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American lazyness and tolerance turns into stupidity, bondage and Dhimmitude

west ME scam

This is from the Muslim god of deception…and the American god of stupidity

H/T Stuart Klearman from Facebook for the picture

Muslim American teenager

Posted on November 8, 2013 by DCG

comicNY Daily News: Marvel Comics is adding some needed color to the world of costumed superheroes.

The publisher announced its introducing a new Muslim super heroine, a revamped Ms. Marvel, whose secret identity is that of a Pakistani-American teenager from Jersey City.

Sixteen-year-old Kamala Khan is the brainchild of writer G. Willow Wilson, an Islamic convert herself, and Muslim editor Sana Amanat in an effort to reach out to segments of the comic book reading public that haven’t had their own heroes.

“At her core, Kamala is just a 16-year-old girl, exploring the many facets of her identity when she is suddenly bestowed with super-human powers that send her on the adventure of a lifetime,” Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso said in a release.

Khan will debut in January’s “All-New Marvel NOW! Point One Comic Book” before kicking off her own “Ms. Marvel” series a month later. The creators promised the title would focus as much on her interaction with her more traditional parents as it would with battles with super villains.

“Any time you do something like this, it is a bit of a risk,” Wilson told the New York Times. “You’re trying to bring the audience on board, and they are used to seeing something else in the pages of a comic book.”

Khan’s introduction comes a year after rival publisher DC Comics introduced its own major Muslim character — a Green Lantern from Dearborn, Mich., named Simon Baz.

“It continued to reinforce that our readership is extremely diverse, so we want to continue to diversify the characters in our universe,” creator Geoff Johns, himself a Lebanese American from Dearborn, told the Daily News at the time.

From the NY Times:

Kamala, whose family is from Pakistan, has devotedly followed the career of the blond, blue-eyed Carol Danvers, who now goes by Captain Marvel, a name she inherited from a male hero. When Kamala discovers her powers, including the ability to change shape, she takes on the code name Ms. Marvel — what Carol called herself when she began her superhero career.

Kamala will face struggles outside her own head, including conflicts close to home. “Her brother is extremely conservative,” Ms. Amanat said. “Her mom is paranoid that she’s going to touch a boy and get pregnant. Her father wants her to concentrate on her studies and become a doctor.” Next to those challenges, fighting super villains may be a respite.

Gee, I wonder if her super powers will include fighting the challenges against rape, acid throwing, honor killings, forced marriages, forced prostitution and the buying and selling of women? Somehow I doubt it.


Posted on 8 Nov 13 by Fellowship of the Minds

Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. I want to add, Muslims are trying to help the Muslim Brotherhood with their pushing and distorting Muslim takeover of American ingenuity and culture. They did the same thing with the 70 year old Green Lantern last year. They took the American Green Lantern, and changed him in a gay Muslim from Dearborn, MI (in the comics) to be the “most powerful member of DC’s super team, the Justice Society” . Funny how the comic doesn’t show the fact that being gay in Islam is death. Funny how it doesn’t show that being Muslim, one is not to follow “man-made laws”. Funny how it doesn’t show GL carrying a sword so he can lop off the heads of all criminals.

Now back to Muslim Ms. Marvel. Just like with DC Comic’s Muslim Green Lantern, our 16 year old Muslim Ms. Marvel does show a demented, twisted, white washed Islam. Looking at the above picture, does the costume of the heroine fall under Muslim modesty? No, she is not wearing a head bag, scarf or veil. She is wearing form fitting clothes…this would, in reality, merit a beating from her father according to Shari’a Law. She would also ascertain being stoned to death for the probability of making Muslims that interact with her (in the comics) to get the male Muslims to have sexual thoughts about her, and the older Muslim males (in the comics) to talk to her father and there be a forced marriage. I say “in the comics” because in reality, according to Shari’a Law, this would happen, but it goes back to demented, twisted, white washed Islam, which is part of the Muslim Brotherhood scheme of cultural jihad, to make Islam more acceptable in American eyes.

So, one more big item that Marvel did not put in the script of Ms. Marvel, and the Muslim creators (Wilson and Amanat) did not want the America youth to know about, is the fact that in Islam, women are from the devil. Women are to only be wives that kick out more Muslim babies, and need to be property to a Muslim. One huge thing that is also missing, is that Ms. Marvel’s family being Muslim, the father allowing all this to happen with his little girl, his property, if he did not admonish the Shari’a honor killing of his daughter, then he would be considered an apostate, and would be put to death. Not mentioning that the entire family would be shunned by Muslims in the world (Ms. Marvel will be traveling throughout the world to help the non-Muslims in the comic books) because of her attire, her Islamic rebelliousness, and…you guessed it…her helping non-Muslims, which goes against Shari’a…unless she is trying to convert the ones she helps, but then again, women aren’t allowed to do that. So overall, with having two new comic characters, one a gay man, and one a rebellious, anti-Shari’a teen, there is cultural jihad against our youth in trying to, once again, make them think that Islam is OK, by leaving out ALL the hatred and killing aspects of Shari’a Law, and traditions and culture. True Americans with knowledge of Islam and Shari’a give these two comic characters TWO THUMBS DOWN!!

