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Image of the Beast Islamic Connection

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. I wanted to post this so folks will see what is a huge possibility for the anti-Christ’s image…contrary to what is being taught by most churches as far as the anti-Christ being the Pope or someone from Europe…this is not correct, the anti-Christ will be Islamic, and the anti-Christ’s false prophet will be (per prophecy) the current Pope. Pope Francis is currently trying to merge Islam with Catholicism…here is a quick video on a very high probability of the AC’s image…after all, during the Islamic pilgrimage, they march past it and kiss it, touch it, look at it depending on how close they are to it…

And yes, FYI, Islam will take over the majority of the world will succumb to Islam, it will be the anti-Christ’s global religion]

Four Star Admiral: the Muslim Brotherhood Has Penetrated ALL of Our US National Security Agencies Under the Obama Administration [Video]

05 Feb, 2015 by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

I could not agree more. Every one of these Marxists should be removed from office, especially Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett (who is not even in office, but is the consigliere to Obama and is from Iran). We have allowed the enemies from within to gain control of virtually every security and intelligence agency we have. We are lousy with Islamists within our walls, who are conducting a silent coup within our government. Our conquest by Islam is happening right before our very eyes. The Muslim Brotherhood has meetings with the Obama Administration all the time and then they call for a decade of Jihad and the death of Egypt’s al Sisi. All with the blessing of Barack Obama. Everything our president has done screams that he is aiding and abetting the enemy.

From TPNN:

Retired 4-Star U.S. Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, speaking at the National Press Club in January, says that under Obama’s guidance, the Obama Regime has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorism front group, saying that the radical anti-freedom organization has penetrated every U.S. security agency. Admiral Lyons said that “the transformation of America has been in full swing ever since 2008,” the year Obama was elected based upon his campaign promise to “fundamentally transform America.”

Speaking about Obama’s refusal to attend the recent march in France, reportedly attended by more than 50 world leaders to condemn Islamic terrorism following the gruesome murders of cartoonists who had the audacity to lampoon Islam, Admiral Lyons said that act was a “signal to Islamic Jihadis,” and is “one of many signals he sent over the years while in office.”

“There’s no question we got a hell of a job ahead of us,” Admiral Lyons said. “With the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies,” he proclaimed.

Admiral Lyons said that our “lead intelligence agency” is “headed by a Muslim convert,” a reference to Obama CIA head John Brennan.

The new GOP majority in both houses of Congress were elected to “stop the transformation of America, not to see how they could work with the president.”

Admiral Lyons asserted that there is no such thing as radical Islam, but that “Islam is Islam.”

“The threat is Islam. Let’s make no mistake about it. There’s no such thing as radical Islam,” Lyons asserted.

When four-star admirals come forward and tell you that Islamists are running the show in America, you had better listen. This is something that Trevor Loudon and I have been harping on for years. Barack Obama will not stop our enemies, because he is one of them. He has gutted our military and intelligence agencies. He has replaced our leaders with Islamists, communists and sycophants. The treasonous damage he has done will cripple or destroy us if we do not have the spine to face evil and cull the Islamists and their sympathizers from our midst in our halls of power, our military and our intelligence agencies. Islam does not need a Trojan horse…they have Obama.

Posted on 5 Feb 15 by Right Wing News

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Sorry to say this, but with a Word from the Lord that came down that tells us that if America does not come back to God, as a covenant country (only two countries exist that have a covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…Israel and America) we have been given harbingers, and refused to come back to Him, we have been given signs and prophesies in the Old Testament through Israel’s history when they turned their backs on God…they always suffered an economic collapse, then a capture/destruction…America now, is far worse than any country in the past that has been judged by God…and America is not mentioned, through iconology or symbolism, in the end times of Revelation, the “Apocalyptic” book of the Bible. There is a Shemitah that will happen against the US in September, where the dollar…our entire economy…will die, the US dollar will be taken out of the World currency, then shortly afterwards, Barack Hussein Obama will enforce martial law on the US, and will rid the US of American law, and will shuffle in Shari’a (Islamic law)…and the Muslim Brotherhood will have conquered America, just as they have planned, with a Trojan horse as president.

