover, experts have long documented the organization’s ties to Islamic terrorist groups. Yehudit Barsky, a terrorism expert at the American Jewish Committee, has said that ICNA “is composed of members of Jamaat e-Islami, a Pakistani Islamic radical organization similar to the Muslim Brotherhood that helped to establish the Taliban.” (Pakistani newspapers have reported that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a leading architect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was offered refuge in the home of Jamaat e-Islami’s leader, Ahmed Quddoos.) On September 27, 1997, another Pakistani Islamist leader, Maulana Shafayat Mohamed, played host to an ICNA conference at his Florida-based fundamentalist madrassa (religious school), which served as a recruitment center for Taliban fighters.

In 2000, CNSNews.com made public a press release, originally posted on a Middle Eastern website, from a July 2000 ICNA meeting, which read: “Jamaat e-Islami’s supporters have an organization in America known as ICNA …” The press release also recounted some of the views expressed at the aforementioned ICNA meeting. These included an exhortation that “Islam must be translated into political dominance”; pleas for support for “jihad” in “Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq [against U.S. forces], southern Sudan, and … in Bosnia/Kosova [sic]”; an appeal for unity among Pakistani Muslims against “Hindu Brahmins and Zionist Jews”; and an endorsement of Muslim women’s inclusion in carrying out jihad. One Islamic leader present at the ICNA event complained about “human rights violations” being carried out by the U.S. government against the terrorist mastermind Omar Abdel Rahman, spiritual leader of Egypt’sIslamic Group.

In part because of such revelations, ICNA is now under investigation by U.S. authorities for possible connections to terrorist groups. In December 2003, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee requested that the Internal Revenue Service provide detailed information on 25 U.S. Muslim organizations, including ICNA…..

DESPITE the above – or more accurately due to it – Barack HUSSEIN Obama opened America’s gates to Ramadan, a Swiss citizen of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood legacy!

MUSLIM SUPREMACIST TARIQ RAMADAN says, “We are not here to adopt Western values, we are here to colonize the U.S. (and Canada) and spread Islamic sharia law”

Banned from entering the U.S. by George W. Bush, Ramadan was welcomed back by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. He states that “Canada has one of the easiest legal systems to penetrate and advance sharia from within…but if that doesn’t work, we won’t hesitate to use violent jihad.”

IN the main, you gotta thank said Islamic supremacists for slipping up, even though Tariq Ramadan believes that his doublespeak via taqiyya is lost on clueless Americans. In other words, while some are more “in your face” than others, their Islamic designs are one and the same: a global caliphate under Shariah Law!

SO realize that another linked video clip, by leading British Islamist Anjem Choudhary, is a mirror image to Ramadan. Choudhary is the same jihadist who was cited in an intelligence analysis this investigative journalist was part of. It was not for nothing.

INTRINSICALLY, when one is less than 6 degrees separated from “43 Islamists on trial for a Euro-terror plot” (for starters), well, others would do well to hear what he (they) have to say. Indeed, they mean (Shariah law) business.

BOTTOM LINE: it is always, hands down, better to know with whom you are dealing, thus, to internalize where you stand.

IN effect, just like Choudhary lays it on the line, so too does Tariq Ramadan. A host of others alike. Agreed, some choose to come out in full Islamic garb, while others charm with their smooth-style western clothing and affectations, yet, their final messages are still the same:submission to Allah!

IS it any wonder why the Islamist-in-Chief granted him a visa and embraces these same brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia? 

“My bothers and sisters, we must exploit the so-called democracy and freedom of speech here in the West to reach our goals.

Our prophet Muhammad, peace be unto him and the Koran teach us that we must use every conceivable means to defeat the enemies of Allah.

Tell the infidels in public we respect your laws and your constitutions, which we Muslims believe that these are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

The only law we must respect and apply is the Shari’a.”

Tariq Ramadan – www.facebook.com/pages/Quoting-Islam 

CLEAR as a bell!!


Posted on 1 Feb 15 by Joe for America

ALERT: Muslim Brotherhood Launches a US Political Party

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

There is a growing Islamic movement in America, and its endgame is to make the United States look more like Saudi Arabia and less like the land of the free and the home of the brave we know today.