Two things to remember…1) allah is the god of deception, and 2) in Islam, women have no right, according to allah, to be super heroes…they are not “holy” enough, nor are they trustworthy or respected enough. After all, Mohammed (PBUH – pieces be unto him) stated that he went to hell and saw that 95% of hell was inhabited by women.

Four Arabic words every Infidel must know

In 539 BC, King Belshazzar of Babylon saw a dismembered hand-written four prophetic words on the wall. This “handwriting on the wall” was finally interpreted by the prophet Daniel as predicting the fall of the kingdom. He was right. Babylon fell to the Medes-Persians that very night.

Like the “handwriting on the wall” that Hebrew Prophet Daniel had interpreted, there are four Arabic words, which could lead to submission of the entire world to Islam, if non-Muslims do not fully understand their meaning and implications. Those words are TAQIYYA, TAWRIYA, KITMAN and MURUNA. (emphasis added)

Each of these words describes a different style of deception used by Muslims when discussing Islam or their activities as Muslims.

Mohammed famously said, “War is deceit.” ( Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 52, Nr.268). The Qur’an boasts that Allah is the “master of all scheming” (Qur’an 13:42) and that he is “profound in his machinations” (Qur’an 8:30). Western civilizations are not accustomed to dealing with people, who have developed deception into an art form. Knowledge is power, and the best way to combat the Islamist agenda is to say, “We are used to your lying. Knock it off!”




Taqiyya is defined as dissimulation about ones Muslim identity. It comes from the verse in the Qur’an that says, “Let believers not make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does has nothing to hope for from Allah – except in self-defense (illaan tattaqoo minhum tuqatan)( Qur’an 3:28)

This “self-defense” justifies dissimulation. Islamic Sharia Law provides, “When it is possible to achieve an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and lying is obligatory if the goal is obligatory.”

Reliance of the Traveller

Reliance of the Traveller. Section r8.2 PERMISSIBLE LYING. The Prophet said: “He who settles disagreements between people to bring about good or says something commendable is not a liar”). Examples include lying to protect Islam or a Muslim. (page 335 in the online Shari’a Law book.)




Tawriya is defined as concealing, and it could be called “creative lying” or where appropriate “lying under oath”. It is OK to break the intent of the oath, as long as you don’t break the letter of the oath.

Reliance of the Traveller. Section o19.1 If one swears “I will not eat this wheat,” but then makes it into flour or bread (and eats it), one has not broken one’s oath. (page 284 in the online Shari’a Law book.)

Reliance of the Traveller. Section o19.5 When a person swearing an oath about something (in the future, affirming or denying that it will occur) includes the expression “in sha’ Allah (“if Allah will”), before finishing the oath, then the oath is not broken in any event if he thereby intends to provide for exceptions. (page 284 in the online Shari’a Law book.)

Suppose someone protests that Sura 1 of the Qur’an demeans Christians and Jews, because it is a supplication Muslims make to Allah seventeen times a day to keep them from the path of those with whom God is “angry” and “those who have lost their way”.

A Muslim might respond, “Sura 1 never mentions Jews or Christians.” He is practicing tawriya, because while Sura 1 does not mention Jews and Christians by name, but he knows full-well that the words “those” refer to Jews and Christians.

Another example would be when a Muslim responds to your greeting of “Merry Christmas!” He might say, “I wish you the best.” In your mind, you think he has returned a Christmas greeting. In actuality, he has expressed his wish for you to convert to Islam; he wishes the best for you which, in his view, is becoming a Muslim. (It’s the Islamic play on words…it happens a lot and no one really knows about it unless one learns about Islam.)




Kitman is characterized by someone telling only part of the truth. The most common example of this is when a Muslim says that jihad really refers to an internal, spiritual struggle. He is not telling “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”, as witnesses are sworn to do in U.S. courts.

Often, kitman results in a gross distortion of the truth. In the example given, the Qur’an uses jihad and its derivatives 59 times. Of those, only 16 (27%) could be considered “internal” with no object as the target of the struggle based on the context of the sura.

Another common form of kitman is to quote only the few peaceful passages from the Qur’an, knowing full-well that that passage was later abrogated by a more militant, contradictory verse.

Here is an example: “There is no compulsion in religion.” ( Qur’an 2:256)

“Are they seeking a religion other than Allah’s, when every soul in the heavens and earth has submitted to Him, willingly or by compulsion?” ( Qur’an 3:83)

Another example:“Permission to take up arms is hereby given to those who are attacked, because they have been wronged.” ( Qur’an 22:39)

“When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” ( Qur’an 9:5)

And another example: “Anyone who kills a human being… it shall be as though he has killed all mankind. …If anyone saves a life, it shall be as though he has saved the lives of all mankind…” ( Qur’an 5:32)

“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah… that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned;” ( Qur’an 5:33)




Muruna means using “flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or the surroundings. The justification for this kind of deception is a somewhat bizarre interpretation of Qur’an 2:106, which says, “If we abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten, We will replace it by a better one or similar.”

Thus, Muslims may forget some of the commands in the Qur’an, as long as they are pursuing a better command. Muslims striving to advance Islam, therefore, can deviate from their Islamic laws in order to cause non-Muslims to lower their guard and place their trust in their Muslim counterpart.

At times, Muslims practice muruna in the same way a chameleon changes colors to avoid detection. Muslims will sometimes shave off their beards, wear western clothing, or even drink alcohol to blend in with non-Muslims. Nothing is more valuable these days to the Islamists than a blue-eyed Caucasian Muslim willing to engage in terrorism.