When the Word comes that America needs to come back to Christ, it doesn’t mean just an “Ask the Lord for forgiveness and everything will be ok again”…it means we need to come back to Him…by turning away from our national signs…the sins of homosexuality/transgendering (Sodom and Gomorrah was punished for this and was destroyed), all crime, both violent and non-violent (the laws of God, and the laws of the US originally were basically, an eye for an eye…but we no longer do that, so criminals get away with murder so to speak), abortion (this falls under the worship of the idol/god molocke), following false gods (wanting more wealth, more material things, more clout…being obsessed with hobbies like material items {PC gaming, console gaming, texting, best house, anything that is being obsessed over} is actually following false gods because they have become the god in your life, they are what you want most of), pornography (this is a lust, fornication, adulterous problem…it causes some people to become obsessed over stalking people, raping people, having illicit sex with people they don’t know, having illicit sex without marriage, cheating on spouse if married), pharmacia (Greek word for pharmacy…but overall it entails ALL drugs, good and bad), not to mention uncourteousness, selfishness, laziness, unhelpfulness…the list goes on…America would have to repent, and turn away from all this…the proper medication usage is the only exception…but drug use, improper medicine use, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, following false gods, lack of manners…all must be changed…or America will be destroyed…destroyed as we know it…destroyed from what it is now…

Obama Cooperates With Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder

Adina Kutnicki

IF one understands how dangerous the Muslim Brotherhood is to western civilization, let alone America, one then realizes what it means to embrace the grandson of its founder, Hassan al-Banna!! Ramadan Exhorts COLONIZING U.S./Canada FBO Islam!

IT is with this mind that the readers should internalize the following commentary. Enough said.

Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


AS always, one can count on the (w)academic community – intellectual “acanemics” –  to propagate the most outrageous falsehoods, all in order to push through their ideological objectives. In fact, historical truth is as valued as soiled toilet paper.

INHERENTLY, anti-American/anti-western profs lend “intellectual” cover to Islamic supremacists/jihadists. Dangerous reprobates.

BUT when you factor in enumerable Islamists educated in the west, the landscape becomes even more ominous. Deadly.

IN this regard, they selectively bare their Islamic fangs before certain audiences, yet, their western educated silvery tongues – honed via their pedigrees – convince many that they are “reformers”. Moreover, some attended (and teach) at the most prestigious universities, garnering them even bigger megaphones and wider prestige. Mind you, to those who are paying attention, it puts paid to the hogwash that Islamists are deprived, uneducated, alienated and otherwise disadvantaged!

John Kerry said it would be a mistake to link Islam to criminal conduct rooted in alienation, poverty, thrill-seeking and other factors.

ENTER, Tariq Ramadan (via this linked video), as slippery as a snake, opining that “Islamophobia” is a root issue to examine, yet feigns “moderation” in this and that. Oh yeah. Orwellian doublespeak.

 Brother Tariq

MOST significantly Tariq Ramadan…hold onto your seats…is the GRANDSON of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder Hassan al-Banna!!

YES, it must be understood how earth shaking this factor is, as he is an heir apparent to the most dangerous (worldwide) Islamic umbrella/front group, bar none. Regardless, Barack HUSSEIN Obama gave him open sesame, as indicated below.


AS expected, Islamists, whatever their stripes, can’t stay away from Muslim Brotherhood and other associated terror groups: Ramadan headlined at ICNA!

ICNA has established a reputation for bringing anti-American radicals to speak at its annual conferences. Moreover, experts have long documented the organization’s ties to Islamic terrorist groups. Yehudit Barsky, a terrorism expert at the American Jewish Committee, has said that ICNA “is composed of members of Jamaat e-Islami, a Pakistani Islamic radical organization similar to the Muslim Brotherhood that helped to establish the Taliban.” (Pakistani newspapers have reported that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a leading architect of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was offered refuge in the home of Jamaat e-Islami’s leader, Ahmed Quddoos.) On September 27, 1997, another Pakistani Islamist leader, Maulana Shafayat Mohamed, played host to an ICNA conference at his Florida-based fundamentalist madrassa (religious school), which served as a recruitment center for Taliban fighters.

