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Recent Islamic terror cases move forward in Denver and Tampa (and 12 other states)

Posted on February 5, 2012 by creeping

Updates on two of many Islamic terror cases pending in the U.S. via Recent terror cases move forward in Denver and Tampa | Government Security News.

Federal cases against two men charged with terror exploits moved forward on Feb. 2, with formal charges against one and an initial court appearance by another.

The Florida man accused of planning attacks on public and private facilities in the Tampa area was formally indicted on Feb. 2 on charges of trying to use weapons of mass destruction. Sami Osmakac was indicted on the weapons of mass destruction charges, as well as possession of an unregistered machine gun.

Kosovo-born Osmakac was arrested on Jan. 7 after an informant in the Tampa area tipped off law enforcement to the man’s alleged plot to attack night clubs and law enforcement buildings in the area with vehicle-borne bombs, assault rifles and an explosive belt. The arrest culminated a government sting operation in which an undercover government agent sold Osmakac inoperative weapons and explosives.

The indictment also alleges Osmakac possessed an unregistered machine gun.

If convicted on all counts, said the FBI on Feb. 2, Osmakac faces life in federal prison.

Meanwhile, in Denver on the same day, Jamshid Muhtorov made his initial appearance in federal court to face charges he tried to aid an Uzbek terror group, Islamic Jihad Union (IJU). The group opposes secular rule in Uzbekistan and was the first to use suicide bombers in Central Asia with attacks inside the former Soviet satellite state. It has also claimed to have repeatedly attacked U.S. and coalition forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

Muhtorov, an Uzbek refugee, was arrested on Jan. 23 by federal agents as he tried to board a flight at Chicago’s O’Hare International airport to travel overseas to join the terror group

Muhtorov is charged with one count of providing material support of a designated foreign terrorist organization and attempt to do the same, said the FBI.

If convicted, he faces a minimum of 15 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000. The defendant remains in federal custody and was transported to Colorado by the U.S. Marshals, said the FBI.

Neither of these jihadists were born in America highlighting the obvious Muslim immigration problem facing the U.S. that none of those serving to protect the American people are courageous enough to talk about.

Along with these two, there were arrests or guilty pleas/verdicts/sentencing in Michigan, Florida, Jersey, Alabama, Kansas City, North Carolina, New York, South Carolina, 2 more in North Carolinastan, more in Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia, Maryland, and suspects sought in a fatal killing in Philly.

These are just the cases we know about and ALL of these JUST IN JANUARY 2012!!!! This doesn’t even begin to touch on the stealth jihad occurring in academia, shakedowns of major corporations and law enforcement, zoning/mosque jihads, or rulings on sharia law in U.S. courts – again, just for the month of January.

And after all that sedition the Director of National Intelligence praises the source – the Muslim community.

Posted on 5 Feb 12 by Creeping Sharia

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