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Obama’s anti-gun, pro-sharia legal adviser guides Libya war policy

Posted on June 18, 2011 by creeping

via 2 Top Lawyers Lost to Obama in Libya War Policy Debate – NYTimes.com.

WASHINGTON — President Obama rejected the views of top lawyers at the Pentagon and the Justice Department when he decided that he had the legal authority to continue American military participation in the air war in Libya without Congressional authorization, according to officials familiar with internal administration deliberations.

…Mr. Obama decided instead to adopt the legal analysis of several other senior members of his legal team — including the White House counsel, Robert Bauer, and the State Department legal adviser, Harold H. Koh — who argued that the United States military’s activities fell short of “hostilities.” Under that view, Mr. Obama needed no permission from Congress to continue the mission unchanged.

Back in 2009 we highlighted that Obama’s top legal pick, Harold Koh, stated that Sharia law could apply in U.S. courts:

…in addressing the Yale Club of Greenwich in 2007, Koh claimed that “in an appropriate case, he didn’t see any reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States.”

The transnationalist Koh is ok with big guns used with questionable legal authority, but not ok with small arms for citizens as permitted in the U.S. Constitution. According to Koh and his ilk:

Koh’s positions treat our constitutional law as if it were a mere local ordinance on the greater world stage. This is of particular concern to gun owners at a time when the U.S. Congress is under pressure from President Obama to ratify an international gun control treaty with countries in the western hemisphere. That treaty, known by its Spanish acronym CIFTA, would likely serve as a forerunner to a more extensive United Nations initiative, the “Program of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in all its Aspects.”

In a paper entitled “A world drowning in guns,” Koh maintains that a civil society cannot exist with broad gun ownership: “Guns kill civil society,” he said.

posted on 18 Jun 11 by Creepia Shari’a

Al Qaeda Urges American Muslims to Buy Guns for Terror Attacks

Published June 04, 2011 | FoxNews.com

Al Qaeda has released a video urging Muslims who live in the U.S. to take advantage of the easy access to firearms and buy guns to kill Americans.

In the two-hour video released Friday, Adam Gadahn, an American-born spokesman for the terror network, cited America as an example where Muslims in the West have tools at their disposal for a holy war against “the enemies of Islam.”

“America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms,” said Gadahn, who is known as Azzam al-Amriki. “You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and most likely without having to show an identification card.

“So what are you waiting for?” he asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

The extended video reportedly shows the logos of Exxon, Merrily Lynch and Bank of America. Gadahn seeks to assure would-be terrorists that striking these targets isn’t difficult.

“Getting to these criminals isn’t as hard as you might think,” he said. “I mean, we’ve seen how a woman knocked the Pope to the floor during Christmas mass, and how Italian leader Berlusconi’s face was smashed during a public appearance. So it’s just a matter of entrusting the matter to Allah and choosing the right place, the right time and the right method.”

The video comes one month after Navy SEALs shot and killed Usama bin Laden in Pakistan.