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Did Oslo Terrorist Anders Brejvik Have Links To British Extremists?

 July 25, 2011 08:15 AM EDT

comments: 1

 As Norway tries to recover from the shock terrorist attacks in Oslo on Friday, suspect Anders Brejvik is due to appear in court – with more and more information about his plans becoming public, including possible links to British extremists.

Friday’s attacks came as a huge shock to everyone, apart from Brejvik, who had been planning the attack in a 1,500 page document online. The document makes it clear that he wanted a large stage in which to make a statement – he even had his hair and make up done before being photographed, so the photographs projected around the World would make him look his best.

Anders Behring Breivik

Brejvik vowed to “take revenge” on “indigenous Europeans” who had betrayed their heritage by allowing Islam to take over. He claimed they would be punished for their “treasonous acts”.

The manifesto does reveal some clues for investigators trying to piece together Brejvik’s mental state – Brejvik was determined to get notoriety, even planning to allow himself to be arrested, and has ensured investigators have all the information they need on how he planned the attacks, and why.

It’s his reference to a UK mentor called Richard which has caused some alarm – Were British extremists involved in this attack somehow?

The English Defence League has posted a statement online denying any links with the terrorist, and said it condemned what he had done, according to the Metro.

“Terrorism and extremism of any kind is never acceptable and we pride ourselves on opposing these…We strongly oppose extremism and always reject any suggestion of us being either extremists or far-right, due to our great past record of dealing with anyone who holds such extreme views.”

Brejvik’s father has revealed his son cut him out of his life in 1995, and heard about his son’s arrest on the news. Brejvik dressed as a police officer after bombing Government buildings in Oslo, before open-firing on 14 to 18-year-old Labour supporters at a youth camp. At present, the death toll is thought to be around 90.

The World is anxiously waiting for Brejvik to appear in court – he has already admitted the crimes to investigators, but has denied any criminal guilt, and claimed he has not broken the law. Whether he will be able to speak at the hearing – and whether anything he says is released to the media – remains to be seen. As it is his desire to be heard and remembered, however, maybe censoring his message would be for the best – it is sure to be one hate, and despite his horrific crimes, everything possible should be done to prevent him from achieving the notorious status that he craves. More then 60,000 people have joined a Facebook page calling for the court to demand a closed court, to stop the media from being able to report on his trial.

Reports are now breaking that Polish police have arrested a man after discovering that Brejvik tried to buy explosives for the massacre from Poland, although as yet this is unconfirmed. It is also reported that Brejvik asked for permission to wear a uniform to court – it was not revealed what, although it has been reported that he owns a wide variety of military uniforms. Prosecutors have asked for eight weeks to prepare a case against him, and only one victim has been named so far – 51-year-old policeman Tront Berntsen, the stepbrother of the crown princess.

This morning thousands of people gathered to take part in a minutes silence for the victims, laying candles and flowers at a service lead by King Harald V and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

Photo Source: The Metro

Sudan Christians Flee Bloodshed; Attacks Continue

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 (3:34 pm)
By BosNewsLife Africa Service

United Nations is under pressure to protect more civilians in Sudan, including Christians, amid ongoing attacks.United Nations is under pressure to protect more civilians in Sudan, including Christians, amid ongoing attacks.

KHARTOUM, SUDAN (BosNewsLife)– Christians in Sudan were among thousands of refugees Wednesday, May 25, amid several attacks against them and fears of a new civil war between the Arab-dominated north and the Christian-animist south, which voted overwhelmingly to secede in a January referendum.

Hundreds of people have been killed in clashes over the last few weeks as the south, still reeling from the previous civil war with only 50 miles (80 kilometers) of tarred road, moves towards formal statehood on July 9.

Thousand of civilians have been displaced following the occupation of Abyei Town by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) last weekend, aid workers said, amid reports that 20,000 desperate people fled across the river Kiir, and were sheltering under trees from rain.

Oil-rich Abyei is a disputed region, with both northern Sudan and newly-formed South Sudan claiming the area.

Many civilians, including Christians, are thought to have died in indiscriminate bombing of the Abyei area since Friday, May 20, when the northern army attacked with long range artillery shells and Antonov aircraft, hitting several civilian areas, rights investigators said.


