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New 9/11 records offer tantalizing puzzle pieces

Posted on Saturday, 07.05.14

An ongoing lawsuit has pried loose new records linked to a family of Sarasota Saudis who left home in a hurry just before 9/11.


Just two weeks before the 9/11 hijackers slammed into the Pentagon and World Trade Center, members of a Saudi family abruptly vacated their luxury home near Sarasota, leaving a brand new car in the driveway, a refrigerator full of food, fruit on the counter — and an open safe in a master bedroom. The Miami Herald

By Dan Christensen and Anthony Summers


It was Halloween night, 2001. The horrors of 9/11 were still fresh on the minds of Americans.

At a time when everyone was on edge, the sight of a man disposing documents in a dumpster behind a Bradenton storage facility aroused suspicion. Summoned to the scene, Manatee County sheriff’s deputies confronted the man, who had a Tunisian passport.

According to FBI records, authorities searched the dumpster and found “a self-printed manual on terrorism and Jihad, a map of the inside of an unnamed airport, a rudimentary last will and testament, a weight-to-fuel ratio calculation for a Cessna 172 aircraft, flight training information from the Flight Training Center in Venice [Fla.] and printed maps of Publix shopping centers in Tampa Bay.”

The Flight Training Center is where 9/11 hijack pilot Ziad Jarrah, who was at the controls of United Airlines Flight 93 when it crashed in Shanksville, Pa., took flying lessons.

This intriguing tale and at least one other are contained in a batch of partially redacted documents released this past week as part of ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation by the online news site BrowardBulldog.org. The suit, filed in 2012, seeks the FBI’s files from a once-secret investigation into a family of Sarasota Saudis who left the country abruptly about two weeks before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, leaving behind clothing, jewelry and cars.

The main figures in the family were Abdulaziz al-Hijji, his wife, Anoud, and her father, Esam Ghazzawi, an advisor to a Saudi prince.

The report of the Bradenton incident is in some way linked to the al-Hijjis’ saga, although precisely how is unclear. The link might be spelled out in one of the many redacted passages. Nor is it clear in the unredacted portions who the man was or whether he was detained. An FBI letter accompanying the documents says the redactions have to do with national security and other exclusions.

The documents — the fourth batch released in response to the BrowardBulldog lawsuit — were located via court-ordered text searches using the names of the al-Hijjis and Ghazzawi. U.S. District Judge William J. Zloch in Fort Lauderdale is currently reviewing more than 80,000 pages of 9/11 records.

“This release suggests that the FBI has covered up information that is vitally important to public safety,” said Miami attorney Thomas Julin, who represents BrowardBulldog.org. “It’s startling that after initially denying they had any documents they continue to find new documents as the weeks and months roll by. Each new batch suggests there are many, many more documents.”

“There needs to be a full-scale explanation of what’s going on here,” Julin said.

A second FBI document released last week, dated Feb. 2, 2012, is similarly tantalizing — and similarly murky.

On that day, according to the document, FBI offices in Tampa and Charlotte, N.C., received information from Washington stamped “secret” stating that a “person of interest” in the FBI’s massive 9/11 investigation had returned to the United States.

The person, whose name is redacted, was reported to be “traveling to Texas and LA for business/tourism.” The person apparently told authorities upon entering the country that he could be reached in Charlotte. He provided a telephone number “associated with furniture manufacturers in North Carolina,” the report states.

Details about that were blanked out. But the report also states, “Tampa is notified that a person of interest to Tampa regarding the PENTTBOMB investigation has a valid visa for re-entry into the U.S.” PENTTBOMB is the FBI’s code name for its 9/11 investigation.

Whether this person was ever detained, interviewed or allowed to go about his/her business is unclear in the unredacted passages.

In all, the FBI released 11 pages. They contain statements reiterating that the al-Hijjis had departed the United States in haste shortly before 9/11 and that “further investigation” had “revealed many connections” between them and persons associated with “attacks on 9/11/2001.”

Those statements flatly contradict the FBI’s public statements that agents found no connection between the al-Hijjis and the 9/11 plot.

Yet they dovetail with the account of a counterintelligence source who has said investigators in 2001 found evidence — phone records and photographs of license plates snapped at the entrance to the al-Hijjis’ Sarasota-area neighborhood — that showed Mohamed Atta, other hijackers and former Broward resident and current al-Qaeda fugitive Adnan Shukrijumah had visited the al-Hijji home.

