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For it, or Against it

We just took a step or two back from the brink. Americans, exercising the common sense that has always been at the heart of our national character, took action in the voting booth on November 2 to repudiate Barack Obama’s efforts over the past two years to radically transform our financial and social institutions. The message they delivered was loud and can be summarized in one unequivocal word : NO! They won us some breathing room while we figure out how to finish the job in 2012.

The Freedom Center is proud to have played a role in this effort to lift the socialist fog that has descended over our national life. For the last year and half, as Obama showed soon after taking office that he had no intention of governing as the moderate he had painted himself during the campaign, we have been warning Americans about what this administration really was and what it wanted to do to our country. To show the true nature of the Radical-in-Chief, we published David Horowitz’s pamphlet, “Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution: the Alinsky Model.” This critically important work shows how our thet President is fulfilling the blueprint for social revolution produced by Saul Alinsky, godfather of the 1960s New Left, and like Obama a “community organizer” from Chicago. With over 800,000 copies distributed in the last few months, this pamphlet has created a national dialogue on the true intentions of this administration. Just recently we published a sequel, “ Breaking the System: Obama’s Strategy for Change,” which shows how the White House uses “manufactured crisis” (as if those it already caused weren’t bad enough!) as a cover to advance its radical social agenda.

The Freedom Center’s other major initiatives involve our universities– bringing traditional values and intellectual standards back to our universities by taking indoctrination by tenured radicals out of the curriculum and promoting academic freedom for students, especially conservative students, who are a stigmatized minority on campus these days. No other organization over the last decade has so frankly identified the enemy our students must deal with: professors who use their classroom as a pulpit for leftist ideology; an unholy alliance between student radical groups and pro jihad organizations that has declared war on America, Israel and the West. No other organization has done more to bring objectivity and true intellectual diversity back to our universities.

This fall, coinciding with the publication of David Horowitz’s Reforming our Universities, we launched another in our series of campaigns to reform the university. Called “Adopt a Dissenting Book,” it showed students how to resist classrooms that functioned as indoctrination chambers by pressuring their teachers, their school’s administrators and boards of trustees to make sure that there is at least one book that presents an alternative point of view on course reading lists which are now mono-chromatically leftist.

So your contribution to the Freedom Center supports the fight against the Left’s takeover of American education and Barack Obama’s takeover of the American future. But it also supports other important programs as well—FrontPage Magazine, the Center’s unique online journal that traces the war against this country’s enemies, at home and abroad; NewsReal Blog, an exciting, innovative team blog challenging the Left throughout the media; DiscoverTheNetworks, the largest database defining the chief groups and individuals of the Left and their organizational interlocks; JihadWatch, which tracks the attempts of radical Islam to subvert Western culture; TerrorismAwareness.org, which helps educate students to the threat posed against America and the West by international terrorism and its apologists in higher education.

Bang for your buck: that’s what the Freedom Center provides. Ammunition for the culture war against the Left: that’s what your contribution buys. So please act now and help us in the fight we are waging on many fronts for America’s future. America is under assault from within and without. There is no time to lose.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is a 501(c)(3) California non-profit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.