Advocacy group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) said it received reports of at least one case in which a child was so terrified by the bombing that she ran into the bush “and has now disappeared.”

Amid the confusion, Christian refugees have been attacked by Islamic forces incuding in Darfur Region in northwestern Sudan, where evangelist Hawa Abdalla Muhammad Saleh was reportedly detained on May 9.

Authorities have accused her of owning and distributing Bibles to others in the Abu Shouk camp for Internally Displaced Persons in Al-Fashir, capital of North Darfur state, Christians said.

The evangelist was reportedly moved to the capital Khartoum by security agents and could be tried for apostasy, which carries the death sentence in northern Sudan, according to Christians with close knowledge about the situation. She was allegedly already tortured for six days in 2009.


Elsewhere in Khartoum, a Christian mother of a 2-month-old baby was recovering of her injuries Wednesday, May 25, and remained destitute after she and her husband were attacked for leaving Islam for Christianity.

Omar Hassan and Amouna Ahamdi, both 27, said knife-wielding, masked assailants on May 4 attacked them after relatives learned that they had converted from Islam to Christianity.

Hassan told Compass Direct News agency that he and his wife were renting a house from her uncle in Khartoum, but he ordered them to leave after learning they had left Islam.

They earlier fled Nyala, 120 kilometers (75 miles) southwest of El-Fashir, for Khartoum in June 2010.  In the latest attack, a knife pierced the palm of Ahamdi, who said her brother had already stabbed her three times in the stomach nine months ago, seriously injuring her spleen, after she told him she had become a Christian.


In the violent outburst, her brother reportedly also broke her left leg. She was rushed to a local hospital, where personnel were allegedly reluctant to treat her because of her conversion.

There have been calls for the United Nations to increase protection of Christians and other civilians at a time when Islamic extremists and other forces are reportedly misusing the fragile security situation to loot and settle scores such as religious disputes, while army attacks continue.

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Passover Shooting Attack on DC Synagogue and Jewish-Affiliated Businesses

Jew-hatred goes viral in the age of Obama. It’s the culture and the words and actions of the Islamophiliac president have stoked the fires of hate. The damage of Obama is incalculable. Even O’s Passover message was incendiary.

Officer Howard Hersh, a police spokesman, says investigators haven’t determined whether the act was a hate crime. Imagine, if you will, if this were a mosque and/or Muslim owned businesses. Muslim Brotherhood groups would be calling for hearings to indict and punish (under the sharia, of course) any and all counter jihad voices.

This disconnect when the crime is against the Jews is breathtaking. I hardly call this a “childish prank.” But hey, it’s just Jew-hatred, nothing to see here, folks. Keep it movin’.

Synagogue dc

Plywood covers the damaged windows at Beth Sholom Congregation in Potomac, Md. (WAMU) Thanks to Jim over at Gateway:
14 windows were shot out at the synagogue and local Jewish-affiliated businesses.

The Beth Sholom synagogue in Washington DC had its windows shot out on Monday the eve of Passover
YNet reported:

Unknown elements used a pellet gun to shatter the windows of the Beth Sholom synagogue in Washington D.C. on Monday – Passover eve. They also fired at the window displays of a women’s clothing store and jewelry store owned by Jews. Police have yet to trace the suspects and have not ruled out the possibility the act was a hate crime.

The shooting occurred on Monday night when the synagogue was empty. There were no injuries. A synagogue element told NBC News that the motive for the crime was unclear. The jewelry store owner estimated it was a childish prank.

Police are currently looking into both scenarios and are working to trace the owners of a car seen in footage from the shopping center’s security cameras.

Tow Jewish-affiliated businesses in the area were also shot at.
The Daily Journal reported:

Montgomery County police say someone used a BB gun to shoot holes in several windows at a synagogue in Potomac and at two nearby businesses.

The vandalism was discovered early Monday at Beth Sholom Congregation on Seven Locks Road. The Jewish holiday of Passover begins Monday evening.

Officer Howard Hersh, a police spokesman, says investigators haven’t determined whether the act was a hate crime. He says the two businesses have Jewish affiliations. They are a jewelry store and a women’s clothing store.

Hersh says surveillance video shows the suspected shooter driving up to the stores in a vehicle around 1:20 a.m. Monday