None of that information, or even the fact that an investigation in Sarasota took place, was disclosed by the FBI to Congress’ Joint Inquiry into the attacks or to the 9/11 Commission, according to former Florida Sen. Bob Graham. Graham co-chaired the joint inquiry.

The documents are stamped secret. The portions that were not released are supposed to be kept under wraps until 2039.

The government has asserted the classification is necessary because the censored information pertains to foreign relations or foreign activities, including confidential sources.

“This could be about information considered embarrassing to Saudi Arabia,” said Julin. Fifteen of the 19 suicide hijackers were Saudi nationals.

The report on the man and the dumpster — although the encounter happened on Halloween 2011, the document is dated April 2002 — contains additional information, though the deletions make its full meaning difficult to discern.

It says the Tampa FBI office “has determined that [blank] is an antagonist of the United States of America. [Blank] resides in Jerusalem. [Blank] allegedly has held regular and recurring meetings at his residence to denounce and criticize the United States of America and its policies. [Blank] is allegedly an international businessman with great wealth.

“In November 2001, [blank] visited the United States for the first time. He traveled to Sarasota, Florida, opened a bank account and made initial queries into the purchase of property in south central Florida. [Blank] intends to establish a Muslim compound in Central Florida. [Blank] revealed that [blank] is fearful of [blank] and fears that [blank] intends to begin offensive operations against the United States if he is able to purchase property and establish a Muslim compound in Central Florida.”

Three follow-up lines are blanked out.

Posted on 5 Jul 14 by Miami Herald

Florida Democrats Just Voted To Impose Sharia Law On Women

The REAL war on women continues…

Dr. Kevin “Coach” CollinsApril 30, 2014


Florida Democrats have declared war on women; but fortunately, their attack on our freedoms was turned back by Republicans who represented America and voted against them.

Anyone who isn’t certain that Democrats are devoted to destroying America need only take a look at their despicable conduct in the Florida Senate. In a vote that never should have had to be taken, every single Democrat voted to force Sharia Law on the people of Florida. By doing so, they placed women and children in very real danger. The vote was 24 votes for America and 14 votes for al Qaeda and the Taliban cast by loathsome Democrats. They voted to deny Americans the Constitutional protections generations of American men and women fought for and died to protect. Democrats have revealed their desire to force Americans to live as slaves to a third world, foreign “justice system.”

Since the liars in the Democrat–controlled media won’t describe what these quislings have tried to force on Americans, here is an outline of the horrors of Sharia Law.

There would be no freedom of religion because Sharia supports only Islam.

There would be no freedom of speech.

There would be no protection for homosexuals, Christians, or anyone else Islamists don’t like.

Rape victims would be executed, and those who were not executed by the state would legally be murdered by their families as “honor killings.”

Women would not be allowed to vote, drive, go to college, or show their faces in public. Little girls as young as 8 years old would be forced to “marry” men three and four times their age. Many would die when these beasts forced themselves on their “brides.”

Women would not be allowed to be treated by male doctors they were not related to.

Stoning as a form of execution would be sanctioned for women caught in adultery. Women would be forced to wear burkas in public.

There would be no pig farms or dogs, and public schools would be forbidden from serving anything but Halal–style food.

Alcoholic beverages would be forbidden, and cab drivers who suspect a passenger is carrying alcoholic beverages (or Christian or Hebrew bibles) could refuse them service.

Democrats voted to force this on American citizens. If they had the necessary numbers in the Florida legislature, Sharia Law in all its barbarity would be used in Florida courts. Democrats tried this. Keep this in mind next fall.

Posted on 30 Apr 14 by Western Journalism

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. The Demoncrats think they are pushing for socialism, as they think their illustrious king BHO is, but in reality, they are pushing for something similar to socialism, but worse…it’s called Shari’a…we need to get rid of demoncrats and Islam from American soil…reason to get rid of demoncrats…they do not want equal rights for everyone, they want socialism, they want power to rule (dictatorship), they started the Klu Klux Klan, they wanted slaves…now they have a king and a dictator-wanna-be, they are trying to cater to him thinking he is going to make America a socialist country…but with their stupidity and self-centeredness, they do not realize he is not trying to make this country socialistic, he is trying to fulfill his Muslim obligation as the Muslim Brotherhood’s inside Trojan horse, to make this a Muslim country…and the dems are following, hook line and sinker]

Florida: Terror-linked CAIR mad stealth textbook dawah to be slowed

Posted on April 23, 2014 by creeping

via CAIR protests textbook bill; says it’s rooted in anti-Muslim bigotry – BizPac Review.