In 2000, CNSNews.com made public a press release, originally posted on a Middle Eastern website, from a July 2000 ICNA meeting, which read: “Jamaat e-Islami’s supporters have an organization in America known as ICNA …” The press release also recounted some of the views expressed at the aforementioned ICNA meeting. These included an exhortation that “Islam must be translated into political dominance”; pleas for support for “jihad” in “Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq [against U.S. forces], southern Sudan, and … in Bosnia/Kosova [sic]”; an appeal for unity among Pakistani Muslims against “Hindu Brahmins and Zionist Jews”; and an endorsement of Muslim women’s inclusion in carrying out jihad. One Islamic leader present at the ICNA event complained about “human rights violations” being carried out by the U.S. government against the terrorist mastermind Omar Abdel Rahman, spiritual leader of Egypt’sIslamic Group.

In part because of such revelations, ICNA is now under investigation by U.S. authorities for possible connections to terrorist groups. In December 2003, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee requested that the Internal Revenue Service provide detailed information on 25 U.S. Muslim organizations, including ICNA…..

DESPITE the above – or more accurately due to it – Barack HUSSEIN Obama opened America’s gates to Ramadan, a Swiss citizen of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood legacy!

MUSLIM SUPREMACIST TARIQ RAMADAN says, “We are not here to adopt Western values, we are here to colonize the U.S. (and Canada) and spread Islamic sharia law”

Banned from entering the U.S. by George W. Bush, Ramadan was welcomed back by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. He states that “Canada has one of the easiest legal systems to penetrate and advance sharia from within…but if that doesn’t work, we won’t hesitate to use violent jihad.”

IN the main, you gotta thank said Islamic supremacists for slipping up, even though Tariq Ramadan believes that his doublespeak via taqiyya is lost on clueless Americans. In other words, while some are more “in your face” than others, their Islamic designs are one and the same: a global caliphate under Shariah Law!

SO realize that another linked video clip, by leading British Islamist Anjem Choudhary, is a mirror image to Ramadan. Choudhary is the same jihadist who was cited in an intelligence analysis this investigative journalist was part of. It was not for nothing.

INTRINSICALLY, when one is less than 6 degrees separated from “43 Islamists on trial for a Euro-terror plot” (for starters), well, others would do well to hear what he (they) have to say. Indeed, they mean (Shariah law) business.

BOTTOM LINE: it is always, hands down, better to know with whom you are dealing, thus, to internalize where you stand.

IN effect, just like Choudhary lays it on the line, so too does Tariq Ramadan. A host of others alike. Agreed, some choose to come out in full Islamic garb, while others charm with their smooth-style western clothing and affectations, yet, their final messages are still the same:submission to Allah!

IS it any wonder why the Islamist-in-Chief granted him a visa and embraces these same brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia? 

“My bothers and sisters, we must exploit the so-called democracy and freedom of speech here in the West to reach our goals.

Our prophet Muhammad, peace be unto him and the Koran teach us that we must use every conceivable means to defeat the enemies of Allah.

Tell the infidels in public we respect your laws and your constitutions, which we Muslims believe that these are as worthless as the paper they are written on.

The only law we must respect and apply is the Shari’a.”

Tariq Ramadan – www.facebook.com/pages/Quoting-Islam 

CLEAR as a bell!!


Posted on 1 Feb 15 by Joe for America

Islamic Tribunal Confirmed in Texas,US: Sharia Law Now Being Implemented as Judicial Process


Islamic Tribunal of Texas. (Dallas, TX. Headquarters) Photo courtesy of: Breitbart 

by, Bob Price | Breitbart | h/t F. Peter Brown | Center for Western Journalism

An Islamic Tribunal using Sharia law in Texas has been confirmed by Breitbart Texas. The tribunal is operating as a non-profit organization in Dallas. One of the attorneys for the tribunal said participation and acceptance of the tribunal’s decisions are “voluntary.”

Breitbart Texas spoke with one of the “judges,” Dr. Taher El-badawi. He said the tribunal operates under Sharia law as a form of “non-binding dispute resolution.” El-badawi said their organization is “a tribunal, not arbitration.” A tribunal is defined by Meriam-Webster’s Dictionary as “a court or forum of justice.” The four Islamic attorneys call themselves “judges” not “arbitrators.”

