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Al Jazeera English Bans Employees from Using Terms Jihad, Islamist, Radical

Posted on by creeping


via Internal Emails Show Al Jazeera English Banning Use of Terms ‘Terrorist,’ ‘Militant,’ ‘Islamist’ | National Review Online

Shortly after news broke of a deadly January 27 attack by Islamic terrorists on a hotel in Libya’s capital, Al Jazeera English executive Carlos van Meek shot out an email to his employees.

From: Carlos Van Meek
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 10:06 AM
To: AJE-Newsdesk; AJE-Output; AJE-DC-Newsroom
Subject: Terrorists, Militants, Fighters and then some…

All: We manage our words carefully around here. So I’d like to bring to your attention some key words that have a tendency of tripping us up. This is straight out of our Style Guide. All media outlets have one of those. So do we. If you’d like to amend, change, tweak.. pls write to Dan Hawaleshka direct who is compiling the updates to the Style Guide and they will be considered based on merit. No mass replies to this email, pls.

EXTREMIST – Do not use. Avoid characterizing people. Often their actions do the work for the viewer. Could write ‘violent group’ if we’re reporting on Boko Haram agreeing to negotiate with the government. In other words, reporting on a violent group that’s in the news for a non-violent reason.

TERRORISM/TERRORISTS – One person’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. We will not use these terms unless attributed to a source/person.

ISLAMISTDo not use. We will continue to describe groups and individuals, by talking about their previous actions and current aims to give viewers the context they require, rather than use a simplistic label.

NOTE: Naturally many of our guests will use the word Islamist in the course of their answers. It is absolutely fine to include these answers in our output. There is no blanket ban on the word.

JIHAD – Do not use the Arabic term. Strictly speaking, jihad means an inner spiritual struggle, not a holy war. It is not by tradition a negative term. It also means the struggle to defend Islam against things challenging it. Again, an Arabic term that we do not use.

FIGHTERS – We do not use words such as militants, radicals, insurgents. We will stick with fighters. However, these terms are allowed when quoting other people using them.

MILITANT – We can use this term to describe individuals who favour confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause. For example, we can use the term to describe Norwegian mass-killer Andres Behring Breivik or Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. But please note: we will not use it to describe a group of people, as in ‘militants’ or ‘militant groups’ etc.


Read it all.

Posted on 29 Jan 15 by Creeping Sharia

Britain: Muslim child sex grooming up by 32%, happening ‘in every town’, police inundated

Posted on by creeping

Immigration and diversity alert. via Daily Mail Online. h/t Muslim Statistics

  • 495 sexual grooming offences recorded by police in the year to June
  • Figure has risen by a third since on 376 offences uncovered in 2013
  • Lynne Featherstone warns abuse is not confined to any one area
  • Home Office minister says exploitation can ‘take on many different forms’
  • Council leaders hold summit on how to protect children from sex gangs
  • Child abuse inquiry members to give evidence to home affairs committee

The number of child sex grooming cases uncovered by police has soared by a third in just a year, ministers have admitted amid warnings abuse is happening in every town in the country.

The Home Office has revealed that 495 sexual grooming offences were recorded by police in the year to June, up 32 per cent on the same time in 2013.

It comes as council leaders hold a summit today on how to protect youngsters from being exploited by gangs of sex offenders.

Police say they have been inundated with reports of child sexual exploitation, including historic cases and allegations of grooming and trafficking across the country.

It follows high profile historical cases involving celebrities such as Jimmy Savile and revelations about sex gangs in Rotherham and Rochdale.

Fleur Strong, director of Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation (Pace), told MailOnline last month that this type of abuse is ‘in every town’ and warned that people retreated to a ‘comfort zone’ of thinking grooming and abuse only happen ‘elsewhere’.

Challenged about the remarks, Home Office minister Lynne Featherstone insisted the risk of child abuse and grooming was not limited to certain areas.

‘We know that child sexual abuse and exploitation are not confined to any particular areas of the country,’ she said in response to a parliamentary question. ‘It can take on many different forms.’

But overwhelmingly they take the form of gangs like this (map here):



Zeeshan Ahmed. court drawing

Posted on 25 Jan 15 by Creeping Sharia

Obama and U.N. to start bringing 9,000 Syrian Muslims to U.S. in 2015

Posted on by creeping


While all eyes are fixed on Obama-created diversions such as amnesty for illegal immigrants, race-baiting rioting and pork-laden spending bills, the U.N. is sending thousands of Muslims to America. As we warned you here, here and here. Jihadist and sharia-supporters abound.

