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Islamic regime to ‘honor’ Michelle Obama

Reza-Iran1Iran will give First Lady Michelle Obama a special award for allegedly exposing a direct link between Hollywood and the White House, the commander of Iran’s Basij paramilitary forces announced Wednesday.

According to MehrNews, an official media outlet of the Islamic regime, Brig. Gen Mohammad Reza Naghdi cited Michelle Obama’s announcement of the “anti-Iran” movie “Argo” Oscar for Best Picture in a live feed from the White House Feb. 24.

The movie chronicles the Iranian takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979 in which six American embassy workers fled to the protection of Canadian embassy staff and their eventual rescue.

“Mrs. Obama’s action was awesome,” Naghdi said with what the report described as irony, “and if we had spent billions of dollars, we could not show a link and allegiance between Hollywood and the U.S. government and the White House, especially since they have always denied the allegations.”

Regime media, in another attack on Hollywood, blasted away at the book “A Time to Betray” by Reza Kahlili, which will be made into a TV miniseries about Kahlili’s spying for the CIA in Iran.


MehrNews reported that at the end of a conference held for Basij youth, it was decided to cite Obama for what Naghdi called “her unwanted role in exposing Hollywood and the Oscar Academy’s allegiance to the U.S. administration.”

Naghdi was born in Iraq and moved to Iran after the Iranian Revolution, joining the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq. He later joined the Quds Forces, which is involved in international terrorism.

In October 2009, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei, appointed Naghdi to command the Basij paramilitary forces. Naghdi has been sanctioned by the U.S. as a violator of human rights for having participated in the suppression of the Iranian people.

Naghdi previously had threatened to kill American generals in response to the assassination of Iran’s nuclear scientists.

He said at the time, “We will mark the hanging sites of the American and Zionist generals and we will identify which hanging was in retaliation for the blood of our great martyr.”

Since the release of “Argo,” several Iranian officials have criticized the movie. Regime media reported this week that Iran has hired a French lawyer, Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, to sue the movie’s producers in international court, although the media did not say on what basis.

The regime’s media, since the production of “Argo,” have attacked Hollywood for what they call the production of “anti-Iran” movies. Citing “unrealistic portrayal” of the Iranian people, they attacked actor George Clooney as one of the two writers of “Argo” and for his producing the “anti-Islam” movie “Syriana.” They also cite the “Zionist company” Warner Brothers for filming “Argo” and the “anti-Iran” movie “300.”

Regime media also point to the upcoming production of a miniseries based on “A Time to Betray” by Kahlili, who in his youth traveled to America to continue his education. Upon his return after the 1979 revolution, he lost hope in the direction of the country, returned to America, hooked up with the CIA and became a spy in the Revolutionary Guards.

This “anti-Iran” miniseries, the regime media said, is to be produced by actor William Baldwin and Warren Kohler.

The regime media published an image of Kahlili alongside former CIA director James Woolsey that mistakenly referred to Woolsey as Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., the former candidate for the Republican Party presidential nomination.


Gerdab.Ir, a Revolutionary Guards media outlet, attacked Kahlili for his call for support of the Iranian people to bring about regime change in Iran.

Recently the Islamic regime, furious over exclusive reports by WND on the Fordow nuclear site explosions, through its official news agency IRNA, assailed WND as a media outlet “under the direct control of the CIA.” IRNA called WND’s Kahlili a tool of the CIA to expand propaganda against the regime in the face of its nuclear progress.

Posted 14 Mar 13 by WND

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Wake up America…as much as Iran’s leaders, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Ali Khamanei and their lower leaders, hate America (“Great Satan”) and ALL non-Muslims, do you really think they are going to give Michelle Obama (the falsely professed “Christian”) honors of any sort? Especially beings she is a woman, and as ALL Muslims believe, woman are not to be honored above men. Think about it, are the Obama’s Muslim or Christian…you decide.

While Obama uses dead Navy SEALS as props for his big ‘Obama killed Osama’ motion picture due out just before the election…

Posted: August 10, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: EnemyWithin-American | 14 Comments »

Michelle Obama and friends slithered away on yet another vacation (How many does that make – 22? 23?) to visit her brother in Oregon for which she commissioned a military transport plane and an 11-vehicle motorcade.

THE WHITE HOUSE has so far said little about the trip, which was unannounced. It’s unclear how long the vacation will last. Mrs. Obama and family members flew on a Boeing C-40B, the military version of a 737 that serves as Air Force 2.

Mrs. Obama has in the past incurred criticism for her travels, including an early departure for her most recent Hawaiian vacation and a luxurious 2010 trip to Spain. Most of the costs of her travel are borne by taxpayers.

The C-40B included a flight crew of eight to 10 people, according to one report. Mrs. Obama is traveling with one of her daughters and her mother.

I wonder if the ‘Obama killed Osama’ movie will include the part about when one of the SEALS’ fathers is angry that Obama shot off his big mouth about SEAL TEAM 6 in the aftermath of the bin Laden killing. And how the Obama Regime compromised the SEALS security by identifying which team did it. The father said he doesn’t want his son being used as a political prop.

Oops, too late. He already has been cast posthumously in the big Hollywood movie about the raid that will be released Oct. 12, 2012, just in time to be used as a political prop for Obama’s re-election campaign.

Posted in:  Bare Naked Islam