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Senator Rand Paul calls for stopping financial aid to countries that disrespect us including Pakistan and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: July 18, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam |

Paul questions the motives behind sending billions, that we have to borrow from China, to a country that has imprisoned the very man who led us to capturing Osama bin Laden.


Posted on 18 Jul 12 by BNI
[Editor’s note: Once again, this does not entail the thoughts of the national Act! for America office, nor does it reflect what the local chapters feel, but it is my strong Christian belief, as well as what has been happening for the last three years. Mullah Obama has been working on destroying the American dollar, it is needed to bring in the global dollar…it is Biblical prophecy, that the world will have a global currency, a good chance it will be through gold and silver, and the Muslims are big partakers in buying gold here in America…America is one of the primary reasons there has not been a global currency, and Islam and some of its world leaders are doing what they can to help the “12th Imam/mahdi reappear as quickly as possible.

Obama is working with Islam by trying to financially kill America so the global currency will come in. A prophecy from Pat Robertson which warned the U.S. about it will not suffer from a nuclear attack, but the currency will die because of the sin the U.S. has committed, and the turning of the people’s backs and minds against Hashem Elohim. So, Obama will not stop paying out our borrowed money or the taxpayer’s money, he is working on its demise.

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