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Happy Resurrection Day

This day is the day that Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the Son of God, rose from the dead…Yeshua came down to earth as a man, coming from Heaven as the Son of God. He did this because the world’s caretakers, mankind, has turned away from Hashem, Elohim, El Shaddai, and the corruption that started to take place in the temple, with the Pharisees and Sadducees taking advantage of the common folk during sin offerings, and all the other burnt offerings, that Jesus decided he would come down to earth as the pure lamb and he be sacrificed so that all men did not have to sacrifice anything anymore in the physical sense, all they had to do is accept Jesus, Yeshua, into their hearts and change their lives to live for Him.

Contrary to the Jesus Christ that certain radical, extremist groups are trying to indoctrinate the world with, Jesus was not a prophet, but was the Son of God. All you have to do to accept Him is ask Him for forgiveness of your sins, and change your sinful life. You don’t have to kill anyone because they do not believe like you do, you don’t have to pray five times a day, you don’t have live under a dictator religion, you just read the Bible, pray (not the ritual five times a day, you can pray whenever you want) and go to a Gospel church, you don’t hate anyone, you don’t threaten to kill anyone, you don’t perform jihad. You only have to live a Christ like life…you don’t have to be perfect in that also, but you have to try.

There are some laws you have to follow, but it’s not that hard, they are moral laws that you should be following anyway. Moral as in, Thou shall not kill…

Anyway, today is Resurrection Day, not Easter, because in celebrating Easter, you are actually worshiping through festivities, the satanic goddess Ostara. Constantine, in making a law that Christianity was allowed, wanted to please everyone so he took and merged Resurrection Day with the worship of Ostara. But only one can and should be worshiping, and that is God Almighty, El Shaddai, Hashem, Adonai, the creator of the heavens and the earth.