We’re seeing some states like North Carolina and Florida resist the attempt to incorporate Islamic “sharia” law into our legal system by banning the use of foreign legal codes in state courts. This is important because many forms of sharia condone honor killings, polygamy, and the suppression of women. (And bestiality and pedophilia, forced marriages, killing of Christians, killing of gays, killing of fornicators and adulterers, whipping of tattoos and drinking…also FGM, drinking camel urine for medical purposes, women become second class citizens property, mandatory prayer 5 times a day at a mosque or authorized place of prayer, mandatory hatred and lesser (violent) jihad against EVERYONE THAT IS NOT MUSLIM, just to name a few more Islamic things Shari’a will bring to the  American citizens) (Emphasis is from retired don)

If you don’t believe that this movement to institutionalize sharia is growing, think again.  The Muslim Brotherhood, which was recently labeled by the Egyptian government as a terrorist organization, just formed its own political party right here in America.

Via Investors.com:

With an eye toward the 2016 election, the radical Muslim Brotherhood has built the framework for a political party in America that seeks to turn Muslims into an Islamist voting bloc.
‘Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016,” said Nihad Awad in launching the benign-sounding U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, whose membership reads like a Who’s Who of Brotherhood front groups.

“We are aiming to bring more participation from the Muslim community.”

USCMO also aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of “institutionalizing policies” favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law.

Documents have been found that show that the Brotherhood is using various front groups, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) (that also has been listed as a terrorist organization by Qatar and the UAEs) to push its agenda: (Emphasis is from retired don)

The subversive plan was spelled out in hundreds of pages of founding archives that the FBI confiscated from a Brotherhood leader’s home in the Washington suburbs after 9/11.

Translated from Arabic, the secret documents listed a number of Brotherhood front organizations — some of which just happen to make up the newly formed USCMO.

Front and center is the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, the catalyst behind this Trojan horse jihadist political party.

CAIR is linked in federal criminal court documents to the terrorist group Hamas, the Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch. CAIR’s chief Awad, who announced the USCMO at the National Press Club, is so radioactive, the FBI refuses to do outreach with him and his so-called Muslim-rights group until it can “resolve whether there continues to be a connection between its executives and Hamas.”

The group’s connections to Hamas don’t end there:

The list of bad actors doesn’t end there. The chairman of America’s new Islamist party is none other than Oussama Jammal, who once headed the notorious Bridgeview Mosque in Chicago.

One of that mosque’s leaders was arrested and jailed for funneling millions to Hamas. And one of its most honored guests was bin Laden’s spiritual mentor, the late Palestinian cleric Abdullah Azzam. Some of Azzam’s relatives are Bridgeview members.

“The walls were covered with Hamas posters and recruiting literature showing masked gunmen brandishing automatic weapons. . . . You could see daggers plunged into Jewish hearts wrapped up in American flags,” said Steve Emerson, describing the mosque in his book “American Jihad.” “They even had a library filled with terrorist videos.”

Wow. This is frightening. While we don’t support the censorship of political speech from anyone, no organization should be able to get away with being connected to terrorists and terrorist activity. In the interest of national security, the FBI can and should investigate this group to see if it is funneling money to Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

Much like the American Communist Party did for the Soviet Union during the Cold War, this group is obviously acting as a front to engage in subversive activities on the behalf of a foreign entity. We should take this very seriously.

Posted on 23 Apr 14 by Conservative Tribune

American lazyness and tolerance turns into stupidity, bondage and Dhimmitude

west ME scam

This is from the Muslim god of deception…and the American god of stupidity

H/T Stuart Klearman from Facebook for the picture

American Al Qaeda members…

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. These individuals are trying to win your hearts, but primarily your minds so you will become, not a socialist country, but a Muslim country, so King Barack Hussein Obama can try to be the Islamic savior, the mahdi…

america al qaeda members

They fund terrorist groups, they allow terrorists in the White House, they allow terrorists to train our law-enforcement and intelligence agencies, they have made America lose it’s super power title, they have deceived citizens into thinking they will change America to a socialistic country…all for the “cause of allah (the god of deception)

Obama Orders State Department and DHS to Allow Muslim Terrorists to Immigrate to US Ahead of Persecuted Christians

Posted by sharia unveiled on February 25, 2014


by, Investor’s Business Daily

Immigration: As President Obama offers asylum to “minor” terrorists providing “limited” material support to terrorism, he’s slamming shut the door on thousands of Christians fleeing terrorism in Muslim lands like Egypt.

