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UPDATE to “They came, they saw, they plagiarized…1001 alleged ‘Muslim’ inventions, virtually none of which were actually invented by Muslims”

Muslims keep opening exhibits around the world about the alleged history of Muslim innovation which they claim was an ‘Islamic Golden Age’ 1,000 years ago. The West mostly takes them at their word, not bothering to do even a minimum amount of research which would debunk 99% of their claims.


ORIGINAL STORIES/VIDEOS: they-came-they-saw-they-plagiarized-1001-so-called-muslim-inventions-virtually-none-of-which-were-actually-invented-by-muslims


Muslims have nothing to show in science today and need to make up for it pointing to the past – as though that would compensate for the lack of a scientific orientation today. Alas, the claim that there were significant inventions and earth-shattering discoveries made at the time is also false.


StopSpamming1 (h/t livingengine)

Posted on 16 Sep 13 by BNI