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Qur’an in Context 1: “Fight Those Who Do Not Believe” (9:29)

Posted on 20 May 12 by Acts17Apologetics via youtube
[One thing I do know, with time I have spent in Muslim countries during military service (during war) “innocent” people does not mean women and children throughout the world, it only means Muslims because if you are not a Muslim, then you are listed as an enemy, “justice” does not pertain to everyone, like everyone is entitled to justice, only Muslims are entitled to justice, the underlying branch of Islamic believes that I came across in my interacting with devout Muslims in Muslim countries are the good things, are only supposed to happen to/with Muslims, no one else, because allah has deemed everyone else enemies because they do not believe nor follow allah’s “word” or “truths”. So remember that, if you read the Qur’an or are talking with a Muslim and a verse comes up talking about violence or peace, look into the surrounding verses…it only applies to Muslims…where the whitewashing of Islam comes in is primarily in the West…where Muslims, like David states, are “spoiled” or “secular” with the West’s culture and Islam’s beliefs, sad thing, if Shari’a Law actually took over America, many a Western Muslim would be killed or at least beaten because they do not follow Islam like fellow Muslims do in Muslim countries.]