In another end-run around Congress, President Obama has unilaterally eased immigration requirements for foreigners linked to terrorism.

He ordered the State Department and Homeland Security to ignore a post-9/11 law barring entry to those giving political or charitable aid to Hamas and other known terrorist groups.

A dozen years after the horrific attacks on our nation by foreign Islamic terrorists, the Obama administration has decided a little support to foreign Islamic terrorists is OK.

Treasonous as it sounds, the president is following through on a little-noticed overture he made to Muslims in his Cairo speech of 2009, when he suggested he’d relax enforcement of material support laws involving “zakat,” or Islamic charitable giving.

He basically apologized for the Bush administration’s locking up the founders of the largest Muslim charity in America for sending millions to “zakat committees” linked to Hamas.

Of course, his move weakens, yet again, America’s security. By exempting five kinds of limited material support for terrorism, Obama instantly purges more than 4,000 suspects from the U.S. terror watch list and opens our borders up to both them and their families.

Not to worry, Homeland Security says, it’ll run additional security checks before letting them in.

Oh? Like the checks run on the Tsarnaev family, who also got into the country on asylum claims? Those security checks?

Forgive the survivors and the families of those who died in the Boston bombings if they’re not reassured.

Taking a chance on foreign nationals already suspected of aiding and abetting terrorists only puts Americans at greater risk. Yet the president is ordering immigration authorities to ignore red flags.

He suggests too many innocent Muslims seeking a better life here, including Palestinian “refugees,” have been “unfairly” excluded by Draconian post-9/11 immigration laws. Says who? Islamist lobbyist groups, such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who claim Palestinian terrorists are “freedom fighters”?


At the same time Obama opens the floodgates to them, he’s closing our borders to Christians fleeing persecution by Muslims in Egypt, Iraq and other Mideast countries.

Displaced Palestinians have plenty of places they can resettle in the Mideast.

The options for Christians, on the other hand, are limited. The U.S. may be their best chance for refuge from violence and for religious freedom.

Yet the State Department has rejected virtually all of the 20,000 asylum applications from Coptic Christians trying to escape Egypt since the toppling of its pro-American regime.

Meanwhile, it’s welcoming terrorist supporters pushed out by Cairo’s renewed military crackdown on the Brotherhood.

Thanks to Obama’s new rule, these escaping Islamist troublemakers will be able to set up shop inside America and practice their jihadism with virtual impunity.

If the president doesn’t like rampant rumors he’s a “secret Muslim,” or that he’s doing the bidding of his Muslim Brotherhood-tied brother Malik, he should stop making sympathetic gestures that feed them.

source: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/022114-690860-obama-immigration-reforms-seem-to-come-with-religious-test.htm?ref=SeeAlso

Posted on 25 Feb 14 by sharia unveiled

SHOCKING: Al-Qaeda Operatives Inside the IRS

(h/t to Joy Annunziato Ruggerio through FB)

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Looks like we have more Muslim Brotherhood operatives working in DC to help king/mahdi-wanna-be take over America and “CHANGE” it to Islamic States of Americastan, and the American public, in general, and our legislators don’t do anything about it]

America is no longer a “Super Power”

Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories…

The definition of a “Superpower” is a nation that can project power, anywhere in the world, at short notice. To differentiate, the definition of a “Regional Power” is a nation that can project power within its region (the notion of ‘notice’ is one measure of its degree of power within that region, relative to rival powers).

Previously, at least from the time of Eisenhower until the time of George W. Bush, the US was clearly a Superpower, with the Russian Empire (USSR) as a rival power for part of that time. History showed that the US was the superior superpower with the collapse of the USSR and formation of the existing Russian state. Geographic size is not a prime factor, access to resources is. Power takes many forms, not all military, but military power must empower others for affectivity; “walk quietly and carry a big stick”…

David Goldman claimed in November [2012], “America is in incipient decline.” I disagree. Decline began either with the first Bush or with Clinton. Obama is reaping the fruits of the incipient decline he inherited, and is taking it further. He desires such, while his predecessors’ orientations were limited their own ego-needs. Clinton’s administration can best be characterized as “eat, drink and have sex; who cares what happens after my term is finished”. I believe Obama genuinely cares about America, but not for America – he desires a humbled America. [Humbled and submissive to Islam]

The decline takes many forms, from fertility through welfare recipients, through budgets and debts.