The U.S. State Department announced this week that the first major contingent of Syrian refugees, 9,000 of them, have been hand-selected by the United Nations for resettlement into communities across the United States.

The announcement came Tuesday on the State Department’s website.

WND reported in September that Syrians would make up the next big wave of Muslim refugees coming to the U.S., as resettlement agencies were lobbying for the U.S. to accept at least 75,000 Syrian refugees over the next five years.

Until now, the U.S. had accepted only 300 of the more than 3.2 million refugees created by the Syrian civil war in which ISIS, El Nusra and other Sunni Muslim jihadist rebels are locked in a protracted battle with the Shiite regime of Bashar al-Assad.

But the U.S. government has been the most active of all nations in accepting Islamic refugees from other war-torn countries, such as Iraq, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Now, the Syrians will be added to the mix. They are cleared for refugee status by the U.N. high commissioner on refugees (UNHCR), who assigns them to various countries. Once granted refugee status by the U.N. they are screened by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for any ties to terrorist organizations.

The State Department announcement makes it clear that the 9,000 refugees represent just the beginning of an extended program to accept more Syrians.

“The United States accepts the majority of all UNHCR referrals from around the world. Last year, we reached our goal of resettling nearly 70,000 refugees from nearly 70 countries. And we plan to lead in resettling Syrians as well,” the statement reads. “We are reviewing some 9,000 recent UNHCR referrals from Syria. We are receiving roughly a thousand new ones each month, and we expect admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond.”

The United States, with its commitment to accepting 70,000 displaced people a year, absorbs more refugees than all other countries combined. This number is understated, however, as once refugees get to the United States they are placed on a fast track to citizenship and are able to get their extended families to join them in the states under the government’s Refuge Family Reunification program.

The State Department works to place refugees in 180 cities across 49 states.

Click here to view the database containing all 180 cities accepting U.N. refugees for resettlement.

Despite the large numbers, the U.S. has come under criticism from aid groups for its pace in taking in refugees from the Syrian war, which is by far the largest refugee crisis of recent years, reported Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch.

U.S. officials say the resettlement program has moved slowly because the United Nations refugee agency, which they look to for referrals, didn’t begin making recommendations until late last year. And the United States takes 18 to 24 months on average to carefully vet each applicant to make sure he or she poses no security risk.

Muslim countries in the Middle East have so far not stepped up to permanently take in their Islamic brothers and sisters although the temporary refugee camps to which the Syrians have fled are in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.

Refugee Resettlement Watch – who has been documenting the immigration threats and problems destroying U.S. sovereignty for several years now – also has a map of where might those Syrians be going.

RRW also has a list of states where nearly 10,000 mostly Muslim refugees were resettled in first 2 months of fiscal year 2015.

Wealthy Muslim nations already ruled by sharia aren’t taking any Syrian so-called “refugees”.

Posted on 13 Dec 14 by Creeping Sharia

Muslim Cleric Says Saying Merry Christmas is Worse than Murder (video)

Tis the season:

via Eagle Rising who writes:

Think about that for a little while and then you tell me if we’ll ever be able to coexist peacefully.

Posted on 4 Dec 14 by Creeping Sharia

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Satan does a great job in mixing his false, soon to be global religion with the true Godly “religion”…Christianity, or more closely, Judaism. You see, the Roman Catholic Church (not meaning it bad, but stating truth) was not ordained from Jesus Christ. They do not fully follow the Biblical teachings. Such is the case with Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus, better known as Constantine I or Constantine the Great. He was a big-time pagan…an idol worshipper…when all of a sudden, as he was traveling to battle his most powerful rival in Italy, Maxentius, at the Tiber River in A.D. 312, he had a vision. In that vision, he reported seeing the cross of Christ superimposed on the sun with the words, in hoc signo vinces – “in this sign you shall conquer.” After winning the battle, he became a strong champion of Catholicism.

