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Muslim Company Is Threatening To Fire Its Female Christian Employees Unless They Wear THIS


Some people are taking the Supreme Court’s decision in the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case very seriously, including this Muslim-owned craft store in Dearborn, Michigan.

The arts-and-crafts store has taken the ruling to mean that they can demand their Christian employees to wear traditional Islamic headscarves to work.

The ruling recently gave religious rights to family-owned businesses and Khilāf Krafts is now requiring its eight female employees to wear traditional hijabs to work; however, three of these employees are practicing Christians.

The company has gone as far as to threaten those who don’t oblige by wearing hijabs with firing them.

“My boss came in last Tuesday with a Koran in his hand and told us we were dressed like harlots,” says Karen Anderson, a 28-year-old employee who has been with the company for five years. “He gave us each a hijab and said if we didn’t wear it we’d be unemployed.

“I’m a strong believer in Jesus Christ. But my husband passed a few years ago and I need this job to support my kids. I don’t really have a choice. I have to wear it,” she concluded.

“I read through the entire Supreme Court decision. I don’t really see what the problem is here. I’m a small, closely held business. I have devout religious beliefs. Why should I be forced to employ people if it violates my religion?,” the store owner, Khaleed El-Helani, has said.

Source American Overlook

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. This is definitely working on two things…first, Christian persecution in the US, and second, discrimination against Christians and non-Muslims…because look at Chic-Filet, or Hobby Lobby, or the Reverends that would not marry gays…it’s a media uproar…but when Muslims do it, it’s just “non-violent lesser jihad, mandatory to be a part of their religion…and it’s not covered in the media….go figure…times are coming close for the Lord to come back.]

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