El-badawi said the tribunal follows Sharia law to resolve civil disputes in family and business matters. He said they also resolve workplace disputes.

In matters of divorce, El-badawi said that “while participation in the tribunal is voluntary, a married couple cannot be considered divorced by the Islamic community unless it is granted by the tribunal.” He compared their divorce, known as “Talaq,” as something similar to the Catholic practice of annulment in that the church does not recognize civil divorce proceedings as ending a marriage.

He also said there is a difference between how a man and a woman can request a divorce under their system. “The husband can request the divorce directly from the tribunal,” El-badawi stated. “The wife must go to an Imam who will request the divorce for her.” He called it “two paths to the same result.” The practice of Khula is the process where a wife can initiate a divorce proceeding and where the husband can agree to the divorce in exchange for a financial compensation. It appears the wife must agree to give up any claim to the “dower” that was not already paid or to return it if it has already been paid. Once the financial issues are resolved the husband can then proclaim the Talaq (divorce).

El-badawi said they follow Texas family law when it comes to child support, visitation, and custody. He said that in most cases, custody of children is awarded to the mother.

Breitbart Texas asked what happens when there is a conflict between Sharia law and Texas law. El-badawi said most of the time, the laws are in agreement. When pushed further he admitted that, “we follow Sharia law.” However, he explained, “If the parties are not satisfied with the tribunal’s decision, they do not have to accept it and they can take the matter to Texas civil courts.” He did not say what the social ramifications of rejecting the “judge’s” decision would be.

The website for the Islamic Tribunal states, “The courts of the United States of America are costly and consist of ineffective lawyers.  Discontent with the legal system leads many Muslims in America to postpone justice in this world and opt for an audience on the Day of Judgment.”

It goes on to state, “It is with this issue that Muslims here in America are obligated to find a way to solve conflicts and disputes according to the principles of Islamic Law and its legal heritage of fairness and justice in a manner that is reasonable and cost effective.”

In explaining Sharia law, the website states, “Stoning adulterers, cutting of the hands, polyandry and the like (all can be traced in the relevant literature and can be explained in their Islamic legal mentality and rational context in fairness and justice), are mainly a part of Islamic Criminal Law.  In fact criminal law within Islam only makes up a fraction of the Shari’ah.  It is unscholarly and unfair to generalize that type of understanding, that is Criminal Law, to compromise the whole of Islamic law if we stick to speaking in technical terms.”

The website lists four “judges:” Imam Yusuf Z.Kavakci, Imam Moujahed Bakhach, Imam Zia ul Haque Sheikh and Dr. El-badawi. It states the Islamic Tribunal resolves business disputes, divorce (Talaq) cases, community problems, serious family problems, and Khula.

El-badawi restated several times that participation in the tribunal is voluntary. However, he would not discuss what happens to someone who did not follow their rulings.

– – –

Here is an ‘enlightening’ video of Chris Matthews attacking concerned Americans from Texas just one year ago…and calling sharia law in America ‘..non-existent..’ Ugh, what a blind, ignorant liberal fool.

Posted on 1 Jan 15 by Sharia Unveiled

BOOM: Rep. Womick (R-TN) Calls For Purging Military of Muslim Americans

Posted on December 29, 2014

Oh, no. He just condemned Obama’s favorite religion. Will he be ‘re-educated?’

Posted on 29 Dec 14 by Clash Daily

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. This is a very good thing that could happen…although it wont due to the political correctness and the religious background of of the “Imam-in-Chief”, he wants more Muslims in the military, to make a second ISIS army…

This would be the best thing that could happen, but I would not limit it there…I would do what America did at the start of WW II with the American-Japanese and American-Germans, not put them in concentration camps, but take ALL Muslims out of ALL government jobs, local, state and federal, including the presidency, and put them on the back burner until the war entailing Islam against the “West” is over. Also, take all Islamic groups that have stated that they will take over the US internally, as well as all of it’s front groups, would not only be placed on a terrorist list, but would also be banned from the US. And all that had any association with them, like Barack Hussein Obama with his membership with the Muslim Brotherhood, and anyone else that would fit that bill, would be exiled out of America, or face a trial of treason against the United States, under 18 U.S.C. § 2381 : US Code – Section 2381: Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