Either as a means to unify his empire, or to make converting to Christianity easier, Constantine sought to blend Christian and pagan traditions. At that time, two prominent pagan winter festivals were celebrated. The first, starting on December 17 and lasting seven days, honored Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture. The second, starting on December 25 and lasting through January 1, commemorated the birth of Mithras, the Persian god of light. Constantine merged many of the traditions from these festivals with the Nativity story in the Bible and Christmas was born. (H/T ALL ABOUT)

In reality, upon looking at the seasons in Israel and with a mathematician or two, and researching doing the calculations, it is more relevant to say Jesus was born on or around 11 Sept. But, Constantine didn’t only merge Jesus’ birth with pagan holidays, he merged other holy days with pagan holidays…like Jesus’ Resurrection/Easter. Another way satan fools people is how he set up Islam, although through the Catholic Church…Islam is like the true God/Hashem/El Shaddai/Yahweh’s commands and laws, but on the opposite side…let me explain this way…you have a roll of film. You get the film developed. after the processing, you have a picture that is beautiful color (the true God’s words) and a negative of the picture (this is Islam)…Islam is close, but it is opposite…Christmas is no exception..

Now the thing concerning this blog is like this…the Muslims, through their false prophet and his “mentor” which was seen as “Gabriel”, but was actually satan, the god of deception, convinced Muhammed that Jesus was not the Son of God. Christmas is celebrated as being the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God…this is why they feel it is a sin in their religion by even saying the Catholic/pagan word Christmas.

Muslim from U.S. killed fighting for ISIS

In a sea of bad news…American ISIS fighter Abu Muhammad al-Amriki ‘killed in Kobani’ | Daily Mail Online. h/t Atlas

Abu Muhammad al-Amriki, who reportedly lived in the U.S. before joining the terror group, has been ‘martyred’ in the border town of Kobani, according to internet posts by militants.

In a video posted on YouTube in February, a bearded man believed by officials to be the same individual was seen speaking in English with a heavy foreign accent.

Dressed in uniform and clutching a rifle, he said he had lived in America for around 10 years before travelling to Syria to join ISIS. It is unclear whether he was a U.S. citizen.


Posted on 20 Oct 14 by Creeping Sharia

Colorado: City changing pool rules for fully clad Muslim woman

They are smoking the good stuff in Commerce City.


via Muslim woman barred from Colorado pool over dress | Fox News.

COMMERCE CITY, Colo. – A Colorado city is promising to revise its swimsuit rules after a Muslim woman was turned away from its recreation center pool for wearing an Islamic dress over a shirt and pants.

Saba Ali told KMGH-TV that she offered to just wear the shirt and pants to swim on Sunday but was denied.

Commerce City spokeswoman Michelle Halsted says street clothes aren’t allowed in the pool because they can increase the likelihood of contamination and waterborne illness.

She says full body swimsuits and rash guards used by surfers and scuba divers are allowed. The city will update its swimwear brochure to include burkinis– loose fitting full-body swimsuits with a hood made for Islamic women.

And they’ll be sued when this broad or someone like her drowns.

Posted on 9 Oct 14 by Creeping Sharia

Colorado: American convert to Islam, and still Muslim, pleads guilty to ISIS support

Posted on by creeping

Shannon “Halima” Conley during US Army Explorer training (Facebook)

Shannon “Halima” Conley during US Army Explorer training (Facebook)

via KYTX CBS 19.

Shannon Maureen Conley’s plan to join ISIS and serve as a nurse at a jihadist camp ended Wednesday with a guilty plea to a terror charge in a Colorado federal court.

Conley, 19, was arrested at Denver International Airport in April as she was about to embark on a journey to Germany and eventually to an ISIS camp near the Turkish border. She told investigators that she was going to Turkey to await word from her suitor, identified in court documents as Yousr Mouelhi, an ISIS member she met on the Internet, whom she planned to marry.

Conley, a convert to Islam who wore a blue and white striped jail uniform and a traditional Muslim headscarf, appeared before a federal judge Wednesday and pleaded guilty to charge of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.

A certified nurse aide, Conley faces a maximum penalty of five years in federal prison and up to a $250,000 fine.

U.S. District Judge Raymond Moore set sentencing for January 23 and ordered that she have a psychiatric evaluation.

As part of the plea agreement, Conley must provide law enforcement agencies with information about others looking to help terrorist organizations abroad.

In a statement after the plea, Conley’s federal defender Robert Pepin referred to his client as Halima Shannon Conley.

“She’s also a 19-year-old woman of faith who was pursuing her faith and, unfortunately, as she pursued it she was led terribly astray,” the statement said. “That, in turn, led her to make some poor choices and she is now paying the price of those choices.”

She insisted on keeping her Muslim name, wearing a head covering and remaining a Muslim. The only remorse she has is getting caught.

Since her arrest, Pepin said, “the news out of the part of the world to which she was headed has been just awful.”