By the end of this decade the percentage of population over 60 crosses the 25% threshold. The ‘replacement’ population is both significantly less educated and less motivated – 40% of all births in 2011 were out-of-wedlock. Unemployment for those with a high-school diploma or less stood at 12.2% in 2011 and is growing, rapidly. US overall fertility stands now at 1.6 and continues in rapid decline, including the Hispanic population; the American population pyramid is distinctly top-heavy. What all this means is a smaller workforce, addicted to welfare (why work!), with much lower education (high functional illiteracy) and non-patriotic (in 2012, only 49% of the population considered themselves patriotic). US population rose from 200 to 300 million since 1970, but the number of two-parent families with children remained unchanged 25 million. Today’s labor market is dominated by corporations sourcing labor globally. Corporations neither desire nor need lazy dolts.

America is a nation of takers:

– Entitlements, after inflation and population growth, grew by over 700% in 50 years,

– half of Americans live in a household that receives one or more payments, 18% of all personal income;

– only half the working-age population works.

The sad thing is that the US, through Obama’s administrative skills, through the teachings of, and the handling of his group, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), has become a terrorist financing country, as well as the Muslim countries, especially countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria, look at the US as a weak nation. Russia and China are also looking at the US as weaklings…our military’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) prohibit them from shooting/killing the enemy unless they lives are in great danger (for example, an Army Lieutenant just got convicted of killing two Taliban sappers, that were in his camp, so he killed them. He received 20 years hard labor at Fort Leavenworth for his “crime” of killing the Islamic Muslim terrorists).

Obama giving Muslims in America more “rights” than anyone else in the US, Obama giving billions of dollars to Muslim countries, Obama not doing anything when acts of war (I.E. Benghazi) have been committed against the US, Obama helping the Muslim Brotherhood take over countries that they want to rule, Obama establishing the White verses Black mentality again in the US, with the Black populace being allowed to commit the hate crimes, but the Whites are basically crucified for even defending themselves. Obama with all of his scandals that make 73% not fully trust the government, has set America up for distrust and chaos, with his trying to kill (purposely) the US dollar to help the MB take over the country per their 1991 vow and “game plan” to put a Trojan horse in the White House to help them take it over, making the US a Shari’a country. America is no longer a super power…even a lot of our government officials and the DoD concur with that. It helps setup the end times, Islamic anti-Christ dictatorship of the world, and if America doesn’t repent and come back to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then America will suffer the wrath of God.

Posted in part from People Press

Obama Tells Senior UN Official “The United States Will be a Muslim Country by 2016″

Posted by sharia unveiled on June 2, 2013


by, Victor Mordechai (pen name for Avi Lipkin)

At a meeting of the David Allen Lewis “Eschatology Club” a year ago in Springfield, Missouri, where I was the featured speaker, I was told by the organizers that in the previous monthly meeting, Pastor Don Jones made a disturbing statement about President Barack Obama’s plan to Islamicize America.

Jones went to one of his orphanages in Haiti after the massive earthquake there and met with a senior UN official, who said Obama had told him that the US would be a Muslim country by 2016, or by the end of his second term in office.

While that may seem far-fetched, it is not beyond the realm of possibility. First, Obama’s biological father was a Muslim—which makes the President a Muslim. His stepfather was an Indonesian Muslim who raised Obama as a Muslim in a mosque and madrassa (Islamic religious school) in Indonesia until age 11. His half brothers in Kenya are Muslims.

My wife Rachel, who is a radio and TV monitor in the Arabic language for Israel Radio in Jerusalem, has picked up many broadcasts indicating that the Arabs see Obama as a Muslim. In one broadcast prior to the 2008 elections, the Saudis claimed that “we will have a Muslim in the White House.”

Another Saudi broadcast said: “Obama’s job is to terminate the Shiite threat [Iran] and the Jewish threat [Israel]. And if he cannot do this, he should pack his bags and go home.”