As we already know…Barack Hussein Islama already falls under 18 U.S.C. § 2381, because he adheres to our enemies, by arming them, training them, releasing them from military prison, and push their ideology and laws off onto us

Not meaning it bad, per se, but Muslims in America, and in the military are a huge threat to the US, almost as big a threat as a Muslim as president (which is far greater a threat than ISIS)]

[Watch] Franklin Graham Has An Epic Message For Radical Muslims

Muslim Preacher At Al-Aqsa Mosque: May Allah Annihilate America And Its Coalition And ‘Enable Us To Cut Off Their Heads,’ We Want A Caliphate That Will ‘Liberate Jerusalem From The Jews, The Most Vile Of Creatures’

muslim-preacher3Obama just gave these devout savages 414 million of our taxpayer dollars. For what, exactly?

“Preacher At Al-Aqsa Mosque: May Allah Annihilate America And Its Coalition And ‘Enable Us To Cut Off Their Heads’, We Want A Caliphate That Will ‘Liberate Jerusalem From The Jews, The Most Vile Of Creatures.”
The Middle East Media Research Institute, November 25, 2014
In an impromptu sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Palestinian preacher Ali Abu Ahmad called upon Allah to annihilate America and its coalition.Oh Allah, enable us to cut off their heads,” he said, adding that there was need for a Caliphate that “will liberate Jerusalem from the Jews, the most vile of creatures.” The sermon was delivered on November 21, 2014 and was posted on the Internet.

Ali Abu Ahmad: “Who will come to the aid of Islam, if not us? Who will come to the aid of Jerusalem, if not us? Who will come to the aid of the Caliphate, if not us, oh servants of Allah? Do you want America to bring you a caliphate tailored to its interests? Such a caliphate would sanction the killing of Muslims, would shed their blood, and would violate the honor of their women, in the name of Islam. Absolutely not, oh servants of Allah. We want a caliphate in the path of the Prophet, which will protect lives, will defend women’s honor, and will liberate Jerusalem from the Jews, the most vile of creatures.”



“Oh servants of Allah, do not resort to the international community. Do not resort to the international institutions or the Security Council, for they are the ones who brought the Jews to the land of Palestine. They share the blame for their barbaric crimes against the Muslims in Palestine. Seek refuge in Allah the Almighty, the Avenger. Only Allah can break the backs of America and the Jews, as he did to Pharaoh and Nimrod.”


“Do not be deluded by the arrogance of the Jews, or by their crimes against the Muslims of Palestine. This is merely a prelude to their elimination, Allah willing, at the hands of the loyal mujahideen within Palestine and abroad.”


“Oh Allah, annihilate America and its coalition. Oh Allah, enable us to cut off their heads. Oh Allah, help our brothers, the mujahideen in the land of Iraq and Syria.”

Posted on 25 Nov 14 by Pamella Geller

UAE Designates CAIR and Muslim American Society (MAS) as Terrorist Organizations


by, Sharona Schwartz | The Blaze

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and was posted by the official news agency WAM.

CAIR described its inclusion on the terrorism list as “shocking and bizarre” and called on the UAE government to remove them.

“There is absolutely no factual basis for the inclusion [of] CAIR and other American and European civil rights and advocacy groups on this list,” CAIR said in a statement Sunday.

Video courtesy of: Brooke Goldstein

“Like the rest of the mainstream institutions representing the American Muslim community, CAIR’s advocacy model is the antithesis of the narrative of violent extremists,” the group said. “We call on the United Arab Emirates cabinet to review this list and remove organizations such as CAIR, the Muslim American Society and other civil society organizations that peacefully promote civil and democratic rights and that oppose terrorism whenever it occurs, wherever it occurs and whoever carries it out.”

CAIR said it recently joined other Muslim-American leaders to release an open letter in Arabic “refuting the ideology of the terrorist group ISIS and urging its supporters to repent and ‘return to the religion of mercy.’”

