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200 jihad/martyrdom suicide bombers planning attacks in UK

Apparently these suicide bombing sleeper cells have somehow gotten the crazy idea that the Qur’an’s promise of Paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (9:111) meant that Paradise was promised to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah. And note that no Islamic “moderate” group is lifting a finger to disabuse them of that notion.

“200 suicide bombers ‘planning attacks in UK,'” by Sean Rayment in the Telegraph, October 8 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

At least 200 potential terrorists are actively planning suicide attacks while living freely in Britain, intelligence chiefs have warned ministers.

A senior intelligence source has revealed that the figure is a “conservative” estimate of the threat facing the country from UK-based Islamist suicide bombers.

The would-be killers are among 2,000 extremists who the security services have said are based in Britain and actively planning terrorist activity of some kind.

The figures are contained within a secret government report on the “enduring terrorist threat” facing the UK from al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations, The Sunday Telegraph has been told.

While the deaths of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki may have left al-Qaeda without a charismatic leader, both the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, and the Security Service, MI5, believe the organization remains as dangerous as ever.

Of course. This is because it is based on a belief-system, not centered around a charismatic personality.

The warning comes as Britain begins preparations for next year’s 2012 Olympic Games, which has been described by MI5 as the biggest security operation in the country’s history.

But senior sources believe that rather than targeting Olympic venues, where security will be extremely high, terrorists will be tempted to attack areas where crowds are likely to congregate such as train stations and public events.

If terrorists were to mount an attack in Britain of the kind seen in other countries, by packing a single explosive vest with hundreds of ball bearings then detonating it in a crowded enclosed area such as a station terminus at rush hour, they could kill up to 120 people according to one explosives expert.

The 200 British residents thought to be planning suicide attacks, either within the UK or overseas, represent one in 10 of the wider group of 2,000 terrorist plotters.

The intelligence source added that suicide bombers would only be stopped by either a “chance encounter” or by an intelligence-led investigation. But he added that if a terrorist cell was properly organized and secure there was very little the authorities could do to prevent an attack….

Posted on 9 Oct 11 by JihadWatch