A bill making its way through the Florida legislature requiring local school districts to review textbooks used in classrooms is now the target of the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, known as CAIR.

The group contends that the bill, SB 864: Instructional Materials for K-12 Public Education, introduced by Sen. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla, would create an unfunded mandate posing an unnecessary burden on local school districts, according to its statement released Monday, which says:

SB 864 has the potential to jeopardize the entire Sunshine State school system with an unnecessary law for a problem that does not exist by:

•  Imposing a tremendous unfunded mandate on our school districts
•  Depriving school districts of the state’s “economy of scale” in textbook purchasing power
•  Reducing Florida’s influence over textbook content
•  Opening the adoption process to social and political bias
•  Threatening the constitutional requirement for a uniform system of free public schools

However, what is really at stake for the group is its claim that the bill was prompted by anti-Muslim bigotry. Hayes sponsored the bill in response to a history book that residents of Brevard County claimed in July emphasized Islam’s influence on the world while minimizing Christianity and Judaism.

“World History,” published by Prentice-Hall, “has a 36-page chapter on Islam but no chapters on Christianity or Judaism,” Florida Rep. Ritch Workman, R-Melbourne said. “It’s remarkably one-sided.”

The dispute eventually spilled over into Volusia County, where critics said the text “whitewashes” the history of Islam.

The bill is nearing passage in both chambers.

Sounds more like the stealth dawah that got Islamic propaganda into American textbooks in the first place is about to be challenged. Of course, relying on the government to do what parents should be doing anyway is never a good idea.

Do you know what your kids (grandkids) are reading in school?

Posted on 23 Apr 14 by Creeping Sharia

Florida: “Islamically Permissible” Food Demanded for Muslim Convicts

Florida: Stetson University Supports Islamic Apartheid

Posted on November 27, 2013 by creeping

More campus jihad via Alan Kornman at Family Security Matters.

On 10/30/13, Stetson Universities Cross Cultural Center and Multicultural Student Council presented a lecture on ‘Addressing Islamophobia: Proactive Efforts to Address Hate and Bias on and off Campus’ led by Amer F. Ahmed.

Amer F. Ahmed, Associate Director, Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs, University of Michigan supports Islamic Religious Apartheid and called all non-Muslims a violent threat to Mecca. Ms. Yolany Gonell, Director of Diversity & Inclusion stood silent as Mr. Ahmed was making these vile statements during his lecture. Mr. Ahmed’s comments make a mockery of diversity and Inclusion.

Mr. Ahmed’s lecture was advertised as open to the public and all were welcome. I had my video camera set up to document the event when Stetson Public Safety Officer Sgt. Casey told me I could not film under threat of arrest.

To follow is an exchange between Mr. Ahmed and myself focusing on the fact all non-Muslims are not allowed to enter Mecca and Medina.

Mecca and Medina Islamic Apartheid Cities – A Dialogue

20131121_gonell_jpegAudience member asks Mr. Ahmed: “Is it true that your God is the same as our God, like the Christian God?”

Mr. Ahmed: “That’s what Muslims view the same God and we view our religion as an extension of the same traditions, so in the Islamic tradition it is believed that those who believe the teachings of the previous prophets are our brothers and sisters, because we are all worshiping the same God. And it’s the same message that has come over and over again by all the prophets.”

I ask: “If we are all brothers and sisters why is it illegal for non-Muslims to step foot in Mecca or Medina and not just during the Hajj, but we’re talking the whole city, it’s like apartheid on steroids.”

Mr. Ahmed responds: “So Medina anyone can go into Medina, its Mecca that only Muslims can enter.”

I say: “If we are all brothers and sisters why is that?”

Mr. Ahmed responds: “Because it has been a place that has been under attack in the past, and so it is a place which there are very sacred rituals partaken upon so it’s a holy sacred site, so if you just open it up it leaves room for those who can do things that might be problematic in the broader sense.”

I say: “So your saying that non-Muslims are going to attack Mecca?”

Mr. Ahmed says: “It’s happened before, so (stops mid sentence).

I say: “So non-Muslims are not allowed in the city limits of Mecca because we are a threat. I take offense at that because it is hateful and hurtful to me.”

Mr. Ahmed does not respond, moves on to another subject but says he will get back to this exchange.

Before I tell you the rest of the dialogue between Mr. Ahmed and myself let’s do a little fact checking on Mr. Ahmed’s statements of fact.

1. Medina is open to non-Muslim (Lie): According to the US Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs it says, “Non-Muslims are forbidden to travel to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.”