Another common way of using muruna is for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim or to behave like a non-Muslim so their true agenda will not be suspected.

The 9/11 hijackers visited strip clubs and bars during their off-times while taking classes in the U.S. to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House. Many Americans believe Hillary Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin, married Jewish Congressman Anthony Weiner at least in part to burnish her security credentials so she could infiltrate the highest levels of the Administration.

The implications of these highly-honed tactics of deception could be enormous for unassuming Western societies. Twenty years ago, psychologist Paul Ekman wrote an insightful book, “Telling Lies”, which demonstrated that people give off recognizable clues when they are practicing deceit. Their consciences cause them, involuntarily, to sweat or raise their voices or make other recognizable gestures.

However, Dr. Ekman’s research was exclusively with people from Western cultures. Muslims, on the other hand, show no discernible signs when they are being deceitful because there is no feeling of guilt. In their minds they are doing exactly what Allah wants them to do to advance Islam. Because any Western person who has raised children knows almost intuitively when someone is lying, so they assume they can do that in all cases. Unfortunately, those same Western people can be easily duped by Islamic deceit because there are no tell-tale signs in the deceiver.


 mosab yousef

Another example of playing muruna till perfection is Mosab Hassan Yousef, the “Son of Hamas”.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a jailed Hamas terrorist leader and MP, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, the most popular figure in that extremist Islamic organization. Mosab, as a young man, assisted his father for years in his political activities.

He converted to Christianity and operated under cover in the service of Israel’s intelligence agency for a decade. Yousef reveals this information in his book, “Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices.”

Mosab however, did not convert to what the West would recognize as Christianity, but to a fiery, Palestinian brand of the faith that is vehemently anti-Israel. According to Mosab, his main goal in coming to the U.S. is to infiltrate the main source of international support for Israel: the American church. From an interview with Al-Arabiya:

“During my tours in universities and even churches, [I found] the real support for Israel stems from the church in the West….. We need to understand the difference between “revenge” and “resistance” and once the Palestinians do, we will have our victory against Israel.”

Hopefully, this article will be a wake-up call to the unsuspecting infidels. Trust but verify – as was an old American strategy in dealing with potentially hostile parties – is the way to go in dealing with Islamists.


Louis Palme

Pamela Geller

(H/T Truthsite)

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. I want to thank the folks from Truthsite….they did an awesome job with deciphering what the four main Shari’a mandated words in Islam are…and now, with the encouragement from the Truthsite folks, I want to spread this info to the un-Islamically informed, as well as the Islamically informed…because it is very good knowledge to learn what undercover Muslims in high places in our government are doing because they are mandated by the false god allah.

Our president is a behind the scenes Muslims, and contrary to what most people are thinking his “Change” is…it isn’t socialism, it’s Shari’aism. Why do you think his cabinet has the most active Muslims and Muslim sympathizers in America? Why do you think he puts Muslims into positions in the Court system or into Intelligence, or into training the military to one point or another? He is following his religious, mandated beliefs…lie and deceive…and it is working very well for him because the average American is politically correctly stupid and blind.]

CAIR-TX Director says, “Muslims are above the law of the land”

Hamas-linked CAIR (Council on Anti-American Islamic Relations) leader told a crowd at a rally for Islam that members of the faith should not be bound by American law. “If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” said Mustafa Carroll, executive director of CAIR-Dallas branch.

texas cair 1

WND (h/t Dubi) The rally in Austin was part of a nationwide effort to hold “Muslim Capitol Day” events. The event included a speech by a representative of Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, who declared that Texas was an awful place and that Islam was the answer.

“Why did Muhammad say that he would not rest until the Koran was the law of the land?”

“Islam does not have Texas in the current condition, the current socio-political condition that Texas is in. What is this condition that Texas is in? Why is Texas on the brink, when you look at Texas in comparison to 50 states, education, percent of population graduating from high school is 46, high school completion rate is 46, the scholastic assessment rate, the SAT score in Texas is 47, the percentage of population with no health insurance in Texas is first, those without health insurance Texas is first. When you look at the state of a child in Texas, the percentage of uninsured children, Texas is first… etc. etc. You shouldn’t be filing legislation against Islam, when you look at Texas, Islam is not the problem. Islam is the solution. Allah Akbar.”

Carroll’s statement was similar to a statement allegedly made by CAIR co-founder and former chairman Omar M. Ahmad.

texas cair 2

Carroll began joking about the widespread concern about Shariah, the religious code that governs Muslim civil and political life. “We tried to downplay Shariah, because we didn’t want to give the other side any excitement for being here,” he said. He dismissed critics who express concern about Shariah, calling them “anti-foreign.”
“When you even say the word Shariah, people get nervous. We are not advocating for Shariah. We are not trying to make Shariah the law of the land,” he said. Carroll claimed Muslims only want the “right to practice our faith.”

But he also said, “If you understand Shariah, the foundation of our faith … how we treat our neighbor, how we treat our parents … how we participate in society, all of that is part of Shariah.” Carroll is on record defending Hamas, classified by the U.S. as a terrorist group. “I think you can only blame Hamas for so long. It takes two to tango. And I think, you know, that what we’ve heard for a number of years is this terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, was not just Hamas,” he’s said.