America has always been a Judeo-Christian nation, but demographically at least, this is no longer true. While there are more than 250 million Christians in the US, the 6 million Jews are now outnumbered by Muslims who total about 20 million (9 million Iranians who fled after the fall of the Shah, 7 million Arabs and at least 3 million black Muslims, with the remainder being from Somalia and the former Yugoslavia).

Numerically, the Jews are now no. 3 or 4 along with the Hindus in the US, whose population is about the same as the Jews. According to Obama’s Inauguration Day speech, America is a “Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu” country. Numerically, he is right. So much for Judeo-Christian America.

In the June edition of Israel Today, I wrote about the worsening conditions of the Christians in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. International investment in Egypt has all but dried up since the Revolution. What international (Christian) corporation will invest in a country which is killing and ethnically cleansing its Christians? So the Egyptian economy appears doomed to collapse, which would create fertile ground for a takeover by the radical Muslim Brotherhood.

This would leave 70 million Muslims in Egypt in dire poverty.

The same applies to other countries in the Middle East that could be taken over by Islamic militants. In the case of Syria, the ruling Muslim Alawite sect will probably share the same fate as the Christians. This could lead to a flood of Arab Muslims to greener pastures in the West.

The Bible says Egypt will be a desolation and Egyptians will flee to other countries because the nation will be uninhabitable for 40 years (Ezekiel 29). If the official Syrian newspaper Tishrin is correct in saying that 600,000 Palestinian refugees and Syrians will march on the Golan Heights to reclaim their land, then a war with Syria is inevitable, which means that Syria will be a desolation as well (Isaiah 17).

The result could be tens of millions of Muslims fleeing to the US and Europe. President Obama would welcome these “brethren” on humanitarian grounds, and in effect, America would become a Muslim country.

I was just convicted and given a three-year jail sentence in Switzerland for helping defeat a plan to build minarets at the nation’s mosques by a 57 percent majority.

But the Muslims in Switzerland are already returning with a new minaret initiative. They are tenacious in their plans to Islamicize Switzerland and Europe. Why not the US?

source: http://www.israeltoday.co.il

by, Avi Lipkin

On the surface, the fact that the U.S. Commerce Department is considering granting “disadvantaged minority” business status to Arab Americans doesn’t appear to elicit a cause for alarm.

But when aligned with other developments, both here in the U.S. and across the Middle East, it creates a larger context that says otherwise, states Avi Lipkin, a U.S.-born Israeli citizen, former member of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and a former translator inside the Israeli Prime Minister’s office.

Apart from maintaining his circles within Israel and the international diplomatic community, Lipkin also—together with his wife, Rachel, an Egyptian-born Israeli—closely monitors various media transmissions throughout the Arab world.

Combining the content of those transmissions with American domestic developments under the Obama administration—from Obama’s policy decisions with regard to Iran, Israel and the so-called Arab Spring, to many of his czar appointments, right down to his infamous 2009 bow to the Saudi king—the notion that Obama could be executing a Saudi plot to Islamize America becomes increasingly unnerving.

Consider Obama’s stance on immigration. According to Arabic language broadcasts intercepted and interpreted by Lipkin, “The Moslem world is saying that President Obama wants amnesty for the current 12 million illegal Hispanic immigrants in the U.S. in order to pave the way for the next wave of tens of millions of illegals from the Middle East to the United States, leading to 50 to 100 million Muslims living in the U.S. before the end of Obama’s second term…”

Furthermore, Lipkin has a source with a senior United Nations official that has also said the U.S. will be a Muslim country by 2016—a scenario that makes the Commerce Department’s latest deliberation to grant Arab businesses a leg up rather peculiar in its timing. Lipkin outlined his best speculative assertion of how Obama is carrying out a three-phase Saudi plan that involves the following:

1. See to the end of the Iranian Shi’ite threat, be it with assistance from Israel or via the rise of a fanatic Muslim Brotherhood Sunni Regime born out of the Arab Spring.

2. Following the takeover of the regimes in the Middle East and the Arab Spring unrest, allow the inevitably massive exodus of Sunni Muslims and Christians from Egypt and other nations to find amnesty in America and Europe—thus bringing about Muslim majorities in the U.S., Europe, Canada and Latin America.