“Like all of us, Halima has been horrified to learn of the slaughter and oppression at the hands of the people controlling ISIS,” Pepin said in the statement.

Slick statement. The “people controlling ISIS”? So it’s not ISIS’ fault it’s whoever controls ISIS?

“It was never her vision to have any role in any of that. She would like everyone to know that her heart … and her prayers go out to … the families of those who have been killed, and to anyone who has been oppressed by those forces. Finally, Halima is fully aware that the fact that she was arrested may have very well saved her.”

What about the kafirs she cursed? No apology to them?

In Colorado, Conley allegedly told FBI agents that she was going to be with a member of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, that she had met online.

She told federal agents she had read a book called “Al-Qaida’s Doctrine for Insurgency” and intended to wage jihad against the United States, according to the criminal complaint.

When she was arrested, Conley had in her possession certification papers for first aid and nursing, the U.S. Army Explorers and the National Rifle Association, according to court documents.

“It’s a difficult time for us,” her mother, Ana Conley, told CNN last month, when court documents in the case were unsealed.

According to court papers, Conley’s parents were aware she had converted to Islam, but did not know about her interest in violent jihad. Her father, John, reportedly caught Shannon talking to her suitor, described as a 32-year-old Tunisian man, on Skype.

The couple asked for the father’s blessing and he refused, the court papers said. On April 1, John called FBI to report he had found plane ticket for later that month to Turkey.

Her daughter was arrested on a jetway while trying to board a flight to Germany on April 8, according to a criminal complaint.

Conley first came to the attention of authorities after the pastor and the security director at a church in Arvada, Colorado, called police and said she was acting suspiciously. Authorities interviewed her seven times over the course of five months before arresting her at the airport.

“I think she realizes she made a terrible mistake,” her mother told CNN. “She was clueless. She’s just a teenager, young, with a big mouth.”

 Her mistake was converting to Islam, and she has not fixed that mistake so clearly she hasn’t realized a thing. More:

During interviews with FBI agents in November, Conley, who had received military training in a Texas camp run by the US Army Explorer, said she hated members of the Faith Bible Chapel and disliked their support for Israel and Israel itself.

In her war against “kafir” (a derogatory term for non-Muslims), she felt it was acceptable to harm innocents if they are part of a target. Despite repeated FBI warnings, the woman refused to back down and was arrested on 8 April as she attempted to board a Turkey-bound plane to join and marry a 32-year-old Tunisian man who was waging jihad in Syria. She met the man on Skype.

In her house, agents found several DVDs of a senior al-Qaida leader named Anwar al-Awlaki, who acted also as recruiter for the Islamist group. He was killed in Yemen by a CIA-led US drone.

Posted on 12 Sep 14 by Creeping Sharia

3 Afghan Army, 2 Afghan DEA who fled U.S. training assignments caught

via 3 Afghan Army officers missing from U.S. base in custody at Canada-U.S. border – World – CBC News.

Three Afghanistan National Army officers who went missing during a training exercise at a Cape Cod military base were detained Monday at the U.S.-Canadian border, Massachusetts law enforcement officials said.

Massachusetts state police were notified that the three were being questioned by federal authorities at Rainbow Bridge, which connects Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Niagara Falls, Ont., said spokesman David Procopio, who did not have further details.

There was no immediate comment from the Pentagon.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials in Niagara Falls said they didn’t have the men in custody. Messages left for Canada Border Services Agency weren’t immediately returned.

CBS reports They were transferred to U.S. custody Monday night.

Military officials said the Afghan soldiers had been participating in a U.S. Central Command Regional Co-operation training exercise at Joint Base Cape Cod. They arrived at Camp Edwards on Sept. 11 and were last seen Saturday at the Cape Cod Mall in Hyannis during an off day.

 The soldiers were reported missing by base security personnel Saturday night. They were identified as Maj. Jan Mohammad Arash, Capt. Mohammad Nasir Askarzada and Capt. Noorullah Aminyar.

 Gov. Deval Patrick, who had been briefed over the weekend on the situation, said earlier Monday that the military did not believe the three soldiers posed a danger to the public.

 They were vetted by the military. They were cleared by the military,” Patrick told reporters while he visited a preschool program in Quincy.

 “There is a lot of speculation within the military that they may be trying to defect,” he said.

 Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, said earlier that 14 Afghans taking part in the Cape Cod military exercise were “thoroughly vetted” prior to coming to the U.S., so officials do not believe they are a threat.