At CAIR’s Dallas banquet in 2007, Carroll denied the Quran is the source of terrorism. “Look at the true cause of the terrorism. It’s not somebody is reading a book, reading a Quran, and then go out and say, ‘Well, the Quran told me to blow this up. I’m gonna blow it up.’ The cause, the root cause of terrorism is oppression. The root cause of terrorism is oppression.”
Read More about CAIR jihadists

In the news clip below, they say extra security was needed because of alleged ‘death’ threats made at the website BNI. According to CAIR, “Bare Naked Islam is an anti-Islam website which posted information about the Muslim Day event prompting angry comments from readers who criticized the capitol and the organizations for taking part.”

This is the BNI post to which they are referring: terror-linked-cair-to-sponsor-muslim-infiltration-of-u-s-government-offices

Posted on 4 Mar 13 by BNI
[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Here is another Islamic act of trying to stealthily infiltrate the government, and they are doing a good job because most government officials (whether federal or state) do not know about true Islam…only what the terrorist creating, funding and deploying group tells them…the extreme whitewashed version…and what the Muslim president, the US president, tells them also, in his undercover actions of trying to get America into becoming a Shari’a country]

Saleem: Obama Establishing Islamic Shadow Government

[Editor’s Note: I received this youtube video, actually through a newsletter that I received so I know what CAIR is saying about people that are telling the world the truth about Islam…it’s the Islamophobe newsletter…the group that is doing the Islamophobe newsletter does nothing but tries to whitewash Islam and say that people like Pamela Geller and Robert Spenser are just Muslim haters and bigots…

But we already know that Barack Hussein Obama is running a covert, black ops, shadow, Muslim government…after all, he was, to a point, put in office by the Muslim Brotherhood as their inside Trojan horse…

Western Courts Bend to Islamic Practices

by David J. Rusin
PJ Media
September 28, 2012

Judges’ consideration of Shari’a when deciding cases may be the most alarming avenue by which Islam influences Western legal systems, but it is not the only one. With increasing regularity, Islamic practices sway the administration of courtrooms, affecting when sessions are held, who must rise, and what attire is permissible. This trend should not be overlooked. Courts that yield to Islamic norms, even in mundane matters, encourage Islamists and cast doubt on the future of equal rights and responsibilities under the law.

Ramadan. The Islamic month of fasting can require significant shuffling of schedules by devout Muslims, but are secular courts obligated to alter theirs? Some answer in the affirmative.

Muslim convert Mark Edward Wetsch is one recent beneficiary. Charged with robbing 13 Minnesota banks, he objected to a hearing set for July 20, 2012, the first day of Ramadan, and asked that it be pushed back for a month. Though Judge Jeanne Graham initially declined the request, he persisted. Ramadan means “not engaging in conflict and argument,” but rather taking part in “work to reconcile differences and seek peace,” according to a motion filed on his behalf. “Clearly, a contested hearing in which the government is making allegations against Mr. Wetsch and he is fighting against [them] causes him to engage in conflict and argument.” Graham relented and issued the desired continuance.

The U.S. military court that will try five al-Qaeda terrorists accused of involvement in the 9/11 attacks bent to similar sensitivities this year. After turning their May 5 arraignment into a circus, the jihadists sought to postpone a hearing scheduled for the week of August 8, near the end of Ramadan. James Connell III, a government-compensated defense attorney, stressed in a filing that “the last 10 days of Ramadan commemorate the night God — Allah — revealed the Holy Quran to the Prophet Mohammed.” Hence, “these 10 days are the most holy period of the Muslim calendar and are typically observed by fasting, prayer, and seclusion.” Despite having previously ruled out Ramadan-related extensions, the judge, Colonel James Pohl, agreed to a delay. Connell was relieved: “It’s very difficult to pay attention to sometimes intricate legal proceedings when you haven’t had any sleep and you haven’t had any food.” (In one bright spot, Pohl rebuffed a petition not to hold hearings on Fridays, the day of communal Islamic prayers.)

Such Ramadan accommodations are not new. Four years ago, a French judge postponed a trial after a lawyer complained that “his client, a Muslim, would have been fasting for two weeks and thus, he said, be in no position to defend himself properly,” in the words of the BBC. “He would be physically weakened and too tired to follow the arguments as he should.” (Note that Muslims have played professional football during Ramadan fasts, so it is not obvious that ordinary Muslims are incapable of sitting in a courtroom.) A prosecutor denied that Ramadan had anything to do with the change, but others believed it to be the sole viable explanation. Fadela Amara, a Muslim then serving as urban affairs minister, decried the “knife wound” to France’s separation of religion and state.

Of course, scheduling controversies are not exclusive to Islam. In 2011, the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that a lower court had “abused its discretion” by rejecting an Orthodox Jewish plaintiff’s motion to suspend a malpractice trial for two days due to Shavuot, during which his faith would preclude him from working or having work done for him. However, the decision stands out because many other U.S. federal and state courts have found no abuse of discretion by judges who did not grant similar Jewish holiday requests. If a continuance of one or two days is not automatic, then certainly the bar should be that much higher for a month-long Ramadan break — especially when its religious necessity is far less concrete than the work proscriptions characterizing strictly observed Jewish holidays.