3. Terminate the “Jewish threat” by allowing the Muslim Brotherhood nations to march on Israel.


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source: http://www.specialguests.com/

Posted on 2 Jun 13 by Sharia Unveiled

Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. This goes to show, with the evidence that Obama has been spreading out in Muslim countries, he is a fraud, traitor and an enemy of the United States. He is doing what he can to make America a weak country, so if the Muslim Brotherhood or any Muslim country/terrorist group associated with the MB (or that the MB created) can attack and conquer the arrogant, ignorant, naive, gullible and reactive United States of America, and make it a hard core Muslim country, by government, not just by population. The worst thing is that the majority of Americans, including the DEMONcrats in DC are just as fooled because they think mahdi-wanna-be Obama is setting America up for socialism.

Say Goodbye to the Statue of Liberty

The president is ticked off at the French.

By Andrew B. Wilson

Statue_of_Liberty                                                                                      Wikimedia Commons

This just in from the Obama White House: The Statue of Liberty, the colossal neoclassical statue of Liberty Island in the middle of New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric August Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886, as a gift to the United States from the people of France, will soon be toast.
French toast.

Over the heated objections of Chuck Schumer and other leading Democrats, and against the languorous advice of Jean-François Kerry, his French-speaking Secretary of State, President Obama is now prepared to order the immediate dismantling of the statue for shipment back to France in early 2014.

“As far as I’m concerned,” the president told a top aide, “they can take back the Eiffel Tower as well.” Informed that the Eiffel Tower was actually in Paris, he shot back, “Whatever . Do you take me for some kind of idiot? My job is to do the policy. Your job is to take care of the details without wasting my time.” (Emphasis added by me)

Thus spake the president — despite a Harvard Law degree, surely the most geographically illiterate president in American history. Among other miscues, he once claimed he had visited “all 57 states”; he lamented that he did not speak the “Austrian language” (difficult to do when there is no such language); he called for moving more of the Army’s Arabic translators to Afghanistan (not part of the Arab world); and he recently discussed deepening “our ports all along the Gulf — places like Charleston, South Carolina; or Savannah, Georgia, and Jackson, Florida,” all of which are found on the East Coast, not the Gulf of Mexico.

Whatever. The president is a no-nonsense policy man and he was mightily displeased when he and Monsieur Kerry (still trying to fill Hilary’s pumps) were unable to get the French to go along with a plan to relax economic sanctions against Iran in exchange for some very iffy promises from Iran to slow the development of nuclear weapons. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius publicly called the U.S.-backed plan “a sucker’s deal.”

So now it is time to get tough with France — if not Iran, or Syria, or Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

The imminent return of the 127-year-old statue of the robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, will no doubt remind many people of Obama’s earlier decision, upon moving into the White House, to return a bust of Churchill to the British government. But that was a small treasure on private display, not a national monument of gigantic proportions. And who can forget, or wants to forget, the words on the plaque found inside the pedestal of the statute:

Give us your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

All of this makes the return of the statue the most dramatic expression to date of the five-point Obama Doctrine. Under this doctrine, as defined by Daniel Pipes at the National Review, the Obama administration is firmly resolved to: “Snub friends, coddle opponents, devalue American interests, seek consensus, and act unpredictably.”

The 2,500 residents of the Falkland Islands (almost all of whom speak English, not Falklander — in case the president is reading) may be the next to feel the full weight and impact of this new doctrine.

Mr. Obama tipped his hand recently when he referred to the Falkland Islands as the “Maldives.” Never mind that the Maldives are thousands of miles away from the Falklands — in the Indian Ocean. What the president meant to say was the Malvinas — the term used by the Argentinians and a code word for those who believe that Argentina should be awarded ownership of the Falklands for no other reason than geographic proximity (though the two are separated at their closest point by 300 miles of ocean).

After the Argentinean forces invaded and occupied the Falklands in April 1982, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher dispatched a task force that confronted the invaders and secured their surrender after 74 days of naval, air, and land battles, which killed about 650 Argentines and 250 Britons. Ronald Reagan’s government provided a good deal of military and other support to the British in defending the Falklands as a sovereign territory under British protection.

Don’t expect Obama’s government to do same in the event of another Argentine invasion. There will be no nonsense from this president about supporting an old ally and defending liberty in the south Atlantic.