The Muslim American Society said in its own statement that it was “shocked” to learn of its inclusion.

“The Muslim American Society is a religious community service organization that serves people in the United States. We have no dealings with the United Arab Emirates, and hence are perplexed by this news,” the group said. “Before proceeding any further, we would first like to verify the accuracy of the news reports and receive an official response from the United Arab Emirates regarding the reports. We would also like to seek the help of our government to address this issue.”

CAIR was named by federal prosecutors in 2007 along with about 300 others as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a Hamas funding case connected with the Holy Land Foundation trial. Hamas has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. government since 2007. BuzzFeed noted that a federal judge later ruled that the government should not have included CAIR as a co-conspirator list, and CAIR was never charged with any crime.

CAIR, an Islamic advocacy group, was one of the organizations that sponsored the first Muslim prayer service held at the Washington National Cathedral on Friday.

The Associated Press noted that the UAE’s decision to include the Muslim Brotherhood on its terrorist group list followed similar terrorism designations for the Muslim Brotherhood by Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Posted on 22 Nov 14 by Sharia Unveiled

EX-CIA employee admits President Obama is a radical Islamic enemy of America

It’s an explosive charge, one that practically accuses the president of treason.

Today, a former CIA agent bluntly told the newspaper, World Net Daily, that America has switched sides in the war on terror under President Obama. Clare Lopez was willing to say what a few members of Congress have said in private, but declined to say on-the-record.

Clare M. Lopez is the Vice President for Research and Analysis at the Center for Security Policy and a Senior Fellow at The Clarion Project, the London Center for Policy Research, and the Canadian Meighen Institute. Since 2013, she has served as a member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi. Also Vice President of the Intelligence Summit, she formerly was a career operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee from 2005-2006, and has served as a consultant, intelligence analyst, and researcher for a variety of defense firms. She was named a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute in 2011.

Lopez said the global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates. Lopez believes that the Muslim Brotherhood has thoroughly infiltrated the Obama administration and other branches of the federal government. One of the most outrageous of those appointments is Mohamed Elibiary, a senior member of the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council. According to a report by the Center for Security Policy, Elibiary supports brokering a U.S. partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group. Two months ago, a firestorm erupted online after Elibiary tweeted that a “Caliphate” is inevitable and compared it to the European Union.

Ms. Lopez also believes Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: “to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands.” The former CIA operative’s perspective affects her prescription for what the U.S. should do about the terror army ISIS, as she called for caution and restraint.

While there has been a sudden chorus of politicians and military experts calling for the immediate elimination of the terrorist army after it beheaded American journalist James Foley last week, Lopez believes the U.S. should have an overall strategy in place before fully re-engaging in the Mideast militarily.Any military action would be further complicated, she told WND, if it were not clear which side the U.S. is on, either in the short term or in the overall war on terror.

Lopez felt it was impossible to understand why the president and some of his top appointees, such as CIA Director John Brennan, who is believed to be a Muslim convert, “consistently seem to apologize for Islam, even in the face of such atrocities as the Foley beheading,” adding, they “take pains to assure the world they don’t think IS, (or the Islamic State, also called ISIS) or whichever perpetrator it was, has anything to do with Islam. How can they possibly believe that genuinely when everything these jihadis do tracks directly to the literal text of Quran, hadiths and Shariah?”

“In any case, and for whatever motivations, there is no doubt this administration switched sides in what used to be called the Global War on Terror,” she said.

I wonder if those who don’t want to go ‘on the record’ will finally speak out.

Posted on 28 Aug 14 by Examiner dot com

Barack bin Islama

Barack bin Islama

Pro-Hamas Terrorists Invade Brooklyn Bridge and What They Did is Appalling

Police removed the flag soon after it was hung from the iconic bridge, but Twitter users captured the incident beforehand.

hamas bridge

(A TWITTER post)

Gothamist ✔ @Gothamist
No arrests after demonstrators unfurl enormous Palestinian flag from Manhattan Bridge http://gothamist.com/2014/08/20/manhattan_bridge_palestine.php#photo-1
7:00 AM – 21 Aug 2014 Follow

Posted on 21 Aug 14 by Tea Party News Network