2. Mecca is closed to non-Muslims under threat of arrest (True).

3. Non-Muslims Attacked Mecca before: (Lie) The last attack on Mecca was in 1979 by the devout Muslims of Juhayman al-Otaybi, who belonged to the powerful family of Najd. There is nothing in the historical record validating Mr. Ahmed’s claim.


The Mecca and Medina Islamic Religious Apartheid is a commonly accepted cultural practice by most every Mosque here in the United States. Mosques across the United States encourage every Muslim to visit the Islamic Religious Apartheid Cities of Mecca and Medina even though they know it is illegal for Christians, Jewish, Hindu, Agnostics, and all non-Muslims to do the same. Islamic Religious Apartheid is happening today despite all the talk that we non-Muslims are brothers and sisters of the Abrahamic traditions.

Mr. Ahmed, true brothers and sisters would not practice Islamic Religious Apartheid like Islam does in Saudi Arabia. True Muslim brothers and sisters would scream from the roof tops and minarets this bigoted exclusionary practice be stopped. True Muslim brothers and sisters would demand the opening of Mecca and Medina to all people.

Ahmer Ahmed realized in our exchange he exposed his heartfelt beliefs supporting the Mecca/Medina Islamic Religious Apartheid against all non-Muslims. Mr. Ahmed made these hate filled views in a failed effort to defend the 5th Pillar of Islam.

Ahmer Ahmed Calls Saudi Arabia a Cancer

Mr. Ahmed says, “I am not a defender of the country of Saudi Arabia, it is a false country…ruled by a group of people who were propped up…They have a very specific interpretation of Islam that is in no way, shape, or form mainstream…it was that way back then and now.”

Mr. Ahmed continues, “Now if you go to Arabia you can’t even debate. Scholars who challenge their interpretations of Islam are killed.”

Saudi Arabia, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, is following the Qur’an when they keep Mecca and Medina pure by excluding non-Muslims. Mr. Ahmed leads the audience to a false conclusion by solely blaming Saudi Arabia for Islamic Religious Apartheid when in fact it is the Qur’an that’s to blame.

Amer Ahmed Answers My Question

Mr. Ahmed says, “It is controversial for me to say this because many Muslims are afraid to speak out against Saudi Arabia…because it’s like they rule over the holiest places in the Muslim world…I think it (Saudi Arabia) is a cancer because of the influence they have had, some things are good, but for the most part they have made the religion more rigid and less inclusive and that is an example why they (Saudi Arabia) have the policies you were talking about sir.”

Mr. Ahmed is lying to the Stetson University audience by implying the Mecca and Medina Islamic Religious Apartheid is the sole fault of Saudi Arabia.

The Qur’an is the source of the Mecca and Medina Islamic Religious Apartheid we see today. My source for this Qur’an quote is from my very own Abdullah Yusuf Ali version of the The Meaning of The Holy Qur’an. Ironically, Saudi Arabia is responsible for this Qur’an’s wide distribution in the United States.

I was given this Qur’an by my friends at the Masjid Al-Salam in Sanford, FL where I made several visits to learn about Islamic doctrine first hand.

Al-Qur’an 9:28

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ فَلَا يَقْرَبُوا الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ بَعْدَ عَامِهِمْ هَٰذَا ۚ وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ عَيْلَةً فَسَوْفَ يُغْنِيكُمُ اللَّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِ إِن شَاءَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ

O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, for Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.

The Qur’an footnote 1278 states, “Pagans are Unclean both literally and metaphorically…as well as purity of mind and heart, so that their word can [not] be relied upon.”

“so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque” is the key phrase here to understand. After Mohammad conquered Mecca on January 11, 630 AD he received a revelation from Allah that non-Muslims would not be allowed to approach the sacred Mosque. According to the Yusuf Ali Qur’an footnote 1278 all of us non-Muslims were seen by Mohammad and Allah as unclean, both literally and metaphorically. According to Qur’an 9:28 we (non-Muslims) are unclean and will desecrate the precious lands of Mecca and Medina.

The followers of Islam believe the Qur’an is the exact word of Allah/God down to the last letter and has never been corrupted by man. Islamic doctrine teaches all other religious texts like the Bible and Torah have been corrupted by man.

Saudi Arabia is following the Qur’an as its source document in enforcing the Islamic Religious Apartheid of Mecca and Medina. What’s not to like about that – everything.

Read it all.