Rising for judges. Standing when a judge enters and leaves the courtroom is a centuries-old tradition conveying respect for authority and maintaining order. Those who fail to rise may be cited for contempt, but some Muslims are challenging this point of protocol.

The most important U.S. case has centered on Amina Farah Ali, a citizen and Minnesota resident who, along with a second woman, faced federal charges of funding a Somali terrorist organization; both were convicted last autumn. After Ali did not stand at a pretrial hearing, Judge Michael Davis warned that all must do so. Unlike other Muslims present, she refused again and again for the first two days of the trial, prompting Davis to issue 20 contempt citations carrying jail time. The defendant said that because Islam’s prophet had told his followers that they did not need to honor him in that way, it would be wrong of her to stand for anyone but Allah. An appeals court threw out 19 of the citations in June, determining that an ultimatum to rise “substantially burdens the free exercise of religion” for her. It instructed Davis to consider her rights under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which declares that religious exercise can be curbed only if the government has a compelling reason. On September 18, Davis reinstated contempt charges but then quickly “purged” them, dropping the penalties. While there are precedents for religious exemptions from the standing requirement, involving Quakers in particular, Ali’s case opens the door for a very different group: American Islamists eager to thumb their noses at the secular legal system. Expect more such incidents in the U.S.

Comparable conflicts have erupted elsewhere. Several radicals later found guilty of shouting hatred at British troops during a 2009 homecoming parade would not rise at their trial, because “in Muslim countries it is a grave and cardinal sin to show respect in this way to anyone other than God himself.” Although the UK is not a Muslim country — at least not yet — the judge caved, acceding to a compromise whereby they could enter the courtroom after she did. Accused terrorists are not big fans of the standing requirement either, as seen in 2007 at the outset of proceedings against nine men from Sydney, Australia, charged with plotting attacks. According to one account, the judge “was not concerned by the refusal but suggested it might not be a wise course of action when the trial started,” for jurors could take a harsher view. The jihadists got their comeuppance regardless: all eventually pleaded guilty or were convicted.

The issue has extended to lawyers as well. Mohammed Enait, a fundamentalist attorney in the Netherlands, initiated a long dispute over his resolve to stay seated on the grounds that all are equal before Allah. Mixed messages ensued. A court in 2008 approved an exception for Enait, but it was reversed. Meanwhile, the bar association reprimanded him, but an appeals tribunal voided it, referencing his “sincere and authentic religious convictions.”

Clothing. Common sense dictates that face veils (niqabs) should not be welcome in a court of law, where security is critical, participants must be identified, and some judges and lawyers use facial expressions to analyze the veracity of statements. Yet none of this has slowed the push for concessions.

The good news is that most witnesses wanting to wear niqabs are turned down, as demonstrated by examples from Australia, New Zealand, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. However, the temporarily uncovered women often are allowed to testify with backs to the audience or from behind screens — an accommodation in and of itself. Also of relevance, judges have been known to expel women in niqabs from public seating areas, with recent ejections in France, where face-concealing attire is now broadly restricted, and Sweden, where safety concerns were voiced at a hearing related to a plot to kill cartoonist Lars Vilks.

The bad news is that there have been leaks in the dam, with the potential for more. Three years ago, a woman became the first in Denmark to give evidence from underneath a niqab, after briefly revealing her face to a female judge for identification purposes. A 2012 decision by Italy’s Higher Judicial Council clears the way for veils to be worn as long as they “constitute a legitimate exercise of the right to profess one’s own religion” and meet the subjective criterion of not “causing disturbance to the regular and correct court proceedings.” Indeed, judges in most jurisdictions are not bound by rigid guidelines. For instance, following Judge Paul Paruk’s dismissal of a plaintiff’s case in 2006 because she would not testify with her face showing, the Michigan Supreme Court affirmed only that lower courts are to “exercise reasonable control over the appearance of parties and witnesses.” A judge more in thrall to multiculturalism could have acquiesced to the niqab — just like the Danish one did.

A Canadian case that began in 2007 is among the most pivotal. At its center is a sexual assault complainant, N.S., who wished to testify against two male relatives at a preliminary inquiry while wearing her niqab. The accused men objected, insisting that they would need to see her face to evaluate her claims, and Judge Norris Weisman noted that N.S. was not veiled in her driver’s license photo. Weisman determined that she must remove the niqab, but this order was quashed by the Ontario Superior Court and the Court of Appeal for Ontario. The latter extensively acknowledged the religious rights of niqab wearers in the courtroom, though it did admit that in some circumstances a defendant’s right to a fair trial could require a witness to bare her face. It sent the issue back for reconsideration and urged “constructive compromises,” including such possible arrangements as a female judge and an all-female courtroom staff. The Supreme Court of Canada heard testimony last December, as N.S. was still seeking an order entitling her to take the stand covered. Its eventual ruling may shake up the niqab debate in that country and beyond.

Even the jury box can be a place of controversy. In March, a UK judge took the “extraordinary” step of prohibiting a niqab-clad woman from serving. Muslim leaders condemned it as bias, but one could argue that she actually benefited from a new shade of courtroom accommodation that rescued her from the unpleasantness of jury duty: forget about dropping the veil and just go home. Will more Muslims be inspired to arrive in niqabs, hoping to escape their own obligations?