 The Regional Co-operation training exercises have been held annually since 2004 to promote co-operation and interoperability among forces, build functional capacity, practice peacekeeping operations and enhance readiness.

This year’s exercise, which involves more than 200 participants from six nations including the U.S., is scheduled to wrap up Wednesday. Military officials from Tajikistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Mongolia are also participants.

The two DEA trainees are reportedly being sent home, via Afghan nationals who disappeared in D.C. while training with DEA found, being sent home | WJLA.com.

WASHINGTON (WJLA) — Two Afghan policemen who were in the D.C. area for drug trafficking training and vanished last weekend in Georgetown have now been found, the Drug Enforcement Administration told ABC7 News on Friday.

The two men – Mohammad Yasin Ataye, 22, and Mohd Naweed Samimi, 24 – were found safe somewhere outside of D.C., but officials would not say exactly where.

The pair were part of a group of 31 Afghan police officers who were in the U.S. for a multi-week DEA training program at Quantico, Va. They disappeared while the group was on a DEA-supervised sightseeing trip to Georgetown.

The DEA said the two men separated from the group and left because they did not want to go back to Afghanistan.

The other Afghan officers graduated the DEA program and were due to return home Friday night. These two men were being sent home along with the rest of the group, the DEA said.

 Astute readers will note 4 out of 5 Muhammed’s or derivations of.

Posted on 23 Sep 14 by Creeping Sharia

Videos: Men Dressed as ISIS Terrorists Cross into U.S. from Canada, Mexico

The latest from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.

Last month I crossed the border dressed as Osama bin Laden. Today we released a follow-up investigation.

It was so easy to cross into the United States from Mexico, we began asking questions about the Northern border. After all, British intelligence believes more than 500 British citizens have joined ISIS, and British citizens can enter Canada without a visa.

Frankly, we were disheartened by what we found. Watch for yourself.

And watch this: Man Crosses U.S. Border Dressed as ISIS Terrorist, Simulates Beheading

Stunt took place in exact spot where feds say ISIS terror attack is imminent

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs crossed the U.S. border from Mexico dressed as an ISIS militant to illustrate how easy it is for anyone to get into America despite warnings that Islamic State terrorists are plotting to carry out attacks on the homeland from their base in Juarez.

Posted on 9 Sep 14 by Creeping Sharia

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. This is the true reason why King Barack Hussein Islama wanted the open borders…sure its nice to fool people into thinking it was for the Mexicans so they can drop their ill children and criminally active youth on our hands, in exchange for more illegal votes to keep the king and his lackys in as king of the Hill, but the main reason was to do two things with one anti-sovereignty act…one was to help his promise to make America a Muslim country by 2016 (with the estimated through poles and Imams pushing their ummahs) that by 2016 150-250 million Muslims WILL come to America, as well as he opened the doors for the Muslim Brotherhood’s jihadist army to come into America and wreak havoc on the “great satan” and force conversion…you look at the evidence of the borders being so lax, as well as the fact he doesn’t have a plan when ISIS attacks America, and the reasoning is quite clear.

ISIS Supporting Muslims Flash Islamic Flag in Front of White House

via ISIS Supporters Flash Islamic Flag in Front of White House – Threaten America | The Gateway Pundit.

A photo posted to Twitter on Saturday by a supporter of the terrorist group the Islamic State (aka ISIS or ISIL) shows a cellphone screen with a large image of the black flag of jihad being held up so the White House is seen in the background. The Twitter account @mhajr93 posted the image.


The undated photo was taken at night from the Pennsylvania Avenue side of the White House. The brightly lit North Portico is clearly seen in the background of the photo.

Alongside the photo was the propaganda message, “we are here #America near our #target 🙂 sooooooooooooon”. The #AmessagefromISIStoUS hashtag employed by ISIS and its supporters after President Obama launched airstrikes on ISIS forces in northern Iraq this week was used. The counter hashtag #AmessagefromUStoISIS was also used.

The photo was posted again hours later with the message, “we are everywhere”.


We are in your state

We are in your cities

We are in your streets

You are our goals anywhere

And the photo was posted again today with another threat.

Earlier this week The Gateway Pundit reported on ISIS’ vow to one day “raise the flag of Muhammad in the White House.”

Twitter is aiding and abetting Muslim terrorists and allowing them to recruit and terrorize using the Twitter service.


As the jihadists punk Obama government social media follies…and failures.

Posted on 12 Aug 14 by Creeping Sharia