Posted 27 Nov 13 by Creeping Sharia

Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. I flew into Taif, Saudi Arabia several times during Operation Desert Storm, in which me and my flight crew drove past Mecca several times while going to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I do know when we got off the off ramp to go to Mecca, we were asked a few question, like…”Can I see your visa?” “Can I see your document from your Imam/Masjid?” “What are you doing here?” “Where did you come from?” “What are the five pillars of Islam?”…just a bunch of questions…all of this by guards that were armed. They are very inquisitive and prying when it comes to trying to get into Mecca…

Florida: Public school textbook devotes 72 pages on Islam for every 1 page on other religions

Report recommends changes for translator that altered Bible to appease Muslims

Posted on June 9, 2013 by creeping

An update on this post, New Bible appeases Muslims, yanks ‘Father,’ Jesus as ‘Son of God’

via Wycliffe pledges to comply with an audit panel’s recommendations on controversial Bible translation practices

After a year’s work, a World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) panel has released its report on the Muslim-context translation practices of Wycliffe Bible Translators and its partner SIL International. Wycliffe requested the audit of its policies after controversy erupted last year over the world’s premier translator supporting translations that altered the phrases “Son of God” and “God the Father” in Muslim contexts.

Western mission agencies have been concerned about literal translations of “God the Father” and “Son of God” in Muslim contexts because the terms imply God had sexual relations with Mary. One SIL-supported translation of Matthew in Turkey rendered “God the Father” something along the lines of “the great protector,” according to locals. (See “The battle for accurate Bible translation in Asia” from the Feb. 25, 2012 issue of WORLD Magazine.)

Both the Assemblies of God and the Presbyterian Church in America threatened to withdraw support from Wycliffe over the issue. Western mission agencies have also felt backlash from local believers in Muslim contexts who felt the agencies were changing the terms out of impatience over church growth. Frontiers, a missions agency that funds translation work, has also supported translations that alter the divine familial terms, but unlike Wycliffe it has not publicly submitted to an audit of its practices or policies. The WEA report may set the standard for Frontiers whether it officially adopts the recommendations or not.

The report never overtly rebukes Wycliffe/SIL, but it does draw clearer lines for the organizations’ translation practices. (Download a PDF of the report.)

Wycliffe’s earlier standards said translators should use a literal translation of the divine familial terms in a “majority” of cases, but left open the possibility of using an “alternative term with equivalent meaning” when the literal translation might “communicate wrong meaning.”

The new report is clearer. “The WEA Panel (hereafter referred to as ‘Panel’) recommends that when the words for ‘father’ and ‘son’ refer to God the Father and to the Son of God, these words always be translated with the most directly equivalent familial words within the given linguistic and cultural context of the recipients,” the report says.

They needed a report to conclude the most directly equivalent words should be used when translating?

The panel says where the familial words had a sexual implication, the translators should add qualifying adjectives to the familial word rather than change the word itself, using terms like “anointed Son of God” or “heavenly Father.” They also recommend that translators use “paratext” (footnotes or commentary) to explain the terms rather than alter the text itself.

The report notes “the centrality of the word for “son” in the biblical presentation of salvation,” and says the centrality “demands that translators render the word with the most direct equivalent possible.”

The report also recommends standards for local involvement in translations and urged Wycliffe to set up a process for handling controversies over the familial terms. The panel says Wycliffe should be transparent about the translation decisions it makes.

Wycliffe had suspended the controversial translations while the review moved forward. A Wycliffe spokesman said that all the suspended translations (and all future translations) would meet these new standards prior to publication.

Critics of Wycliffe’s translation practices were cautious about embracing the report until they had studied it more fully.

Some readers may be interested in this web seminar talk recorded online with questions and answers on the topic. We have not had an opportunity to review it.

Wycliffe, based out of Orlando, Florida is listed by Forbes as #70 The 100 Largest U.S. Charities.

Posted 9 Jun 13 by Creeping Sharia

Florida: Transit authority rejects CAIR’s jihad propaganda campaign

Posted on May 20, 2013 by creeping

#MyJihad to become #LitigationJihad soon? via Florida Family Association. FFA might welcome that.

Emails opposing CAIR’s campaign made a difference. 

Florida Family Association launched an email campaign on March 27, 2013 that encouraged subscribers to urge transit authority officials to deny CAIR Florida’s advertising campaign to redefine the Islamic word Jihad.  This campaign appeared to be propaganda that was intended to neutralize the meaning of the Islamic word Jihad in the minds of the American public.