Posted on 14 Nov 13 by The American Spectator

Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. I do not blog about politics, unless it has a Muslim ideology involved in it…this is one of those Islamic ideology incidents. You see, in the Qur’an, sura 16:36 states And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], “Worship Allah and avoid Taghut (false gods or deities, and LADY LIBERTY is actually, as stated earlier, the goddess Libertas. The verse tells us that allah doesn’t want anyone to “worship” any false god except him {because he is a false god, started out to be ba’al, then hubal in the kaaba originally, my understanding} and Americans “worship” their freedom, and Lady Liberty is the icon of freedom).” And among them were those whom Allah guided, and among them were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed. So proceed through the earth and observe how was the end of the deniers.

In Shari’a (Islamic) Law, it states “There is no spiritual labor without its dangers, and those who do not know them fall prey to them. Whoever wishes to learn them should study the dangers of ostentation that exist in acts of worship, from fasting and prayer to all the rest, in the chapters set forth in this Book (A: i.e. Ibn Qudama’s source here, Ghazali’s Ihya’ ‘ulum al-din) [Reliance of the Traveller, s3.11, page 787]”. Now, in Islam, the dangers of the goddess Libertas being a part of the United States as an icon, is “backsliding”, or falling away from total Islamic teachings…for instance, in Shari’a Law, there are no freedoms…no Muslim are allowed to drink alcohol, have tattoos, date non-Muslim men, wear their Burqas/veil, etc. Here in the US, because of our freedoms “from Lady Liberty” a huge amount of Muslims practice Islamic apostate, by drinking, dating non-Muslim men, not wearing their moral clothes, getting tattoos, not going to prayers 5 times a day, women going out in public without a dominate male, not growing a beard…the list goes on…this would be proof in the Islamic world what could happen if you are not fully in the mist of allah.

In 2011, there was talk about getting rid of the Statue of Liberty because it was “offensive to Muslims”. Remember, when the Muslim Brotherhood installed their Egyptian dictator into office…there was talk about getting rid of the pyramids because they were of paganism and were in violation of the Qur’an and the prophvomit Muhammed (PBUH – pieces be unto him).

I wanted to bring this up to let people know that Sheikh Obama is not talking about this because he is upset at François Hollande for him not agreeing with Obama’s wanting to allow Iran to build nuclear bombs, just a little slower then what they are doing (for Muslim reasons, like to annihilate Israel). Sheikh Obama likes to use incidents to throw his Islamic temper tantrums, and, “for allah’s cause”, change laws and do things that will help the Muslim Brotherhood take over America…like the orchestrated, false Sandy Hook shooting to get rid of guns, the true Islamic terrorist cover-up incident at the Boston Marathon to test martial law…all in the guise of people looking at “him doing the right thing because he cares for his citizens”.

Muslim Brotherhood Operatives in the U.S. Named by Egyptian Newspaper

Posted on November 3, 2013 by creeping

via Raymond Ibrahim.

Exposed: Muslim Brotherhood Operatives in the U.S.

El Watan, one of Egypt’s most widely circulated and read newspapers, has published a report discussing the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence over the United States, especially in the context of inciting pro-Brotherhood policies against Egypt’s popular June 30 Revolution, which resulted in the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood from power.

Titled (in translation), “With Names, Identities, and Roadmap… El Watan Exposes Brotherhood Cells in America,” it’s written by investigative journalist Ahmed al-Tahiri, who begins the report by saying:

In the context of El Watan’s ongoing investigation concerning the Brotherhood’s cells and lobby inside America that support the regime of the ousted [Morsi], and which intensified their activities to attack and defame the June 30 Revolution, informed sources have disclosed to El Watan newspaper the names and cell entities of the Brotherhood and their roadmap of activities all throughout the United States of America.

The sources said that these organizations, which are spread throughout the States, agitated for and were supportive of the decisions taken by Muhammad Morsi’s project to “Brotherhoodize” and consolidate power [in Egypt] and gave a favorable opinion to the general American public that Morsi’s decisions were welcomed by the public [in Egypt]. Following the June 30 Revolution, these groups launched a malicious war in order to incite the American administration to take hostile decisions against Egypt, with the aim of bringing back the Brotherhood to power.

