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NORAD jet fighters intercept Korean Air passenger jet after bomb threat

Homeland Security NTARC News | 4/10/2012


NORAD jet fighters intercepted a Korean Air passenger jet carrying 147 people and escorted it to a safe emergency landing at a military base in British Columbia after the airline received a bomb threat, officials said Tuesday. Two F-15 fighter jets escorted the Boeing 777 to 19 Wing Comox on Vancouver Island because of a threat associated with the aircraft, a NORAD spokeswoman said.

The incident occurred at approximately 5:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. ET, said Maj. Holly Apostoliuk of NORAD in Canada. The F-15s that conducted the intercept were scrambled from Portland, Oregon, she said.

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Posted on 10 Apr 12 by Homeland Security National Terror Alert Center

Holder’s DOJ welcomes ruling allowing extradition of Islamic terror suspects to U.S.

Posted on April 11, 2012 by creeping

Eric Holder never met a terrorist he didn’t like and there is nothing more he seems to enjoy than trying to bring Islamic jihadists to the U.S. mainland. via Court: 5 terror suspects can be sent to the U.S.

(CNN) — The European Court of Human Rights ruled against five terror suspects Tuesday, saying that they can be extradited to the United States despite their claims that they will be poorly treated.

The court ruled that the suspects would not get “ill treatment” in super maximum security prisons if they are extradited to the United States and convicted in American courts, according to a statement from the European court.

The court still needs to make a decision on one other suspect connected to the case.

The ruling adds another chapter to the long-running legal battle that started when the six suspects were indicted by the United States between 1999 and 2006. The suspects were all arrested in the United Kingdom and have been fighting extradition to the United States for years.

Several of the suspects were alleged to have links to Osama bin Laden, the European Court of Human Rights said.

One of the suspects, Mustafa Kamal Mustafa, who also is known as Abu Hamza, is wanted by the United States on 11 charges, including conspiracy in connection with a 1998 kidnapping in Yemen and conspiring with others to establish an Islamic jihad training camp in rural Oregon in 1999.

Another of the suspects, Babar Ahmad, is accused of providing material support to terrorists, conspiracy and money laundering. If convicted, he could face a life prison sentence.

The indictment against Ahmad accuses him of conspiring to provide support to terrorists, including helping to ship gas masks to the Taliban and using U.S.-based websites to raise money for Chechen leader Shamil Basayev. Basayev claimed responsibility for the 2004 Beslan school massacre in Russia. He was killed two years later by Russian agents.

U.S. Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd welcomed the court ruling.

“We look forward to the court’s decision becoming final and to the extradition of these defendants to stand trial in the United States,” he said.

Oh, and great news for them if they get here (and aren’t freed) – the supermax prison is sharia compliant serving halal food to convicted terrorists! via Terror suspects could face ‘clean version of hell,’ as EU court rules on U.S. extradition – The Globe and Mail.

H unit, the special wing for terrorists in the most secure penitentiary in the United States…was also trumpeted by government officials as a place where prisoners enjoy natural light and halal food, free copies of USA Today, access to 50 television channels and a chance to progress to increasingly better conditions.

Posted on 11 Apr 12 by Creeping Sharia

FBI: American Muslim & USS Cole Plotter Escape Yemeni Prison

Posted on April 11, 2012 by creeping

via FBI: American Among Yemen Escapees | Fox News.

An American wanted for allegedly training with the “Lackawanna Six” at an Al Qaeda camp was among the 23 men who tunneled out of a Yemeni prison last week, the FBI confirmed Friday.

Authorities earlier said they believed Jaber Elbaneh, 39, was probably among the escapees, but were not certain because of conflicting information, including a posting by the international police organization Interpol that pictured Elbaneh but described someone else.

Elbaneh is charged in Buffalo with providing material support to Al Qaeda by attending the al-Farooq training camp run by Usama [Osama] bin Laden in Afghanistan months before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Six other men who attended the camp — dubbed the Lackawanna Six after the city near Buffalo where they lived — are serving sentences ranging from seven to 10 years after pleading guilty in 2003 to providing support to a terrorist organization.

Authorities believe Elbaneh surrendered to Yemen authorities in December 2003. The United States had asked Yemen to hand him over, but had not received an official response.

Interpol has said those who escaped last Saturday also included Jamal al-Badawi — convicted of plotting, preparing and helping carry out the USS Cole bombing that killed 17 sailors in a Yemeni port in 2000

Posted on 11 Apr 12 by Creeping Sharia