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Iran preparing Mahdi’s Special Forces Army of operatives planning for terror, destruction of the West

by Reza Kahlili

The Quds Forces, a special Iranian unit of thousands of operatives tasked with exporting Iran’s Islamic revolution, are being told to step up preparations for terrorism for the coming of the last Islamic messiah and the destruction of the West.

Ali Saeedi, the Iranian supreme leader’s representative to the Revolutionary Guards, emphasized during a Friday sermon in Tehran that the Islamic republic must directly confront America so that the necessary environment is created for the reappearance of Mahdi, the Shiite’s 12th imam, who will kill all infidels and raise the flag of Islam in all corners of the world.

“In three points of history, God directly confronts the will of unruly humans in which, of course, the Right will overcome the False,” Saeedi said, according to the Sepah News, the Guards’ official publication. “The first point in history was during the era of pharaoh, the second era was Bani Abbas, and the third is our current era in which it seems that God has willed us to enlighten the world with the coming of Imam Mahdi.”

Saeedi, “Many of the signs [necessary] for the coming have taken place during the previous years; however, the main sign will take place right before the coming.”

There are five levels of readiness that have to be prepared for the coming, he said: “Individual readiness, the readiness for creating the environment, systematic readiness, the readiness in the region and the international readiness. This means Occupy Wall Street must take place, the Americans must lose hope with the Democratic Party and others, and lose faith in the U.N., while at the same time the unraveling in the Middle East, which was not ripe before, must have taken place before the coming.”

This is the first time a high-ranking Iranian official has stated on the record that the Quds Forces are not only involved in the region, but also internationally for a final confrontation with the West.

“The Revolutionary Guards are one vehicle for preparation for the coming, and in the current Islamic Awakening [the Arab Spring] in the region and on international arena, the Quds Forces play a major role in preparing the readiness of the human force needed for such an event,” Saeedi said. “The chief commander of the Guards and the supreme leader’s representative are tasked for preparing the individual readiness, regional readiness as well as international readiness for the coming.”

In another Guards’ weekly publication, Sobhe Sadegh, a front-page analysis explains that the opening of Iran’s geopolitics and the empowerment of its Islamic power are a reality in which Iran’s influence has expanded not only in the region, but also in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Asia and even in Europe and America.

As was the fall of socialism and the Eastern bloc, the analysis promises, so will be the fall of the capitalism and liberal democracy.

The analysis refers to the statements of the founder of the Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini:

  • “I say with all certainty that the 21st century will be the century of Islam.”
  • “I say with all certainty that Islam will conquer all key entrenchments of the world.”
  • “I say with all certainty that Islam will defeat all world powers.”
  • “I say with all certainty that the 21st century is the century where the oppressed will be victorious over the oppressors.”

While the Quds Forces have recently expanded their operations in shipment of explosives to Latin America, Africa and other places in the world, and at the same time have put terror cells on high alert for terrorist acts, the Islamic regime in Iran has expanded its nuclear program in which over 11,000 centrifuges are now running at two facilities, increasing its enriched uranium stock.

As of the last report in May by the IAEA, Iran had enough enriched uranium for six nuclear bombs, and despite all negotiations and recent sanctions, the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, announced days ago that there will be no turning back from the nuclear path.
Reza Kahlili translated this Iranian video about Islamic prophecies of a coming messiah and the destruction of Israel:


Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and the author of the award-winning book, A Time to Betray. He is a senior Fellow with EMPact America, a member of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA).

Posted 31 Jul 12 by WND

[Editor’s Note: Once again this is my thoughts and feelings, not that of the local chapter, nor the national office, so, if you want to threaten someone, I’m your man, already got two death threats on me. So anyway, Iran vows to “defeat ALL world powers” in the 21st century…this goes against the Bible in actuality…because through symbolism and lines and shadows in Bible study, it shows the bear (Russia) will be around and the dragon (China)…now, there are a number of dragons mentioned in Revelation, but a dragon from the East is mentioned and that is China…when it talks about Armageddon.

With Iran talking all the garbage they are talking right now, if it wasn’t that we have a Muslim President that doesn’t really want to go to war with Iran, (but is willing to lower our military and our defenses, and give amnesty to anyone that walks across the borders illegally) and is trying his darnedest to “change” America into an Islamic country, and the potential threat of Iran to the world basically, the US would have stepped in, I feel, and did a little military intimidation. But, right now, we just have to hope that the over 5000 Iranian sleepers in America with access to serious chemical WMDs and EMP components don’t hit us first…then we would have to jump in militarily and step in some Shiite!!]

