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EXCLUSIVE: Seattle Jihadi’s Personal Ad: Seeks “Second Wife” who “want[s] to make a life from the most oppressive place on this earth ‘America,'” First wife sobs for her “Perfect Muslim”

Crime Seattle Terror Suspect’s Wife Collapses During Emotional InterviewThe BlazeThe wife of suspected terror plotter Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif spoke out about the charges against her husband and tried to paint the picture that he was a “perfect Muslim.” But when the reporter questioning her asked about the possibility of spending life behind bars, she collapsed to the ground in a flood of emotions.

You can watch the reaction of Binta Moussa-Davis, the wife, below starting at about the three-minute mark here.

Meanwhile, “perfect Muslim” and perfect husband, Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, appears as the devout Muslim who placed this ad on a Muslim mate site advertising for a second wife. Interesting how Muslim polygamy is rampant in the US and no one speaks to it.

Here is how this aspiring mass murderer describes his devout self: “very religious.” (hat tip Ann)

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I am a very dedicated, strong, and intelligent Muslim, and I am looking for a second wife from in whom wouldn’t mind sharing me with my current wife being that we are in compliance with the sunnah, and want to make a life from the most oppressive place on this earth “America “. I have been in Islam for over 6 years, originally from America, 30 years old, fully obedient to Allah, looking for a wife with intelligence, and who isn’t attached to this Dunyaa. If you want more information, than please contact me. .

About My Expected Life Partner

My partner is a strong Muslimah who never stands in between me and my Ebadah to Allah, and who has Allah first in every level of life. She is obedient to Allah, her husband, follows Quran and Sunnah to a “T”, is accepting of my current wife and son. She is between the ages of 16 and 30 years old, will not ask for an outrageous Mahr. She is someone who even though it is her right, does not always tries to take from my pocket, is not greedy, is willing to help the household if necessary. Loves to study Islam on a daily basis, is educated, who can be trusted, who wants more children, and last but not least, who’s only goal is to get into the Jannah-Inshallah.

Seattle Terror Suspect Wanted To Go To Yemen ABC News

One of the Muslim converts arrested for allegedly plotting a Fort Hood-style assault on a Seattle military installation appears to be a disciple of radical Islamic cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and sought to move to Yemen, where Awlaki is an al Qaeda leader.


Abu Khadir Abdul-Latif, 33, posted multiple comments on-line praising Awlaki, posted an Awlaki sermon on his YouTube video account, and made a YouTube video in which he blasts President Obama for authorizing the killing of Awlaki.


“Many Muslims ran to elect Barack Obama,” says Abdul-Latif, dressed in camouflage. “But what has he done? He’s done nothing and he made war against Islam. He’s even put a hit on Anwar al Awlaki, our brother sheik, may Allah protect him.”


In February, Abdul-Latif posted an ad on-line seeking a teaching job in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen: “I am looking for an opportunity to make hijrah to Yemen with the chance of having a job waiting for me to teach English to any and all ages.” The word hijrah means migration or a flight to escape danger, and is used in Islam to refer to the Prophet Muhammad’s flight from Mecca to Medina.


Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh, 32, have been charged with plotting to attack the Military Entrance Processing Station in Seattle on July 5. According to the FBI, Abdul-Latif and Mujahidh sought to determine “how they could kill the most military personnel and escape or die as martyrs” and discussed using fragmentation grenades in the facility’s cafeteria.


There’s no indication Awlaki was in direct contact with the Seattle suspects, but his polished rhetoric has proven to be a powerful recruiting tool for al Qaeda and an inspiration to such terrorists as Faisal Shahzad, convicted of attempting to detonate a carbomb in Times Square. Palestinian-American Army Major Nidal Hasan, who had exchanged emails about jihad with Anwar al-Awlaki, is currently awaiting trial on multiple counts of murder and attempted murder for the November 2009 Fort Hood massacre, in which 13 people died.


There have been at least eight attacks or alleged plots against military installations since 2009. Just this week, Marine Reservist Yonathan Melaku was charged with shooting at military sites, including the Pentagon, after he was arrested in Arlington National Cemetery with a backpack full of inert ammonium nitrate.


The FBI says Abdul-Latif hoped the attack on the Seattle processing center would inspire other Muslims to carry out similar assaults on enlistment centers. According to the criminal complaint filed Thursday, Mujahidh told FBI agents that he wanted to die a martyr, and said the purpose of the attack was to kill U.S. military personnel so they could not be deployed to Islamic lands.

Posted in:  ATlas Shrugs