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Soros helping Islam ‘look less radical’

Posted on October 18, 2011 by creeping

The Prophet said, “War is deceit.” ~ Hadith 4:269

via Soros helping Islam ‘look less radical’ (OneNewsNow.com).

A conservative media watchdog organization says left-wing billionaire George Soros is funding a course that teaches journalists how to downplay the negative aspects of Islam.

The three-hour online course called “Covering Islam in America” is a project of The Poynter Institute, which claims the program is designed to “give a broad explanation of the religious, social, political, and geographical facts about Islam today.” That organization has partnered with the Social Science Research Council and Washington State University to strengthen “accurate” reporting and to enhance “the ability of the media to fairly report on a range of pressing issues.”

Dan Gainor (Culture and Media Institute)But Dan Gainor, vice president for business and culture at the Culture and Media Institute (CMI) of the Media Research Center, contends the course is nothing more than a guide on how to spin Islam in a positive light.

“It teaches [journalists] to downplay Jihad, quite literally to put the deaths of the 3,000-plus people that died on 9/11 in context so that you compare it to the initiative on HIV and AIDS, or you compare it against how many Americans are killed in murder,” he explains. “So, instead of actually just telling the truth on this, they actually are teaching in a journalism program how to spin and make Islam look less radical.”

Gainor points out that murder victims are generally killed in separate incidents, whereas victims of Islamic terrorism are usually killed in larger-scale attacks. He also points out that murder victims are not typically killed in the name of an ideological war against a country.

More: Course Instructs Journalists to Take Note That Jihad ‘Not a Leading Cause of Death’

Gainor’s group released a report Thursday morning on the course.

The online course, which is broken into several sections, also discusses “right-wing activists” bent on linking American Muslims to terrorism. The section includes the good-journalism tip that reporters should check to see if experts they’re interviewing “have a bias or a stake in the story you are covering.” But then it only cites examples of anti-Muslim groups.

The course also addresses Shariah law without including information of instances where the law is interpreted with harsh consequences.

It’s the leading cause of death in the name of Allah, isn’t it?

Posted on 18 Oct 11 by Creeping Sharia

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