CAIR Florida (Council on American Islamic Relations) submitted the advertising copy posted below to the transit authority in Tampa, Florida named HART.  The below advertising was proposed for mass transit buses in Hillsborough County, population 1.3 million.

HART rejected the advertisements earlier this year because their policy prohibits “Advertisements that primarily promote a religious faith or religious organizations.”  Hassan Shibly, Executive Director of CAIR Florida appealed the executive decision to the HART board of directors.  CAIR’s proposed #MyJihad campaign was placed on HART’S April 1, 2013 agenda to be considered at a public hearing.

Thousands of Florida Family Association supporters sent emails to urge the fifteen members on the HART board of directors to reject CAIR’s #MyJihad campaign.


Hassan Shibly conveniently informed HART that he could not attend the April 1, 2013 public hearing date after learning of Florida Family Association’s campaign and the thousands of emails received by HART board members.  HART officials informed Florida Family Association that Shibly planned to resubmit his request for the HART May 6, 2013 public hearing.

However, HART informed Florida Family Association with the following email that CAIR was not on the May 6, 2013 agenda.

—– Original Message —–

From: Lena Petit

To: davidcaton

Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 3:31 PM

Subject: RE: May 6, 2013 HART Regular Board Meeting, PowerPoint file and Request for Agenda

Mr. Caton,

Good afternoon.  At this point, there are no plans to include a presentation from CAIR on the agendas for any of the upcoming HART Board meetings.  The draft agenda for the May 6 HART Board meeting is attached for your information.   The full May 6 HART Board regular meeting packet will be available at www.gohart.org website next week.

Thank you.

The May 6, 2013 HART public hearing is over.  No one from CAIR made any requests or comments on or off the agenda regarding their #MyJihad campaign at the meeting.

Florida Family Association has learned that HART told Hassan Shibly the last week of April that there was no way that they would allow the word Jihad to be used on their mass transit vehicles.  It was also learned that CAIR may try to develop another campaign that does not include the word Jihad.

A special thanks to everyone who sent emails regarding this issue.  Your emails made a difference.

Posted 20 May 13 by Creeping Sharia

YES! Florida Senate panel clears bill that would ban Sharia ‘Islamic’ law usage in state courts

ACLJShariahLawbooklet-vi-194x300After it failed last year, lawmakers on Thursday revived a bill that would ban Sharia, or Islamic, law and other foreign laws from Florida courts. Republican Senator Alan Hays, who sponsored the bill, said his measure was a “preemptive gesture” to assure no foreign/sharia law is considered in a ruling.

Miami Herald His bill is aimed at divorce and child custody cases and does not mention Shariah, or Islamic law, specifically In order to prevent lawsuits by CAIR). The Senate’s Governmental Oversight and Accountability committee cleared the bill (SB 58) by a party-line vote of 6-3. A bill last year passed the House but never was called for a vote before the Senate.


Hays’ “motives and intentions are good, but it’s a bad idea,” said Sen. Chris Smith, a Fort Lauderdale Democrat. “It’s just not needed … It’s not going to become an issue because we have a great legal system. And it could open us up to more litigation.” The Florida Bar’s Family Law section opposed the measure, saying it would create confusion and uncertainty.

Several Muslims also spoke against the bill, including Moazzam Adnan Raja, a marketing director from Longwood. Raja soon choked up and cried. ”Show some compassion, show us love,” he told senators. “We don’t want to be called second-class citizens. We want to be accepted.” (OH, BOO HOO, go back to Muslimland)


Saif Hamideh, a Florida State political science major whose family is from Jordan, worried about unintended consequences from such a law. He said he one day hoped to get married in Jordan, and was fearful his marriage might not be recognized in Florida. (Good, stay in Jordan)

Corey Saylor, legislative director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said six states have laws similar to Hays’ bill: Arizona, South Dakota, Kansas, Louisiana, Tennessee and Oklahoma. His group sued in Oklahoma and that law was suspended.

“In general, these laws have no real-world impact,” Saylor said. Judges “can’t replace the constitution with religious laws. But in passing these laws, elected officials are now joining in on the conversation of inspiring fear of Muslims.” (They don’t have to inspire it, it is widespread already)

The below headline is from the moribund New York Times, where the leftist dhimmis don’t have a problem with sharia law, ONLY with U.S. Constitutional Law.


Posted 22 Mar 13 by BNI

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Alabama has done the same thing and a few other states have done the same thing…good job states that are actually not cowering under Mullah Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood!!]

Video: American Jihadist in Syria