El Watan then goes on to name names, saying that the following activists and entities are Brotherhood operatives working within the United States (reproduced verbatim):

• Union of Egyptian Imams in North America, represented by Sheikh Muhammad al-Bani
• The Egyptian American Foundation for Development
• Dr. Khalid Lamada, New York
• Dr. Hassan al-Sayah, Virginia
• The Egyptian Network in America, led by Dr. Muhammad Helmi
• Dr. Akram al-Zand, Sa’ad Foundation
• Muhammad al-Khashab, head of ART channels in America
• Sameh al-Henawi, member, Business Association of America
• Dr. Hany Saqr, member, Egyptian Association in America
• Dr. Khalid Hassan, Maryland
• Dr. Muhammad Abdel Hakem, Seattle
• Dr. Ahmed Ismat al-Bendari, president, Islamic Society of America
• Walid Yusari, Chicago
• Ahmed Shadid, New Jersey
• Ahmed al-Hatab, Indiana
• Dr. Muhammad Morjan, Boston
• Ramadan Ridwan, Houston
• Ahmed Fayez, Las Vegas
• Dr. Amru Abbas, member, Egyptian Foundation in Michigan
• Dr. Safi al-Din Hamed, Pennsylvania
• Dr. Hamdy Radwan, North Carolina
• Ahmed Shehata, director, Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights
• Dr. Iman Shehata, New York
• Dr. Muhammad Amru Attawiya, member, Organization of Islamic Relief in the United States
• Dr. Khalid al-Sayes, member, Rebuilding of Egypt Foundation
• Dr. Tariq Hussein, member, American Islamic Relations Council (CAIR)
• Dr Hisham al-Gayar, member, Egyptian Foundation, Michigan
• Amin Mahmoud, Maryland

As a most recent example, El Watan quotes from an American op-ed published on October 16 (just two days before the publication of the El Watan report itself). Titled “Egypt: 100 days later[there is a problem loading this web page], and written by Ahmed Shehata of the Egyptian American Organization for Democracy and Human Rights, the piece appeared in The Hill, the Capitol’s most widely circulated newspaper, published specifically for Congress.

The op-ed is certainly a prime example of pro-Muslim Brotherhood propaganda that actually tries to “shame” U.S. policymakers into returning the Brotherhood back to power in the name of “democracy.” Key excerpts follow:

While the U.S. must consider its own interests in the region, it is baffling and disheartening to think the current administration would choose to discount the suffering that continues to occur on a daily basis as well as the complete violation of democratic principles which it espouses to the rest of the world…. As this past week marked 100 days since the coup and the lives of the Egyptian people continue to be sacrificed, the United States cannot be silent any longer for the sake of their own interests and convenience…. To that end, Egypt represents a golden opportunity for the U.S. to uphold democratic values by pushing for the reinstatement of the democratically elected government, despite their shortcomings. This would aid tremendously in showing the world that, above any one particular physical interest, stands the mantle of freedom and the rule of law.

Anyone familiar with the real happenings of Egypt knows that Shehata’s assertions are complete opposites of the truth: the military ousted the Brotherhood in response to the will of millions of Egyptians—the people, the demos, as in democracy—who took to the streets protesting against the totalitarian Morsi government. Moreover, it is the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters who have been committing numerous human rights atrocities—including the slaughter and persecution of Christians, the torture and murder of many Egyptians (including before the revolution), and the destruction and torching of some 85 Christian churches.

Shehata seems to think that, if the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters terrorize, murder, destroy, persecute, and betray their nation—which is precisely why tens of millions of average Egyptians rose up against them (though you might not know that following Al Jazeera – led Western media that distorted the popularity of the revolution)—as long as they won “elections” (which from the start many authorities insisted they didn’t), then that is all that matters; and, if need be, the U.S. must war with Egypt’s military and people on behalf of the ousted terrorists—all in the name of “democracy” and “human rights,” as Shehata’s U.S.-based Brotherhood front is laughably called.

That such a shameless piece of Muslim Brotherhood propaganda can be published in the most influential and widely read Capitol Hill publication certainly goes a long way in validating El Watan’s claims that the Brotherhood has its tentacles all around the United States’ points of influence.

Posted on 3 Nov 13 by Creeping Sharia