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Muslim group seeking global sharia rule to hold US conference June 26 (video)

Posted on June 24, 2011 by creeping

According to Hizb ut Tahrir America’s website, the terror-linked group that held a 2009 conference in Chicago, and planned another in 2010 but was forced to reschedule is planning a conference June 26 at a yet to be named location. Two days ago, we posted about HuT’s 2011 international caliphate conference in the UK.

After that post, the folks at Hizb ut Tahrir Watch alerted us to plans for a U.S. conference and browsing the HuTA website confirms a date, but no location.

Is HuT anticipating freedom loving Americans to again protest and challenge their agenda? Have they secured a location and refrained from making it public to prevent grass roots pressure to shut down their subversive, pro-sharia, anti-American message? Are they bluffing?

Hizb ut Tahrir wants to establish a global caliphate ruled by Islamic sharia law, and one of the slogans they are using this year is, “victory is near, THE TIME IS NOW!!!” So be ready to travel on short notice to confront this group should they announce a location.

via Revolution in the Muslim World: From Tyranny to Triumph.

With the blessings of Allah (swt) Hizb ut-Tahrir America is pleased to announce its Khilafah Conference 2011, entitled ‘Revolution in the Muslim World: From Tyranny to Triumph’. Insha’Allah the conference will be held on Sunday, June 26th 2011.

For the past few months our attention has been transfixed on the events occurring in the Muslim World. From Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Syria people are rising up against the tyranny that has plagued our Ummah for decades. For months now the Muslim Ummah has been coming out on the streets, especially after Jummah salah to account their governments, to call for change and to call for these tyrant rulers to step down.

The shackles that had imprisoned the Muslims have been broken. No longer are the Muslims afraid of these regimes who have oppressed the masses and who have suppressed the call for change. Just a few years ago we could not have imagined the scenes that we see now on our TV screens. These images have brought tears of joy to our eyes, they have brought happiness to our hearts and they have given us a renewed sense of hope.

At such a moment in history where revolution is in the air, we are faced with questions about the future. Questions about where these winds of change will take us and how will they shape the world as we know it? How has the West reacted to these events in the Muslim World? Will the Muslim World rid itself of Western colonial interference? Will these events lead to the application of Islam and the re-establishment of the Khilafah State?

Today we are at a crossroad, where we face choices on how to shape these revolutions. The conference will discuss these issues and illustrate a vision for a future that will bring real change. Hizb ut-Tahrir America cordially invites you to this important conference in a momentous time of Islamic awakening.

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اسْتَجِيبُوا لِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ إِذَا دَعَاكُمْ لِمَا يُحْيِيكُمْ

“O ye who believe! give your response to Allah and His Messenger, when He calls you to that which will give you life” [TMQ 8:24]

The description focuses on ongoings in Muslim countries but during the 2009 event in Chicago, HuT made clear they wanted to replace the U.S. Constitution with sharia law and would die trying.

From The Bad Guys You Don’t Know Meet Hizb ut-Tahrir:

How worried should the West be about the expansion of this not directly violent group, yet whose alumni include al Qaeda’s notorious Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Musab al Zarqawi? Very worried, argues Maajid Nawaz, a former leader and recruiter for HT in Britain, the organization’s headquarters. As Nawaz explained this month to the New York Times, “Hizb ut-Tahrir spearheaded the radicalization of the 1990s and cultivated an atmosphere of anger. . . . Buried in the literature is an ideology that inevitably leads to violence.” Hudson Institute scholar Zeyno Baran put it best: “While HT as an organization does not engage in terrorist activities, it has become the vanguard of the radical Islamist ideology that encourages its followers to commit terrorist acts. . . . HT today serves as a de facto conveyor belt for terrorists.”

And from HizbWatch:

“Furthermore, it is explicitly indicated that fighting is the method by which people are brought to the high values of Islam. The Messenger of Allah said, I have been ordered to fight (uqatila) the people (i.e. ‘an-naas’, all humankind) until they bear wear witness (embrace) that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger. . . ” (Jihad, 53, HuT Publication)

“Rather all the resources of the Muslims will be used to ensure the global dominance of Islam.” (Manifesto, 25, HuT Publication)

Previous Creeping Sharia posts:

posted on 24 Jun 11 by creepingsharia.com

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