Although most wrangling has focused on face veils, mainstream Islamic attire occasionally stirs the pot. Allowing judges to wear headscarves (hijabs), which could preempt the desired image of religious neutrality on the bench, is an issue in Europe. A state-appointed body recently recommended that Norwegian judges be permitted to don them, while the topic formerly roiled the Danish government. Lawyers also have been involved in such disputes. In 2009, an appeals panel of the Dutch bar association ruled that the same Mohammed Enait introduced above could wear a “Muslim hat.” As for others with business at the courthouse, the U.S. state of Georgia has led the way in officially relaxing restrictions on headgear to accept apparel worn for religious reasons, following the 2008 arrest of a woman who refused to remove her hijab at a security checkpoint; the shift has aided Muslim men as well. Finally, no discussion would be complete without mentioning Cheryl Bormann, a Pentagon-paid civilian attorney who has covered her hair when representing one of the accused 9/11 planners. She requested that the court order modest dress for all women participating in the Gitmo legal process — “out of respect” — so pious terrorists are not compelled to look away “for fear of committing a sin under their faith.”

Additional concerns. Prayer-related concessions are a source of growing discomfort. A court building in Düsseldorf, Germany, ditched crosses but installed footbaths for ritual washing; the need is said to have arisen because Muslims were cleansing their feet in toilets. The anti-military protesters who managed to remain seated at their UK trial “were given an extra 20 minutes on top of their lunch break to go to pray at a mosque,” according to a Daily Mail article, and “a separate ‘quiet’ room [was] set aside for their regular prayer intervals.” Early this year, the Associated Press noted in passing that a federal judge presiding over a sex trafficking case in Tennessee was “allowing the defendants to take scheduled Muslim prayer breaks during the proceedings.” Deferential inaction also assisted the alleged 9/11 conspirators in using prayers to disrupt their arraignment.

Another jihadist testing the limits of accommodation is Nidal Malik Hasan, the U.S. Army psychiatrist facing a court-martial for murdering 13 people at Fort Hood. Contrary to Army regulations, Hasan began sporting a beard at pretrial hearings in June, sparking a protracted legal battle. “In the name of almighty Allah, I am a Muslim,” Hasan explained to the judge, Colonel Gregory Gross, on August 30. “I believe that my religion requires me to wear a beard.” However, prosecutors suspect that he simply intends to make it harder for witnesses to identify him. Gross ruled on September 6 that Hasan will be forcibly shaved if he does not shave himself — a decision that has been appealed, thus further delaying his trial and, with it, justice for his victims.

Last but not least, recall the infamous, decade-old British case in which a judge banned Jews and Hindus, as well as anyone married to them, from sitting on the jury that ultimately convicted Muslim cleric Abdullah el-Faisal for promoting the murder of those religions’ followers. Though the bizarre move was more of an insult to Jews and Hindus, portraying them as completely emotional beings, than a sop to Islam, nobody should assume it to be the only time that a court will employ creative means to segregate Islamists from the groups they despise.

Demands for courtroom accommodations of all types show no signs of diminishing. Given their success in advancing the Islamist cause, why would they?

Unlike believers of various faiths who aspire to fulfill purely personal religious needs, Islamists view concessions as stepping stones to supremacy. Practitioners of cultural jihad understand how obtaining special privileges that appear minor on an individual basis can yield fundamental transformations in the aggregate, eating away at the bedrock principle of equality under the law and establishing that adherents of Islam are more equal than others. This phenomenon is particularly damaging when it takes place inside the courtroom, the venue in which that law is administered most visibly.

Judges must be mindful of this Islamist campaign of inches. Deference to Islam in any aspect of the legal system calls into question its impartiality as a whole, thereby sapping public confidence in the institution and making it an even more attractive target. Excessive accommodations also communicate a troubling message beyond run-of-the-mill weakness. Professor Barry Rubin’s remarks on the Amina Farah Ali case put it best: “If Muslims are told that the state accepts the argument that Islamic law is recognized as superior to state law … they are being taught to be political Islamists.”

Surely we have enough political Islamists dreaming of our defeat and dhimmitude as it is.

David J. Rusin is a research fellow at Islamist Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum.

September 30, 2012, Update: Middle East Forum president Daniel Pipes points out another interesting example of accommodation not included above. In 2004, a federal judge in New York allowed a Muslim, Rafil Dhafir, to avoid a strip search before entering the court for his trial. Dhafir had argued, in the words of the Syracuse Post-Standard, that “Muslims must never appear naked in front of anyone except their spouses.” Read about the details here at the update for October 19, 2004.

Related Topics:  Athletics, Cartoons, Censorship, Demonstrations, Free Speech, Gender Relations, Government, Head Coverings / Dress, Holidays, Interfaith, Islamic Law (Shari’a), Legal, Mosques / Imams, Multiculturalism, Prayers, Sexuality  |  David J. Rusin receive the latest by email: subscribe to the free Islamist watch mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL.