Resignation Of Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad May Be Imminent

Posted by John J. Xenakis May 7th 2011 at 10:50 am in Featured Story, Iran, Islam, Middle East | Comments (14)

A bitter power struggle pitting Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad against the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei may lead to the president’s resignation as early as Sunday.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his chief of staff, Esfandiar Rahim-MashaeiMahmoud Ahmadinejad and his chief of staff, Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei

It’s been fairly clear for a long time that there was a growing coldness between Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. When Ahmadinejad was first elected in 2005, he and Khamenei kissed and embraced in a victory celebration. But there was no such affection when Ahmadinejad was reelected in 2009.

Rumors of a split have been growing, but they burst out into the open early in April, when Ahmadinejad dismissed Heydar Moslehi, the head of the Intelligence Ministry, and faithful to Khamenei. Khamenei refused to accept Moslehi’s forced resignation, and Moslehi was kept in his job, according to Haaretz.

Ahmadinejad responded with his own power play — he failed to show up and cabinet meetings and missed several scheduled public engagements, including a trip to Qom, home to Iran’s religious establishment, where he is increasingly mistrusted, according to RFERL.

Then it was Khamenei’s turn again. Khamenei’s security forces arrested several presidential aides, including two close to Ahmadinejad’s chief of staff, Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei, whom Khamenei despises.

The arrests were based on charges that seem completely bizarre. The aides were accused of sorcery, of using “supernatural powers,” and of being “magicians” and invoking djinns (spirits), according to the Guardian. One of the men, Abbas Ghaffari, was charged as “a man with special skills in metaphysics and connections with the unknown worlds.”

The ‘12′th Imam’ or ‘Hidden Imam’

These charges of sorcery are related to Ahmadinejad’s claimed devout belief in the Mahdaviat — the Shia Muslim belief that the Mahdi (or “the 12′th Imam” or “the Hidden Imam”) is coming to save mankind. This belief is roughly equivalent to the Christian belief in the second coming of Christ, or the Buddhist belief in the Maitreya — that a new Buddha is to appear on earth, and will achieve complete enlightenment. This belief, which is shared by Rahim-Mashaei, has been the center of an increasingly widening theological dispute within the government. (See my 2009 report, “Theological split in Iran widens as opposition protests continue” for details.)

Ahmadinejad has disobeyed Supreme Leader Khamenei, which is considered to be equivalent to disobeying God. But Ahmadinejad has been paving the way for the return of the Hidden Imam, and as I understand it, he’s using his claim that the Hidden Imam’s return is imminent as a justification for disobeying Khamenei.

Thus, the sorcery charges are related in some way to the beliefs about the Hidden Imam, and are complicated by the fact that, as I understand it, Khamanei himself has claimed in the past to be the Hidden Imam.

Iran’s Generational Awakening Era

The best way to understand all this craziness is to understand that Iran is in a generational Awakening era, 23 years after the end of climax of Iran’s last generational crisis war, the Great Islamic Revolution followed by the Iran/Iraq war.

Any Awakening era is characterized by a “generation gap,” where the young people, born after the last crisis war, demonstrate against the austere rules laid down by the war survivors, who are committing their lives to do everything possible to preventing any similar war from occurring again.

Thus, the huge demonstrations that followed Ahmadinejad’s 2009 reelection, widely assumed to be fraudulent, are very similar to the huge demonstrations that occurred in America’s last Awakening era. (See my 2007 report, “Boomers commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love.”)

Every Awakening has a climax which establishes a “winner” between the older and younger generations. The climax of America’s Awakening era would be President Nixon’s resignation in 1974.

However, the resignation of Ahmadinejad, if it occurs, would not be equivalent, and would not be a climax, since Khamenei would still be in power. There’s no reason why there would have to be a one to one correspondence between all events in Awakening eras, but if one were to match this up to some event, the best choice would be President Lyndon Johnson’s 1968 decision not to run again.

At any rate, the generational conflict in Iran is far from over, and is still years away from reaching a climax. A climax where the older generation wins would be Khamenei’s completely crushing any further opposition, as in the Tiananmen Square massacre. I personally do not expect this outcome, because most young people in Iran, even young people in the Revolutionary Guards, are generally pro-Western and generally have nothing against Israel. My expectation is that, at some point, Khamanei and his followers will be removed, probably via a “velvet revolution,” and that, when forced to choose, Iran will be on the side of the West in the coming Clash of Civilizations world war.

Posted in BigPeace.com