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VIDEO: See The Painful Lesson This Cop Taught This Muslim Lady When She Tried To Use The Race Card

Posted on Saturday, October 11th, 2014 at 4:50 pm.

by: Thomas Jefferson


When burqa-clad Muslim mother of seven was pulled over by this police officer, she tried to use the race card to get out of a traffic violation. Watch as she berates this police officer and then later lies about the details of the interaction.

The woman in question, Carnita Matthews, was stopped by the police offer for a random breath test and received a citation for not properly displaying her provisional license as required by law.

Throughout the video of the police footage, Matthews calls the officer a racist and claims she was only pulled over because she was wearing a traditional burqa.

She says, “All cops are racist;” however, she clearly does not know what she is talking about, as Islam is not a race. It is a religion (well, actually, an aggressive, political ideology, which shares the fence of dictatorship). The footage shows that the officer’s decision to pull her over has nothing to do with race or religion.

Matthews later filed a complaint against the officer stating that he forcibly tried to remove her veil after he asked her to lower it for identification purposes and she refused due to religious reasons. According to Muslim leaders, you are allowed to lower your veil if someone of law enforcement requests that you do so.

Her complaint is a blatant lie as none of this happens in the footage captured by car-mounted police cameras.

How she thought she would get away with this huge lie is inconceivable. Matthews was sentenced to six months in jail after making the false complaint against the police officer.

Posted on 11 Oct 14 by Conservative Infidel

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Funny how one of the Islamic god’s names is god of deception/skeeming, and this satanically enslaved woman tries to lie and deceive that her sister did the TV interview…I’m sure her sister did the bank robberies as well…who knows, because the burqa setup is something that satan put in their lives to help create chaos. She broke the law, she refused to show her face for the officer to verify with her diver’s license, that it was the same woman driving the car with the license. (I mean, look at the problem, if you compare a picture of Janet Jackson before she became Muslim, with her in a full burqa, could you tell really see that it was actually Janet Jackson?)

Funny if you know Shari’a…she was violating Shari’a because she should not have been out of the house without her husband or a family male guardian…hhmmm…the way Shari’a is, maybe she will be honor killed, as well as her husband (for allowing her to be without a guardian), for not following their barbaric laws.

One Response

  1. Sittingbourne moto if you get caught doing the crime do the time

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