Posted on 28 Sep 12 by Islamist-watch.org

[Editor’s Note: This does not reflect the overall feeling/thoughts of local Act chapters, nor that of the National Office, nor that of the Islamist-Watch organization or Daniel Pipes, however, I want to add this…according to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memorandum, as well as the The-Project-Arabic-and-English (this is the Muslim Brotherhood’s “project” to take over America document), they tell their front groups, and all Muslims, to get inside the governmental offices, courts, anywhere where they can start to get the uneducated (Islamic) Americans into changing for Islam’s benefit…we have had this in the courts before…in fact 23 state and Federal Courts have allowed a foreign law (Shari’a) and religious events (Islamic prayers and Islamic garb) to basically rule the court hearings where Muslims are on trial, and it shows the Islamic people (whether violent or non-violent) that our Trojan horse president, courtesy of the Muslim Brotherhood, is quickly turning into a an Islamic country, we have a plethora of examples of dhimmitude across the U.S. in courts and Federal office, including, and highly more active in Islam than the rest, the White House. Pretty quick, we will have to pay jizya tax to Obama if he is re-elected, and we WILL become citizens of a country, our country, that will be lower than dirt if we do not convert to Islam. The time is close for the Lord Jesus (not Isa) Christ, God’s own son, to come back…accept Him and follow Him, not allah.]

Banning Dogs as Pets

Posted By Bruce Bawer On February 7, 2012 @ 12:18 am In Daily Mailer, FrontPage |

This is how it happens, folks.  Little by little.  Law by law.  The proponents of sharia get themselves elected to positions of power – and then, before too long, they start trying to subject the rest of us to it, bit by bit:

Hasan Küçük, Hague councilor for the Islam Democrats, says dogs should be banned as pets in the city, reports De Telegraaf. The Muslim party says that the animals belong in nature, not inside the house. Küçük says that keeping dogs is animal abuse and should therefore be criminalized.

Needless to say, Hasan Küçük’s concerns have nothing whatsoever to do with animal abuse – and everything to do with the fact that Islam considers dogs to be impure.  Like women, Jews, and gays, dogs are on the front line of the confrontation in the West between sharia-observant Muslims and the rest of us.  When you see Muslims making trouble over dogs, you can bet that it’s just the beginning of all kinds of trouble over all kinds of things that run afoul of Islamic religious law.

To be sure, Küçük’s suggestion – which came in response to a proposal by animal-rights advocates that The Hague be made more dog-friendly – was immediately shot down by other members of the city council.  Küçük was undoubtedly not surprised.  He knows these things don’t change in a day – they change over time, by a gradual process of wearing down.  People like Küçük are exceedingly patient.  And they trust in their own patience and intransigence – and in our weakness, our distraction, our readiness to give in, eventually, under steady pressure, on what may seem to us like small matters that are not worth fighting over.

Küçük’s proposal is nothing new.  For years now, the Western media have featured, with some frequency, news stories about blind people with guide dogs being refused taxi rides by devout Muslims cabdrivers, being thrown off buses because of complaints by Muslim passengers, or being refused access to stores by devout Muslim shopkeepers.  Daniel Pipes has been assiduous in cataloging such cases, some of them dating back to the 1990s, in places ranging from Milwaukee to Melbourne.

The Muslims in these cases invariably argue that their religion commands them not to be around dogs.  But it’s not just about dogs but about pretty much every little detail of daily life.  The same people who object fiercely to the presence of dogs in their shops or cabs also maintain that their religion commands them not to do, or touch, or say, or see, or be in the vicinity of a great variety of things that are commonplace in the Western world.  And once they’ve gotten their way with regard to dogs, they’ll move on to another thing – and then another, and another – at which they take offense, and once again spell out exactly how they expect non-Muslims to change their behavior in order to keep the peace.

It’s the logic of conquerors.  But many authorities in the West have bowed to it.  In British Columbia, cab drivers whose “honest religious belief…precludes them from transporting certified guide dogs” have been exempted from having to do so.  The Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport has also worked out a “compromise” between blind people and Muslim cabbies.  In Britain, in response to Muslim complaints about “sniffer dogs” used to identify terrorists at airports, authorities limited the dogs’ activities out of “cultural sensitivity.” When sniffer dogs are taken into mosques or Muslim homes, moreover, they’re fitted with “leather bootees” to avoid giving offense.

Generally speaking, as the Muslim percentage of a city’s population climbs, the demands for appeasement grow more and more aggressive.  Last year,reports Soeren Kern, Islamic groups in the Catalan city of Lérida – which is 20% Muslim – called for a ban on dogs on public transport and in certain public spaces on the grounds that their presence violates Muslims’ “religious freedom and their right to live according to Islamic principles.” The city’s refusal to introduce such a ban was succeeded by a series of dog poisonings.  No surprise there: this is precisely the kind of development that one can expect after a certain point in this process, when demands and pressure haven’t turned the trick.

To treat Muslims’ complaints about dogs as if they deserve serious and respectful consideration is, of course, absurd.  But over time, even the absurd becomes familiar.  That’s one thing these people are counting on.  They’re counting on their ability to wear the rest of us down gradually, accustoming us to ideas, beliefs, and “sensitivities” that, at first blush, strike us as ridiculous.  They’re counting on our ultimate willingness to compromise our values, one by one, out of fear of conflict and a misguided ardor for social harmony.  They’re counting on our readiness to tell ourselves that we’re not surrendering or being submissive but are simply being good, respectful, cooperative neighbors.

It’s precisely in this way that sharia law is being introduced, step by inexorable step, into the West.  The only way to put a halt to it is to ensure that everyone in a position of power in the West is aware of exactly what the Hasan Küçüks among us are up to, and is willing to stand up to them every step of the way – knowing that it’s not about dogs, but about dogma; not about puppies, but about power.


Posted on 7 Feb 12 by Front Page Magazine




and almost eat each other…at a meeting designed to discuss love and peace!



 As you know, The United West is dedicated to busting up the Muslim Brotherhood and its lowlife affiliates throughout the United States of

America. We plan and initiate operations that are either overt or covert, all based upon sound non-shariah law with the intent of exposing

anti-American principles, policies and procedures. Our goal is to disrupt, disable or destroy any Islamic activity that advances the Muslim Brotherhood’s

stated objectives of destroying our miserable civilization (America) from within.

Today we present this 26 minute video to you, to show you how easy it is to bust up – legally – these completely bogus “Interfaith” dialogues that are

popping up all over America. These are nothing more than a Muslim Brotherhood infiltration operations, designed to spread Islam

consistent with their five-phased plan of civilization Jihad.


As you watch this video note the following:

1. 26 minutes- that seems like a long video, but you will NOT be able to STOP watching!!

2. Remember the insightful movie – Lord of the Flies…well, this is Lords of the INTERFAITH Flies!

3. Brotherhood Imams and phony Christian leftists HATE video cameras – so much for openness & transparency.

4. Sit back and LEARN – Interfaith meetings led by shariah-compliant Muslims are part of a sophisticated infiltration operation


If you want more information about The United West, please review our web site,

in particular, our 2011 ACTION REPORT.

≈ ≈ ≈


 for The United West


Posted on 30 Jan 12 by The United West via email


Tarrant County College Investigation

• January 25, 2012 •

Well, well, well.  Tarrant County College has released the findings of its investigation and SURPRISE!!!!!!!! 

The poor Muslim students were completely innocent, did nothing wrong and apparently were incapable of telling a lie.  On the other hand the Professor and several of the Non-Muslim students created a hostile environment for the poor Muslims and then lied about every aspect of the incident.

UH, NO!!  Facts would indicate otherwise.  But then this is just my opinion based on a belief in the Constitution of the United States of America and the freedoms that it guarantees.  Of course this radical belief in freedom may have clouded my judgment so, read the article below and decide for yourself.


Investigation concludes that TCC professor created hostile environment

Monday, Jan. 23, 2012

By Diane Smith    Star-Telegram Staff Writer

FORT WORTH — An internal investigation by Tarrant County College concluded that a former professor created a hostile classroom environment for Muslim students who questioned his source material and complained that his teachings were biased during a November lecture.

(He was teaching from the Quran and Sunnah.)

Paul Derengowski’s Great Religions of the World class at TCC Southeast Campus grabbed headlines when a Nov. 8 lecture ended with two Muslim students abruptly leaving his class after questioning the professor about his lesson and other students reporting that they felt threatened by what happened.

(I would assume that the fact that the male Muslim student issued a treat as he stormed from the room could be the reason other students felt threatened.)

One of the Muslim students, Randa Bedair, e-mailed classmates and accused Derengowski of being biased.

Derengowski eventually resigned, and later said that he did so under duress. His resignation became part of the inquiry, which also examined complaints from the Muslim students who left the class as well as accusations by other students that the Muslim students were disruptive and defamed the professor.

The students supporting Derengowski also criticized the administration’s handling of the situation.

But TCC administrators said that the situation was handled appropriately and that Derengowski’s resignation was completely voluntary.

“It was determined that Mr. Derengowski voluntarily resigned from his teaching responsibilities without duress as he alleged,” states a copy of the inquiry report obtained by the Star-Telegram through the Texas Public Information Act.

The report added: “… Mr. Derengowski created a hostile learning environment for the two Muslim students.”

(Damn that Professor for telling the truth!)

The report concluded that the Muslim students didn’t display disruptive behavior or defame Derengowski.

Derengowski said Monday that he is not surprised that the college would issue findings supporting the students. Administrators are “covering themselves” for mishandling his situation, he said.

“I think it is a legal formality,” Derengowski said, adding that he did not voluntarily resign and that he is exploring his legal options.

“You are getting the PR version of their so-called investigation,” he said.

Documents filed with the college district indicate that Derengowski felt “berated” by the Muslim students, who believed that he was speaking negatively about Islam and Mohammad.

(Once again, HELLO – THE TRUTH!!!!)

Bedair could not be reached for comment Monday evening.

The inquiry states that 38 students — 28 of whom who are still enrolled in the class and 10 who dropped it — were asked if they felt threatened.

Only 10 students responded.

Some said they were uneasy about a requirement to read Derengowski’s personal web site, which referred to Islam as a cult. Others defended the professor, questioned the college’s response and accused the Muslim students of “sabotaging the class.”

Click here to read the investigation results issued by Tarrant County College.

Click here to read about Professor Paul Derengowski from Tarrant County College in Texas.

Posted on 25 Jan 12 by Patriots United Against Radical Islam (PUARI)

Why do Muslims always think we ‘infidels’ need to be educated about Islam?

Posted: January 7, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam |

Two not so all-American Muslim women whine about being misunderstood by non-Muslims. Well, here’s a bulletin: we know more about your stinking so-called religion than we ever wanted to know.

But maybe you could tell us why you have to wash your dirty feet in public restroom sinks where we wash our hands? As for your wearing of headbags (hijabs), the two of you would do the world a favor if you wore the full face-covering veil – niqab.


Posted on 7 Jan 12 by BNI