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Tunisia Islamist causes outcry with “caliphate” talk

Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:41pm EST

By Tarek Amara

Tunis (Reuters) – Tunisia’s secularists said their fears about an Islamist takeover were being realized on Tuesday after a senior official in the moderate Islamist party which won last month’s election invoked the revival of a caliphate, or Islamic state.

Footage posted on the Internet showed Hamadi Jbeli, the secretary-general of the Ennahda party, telling supporters that “We are in the sixth caliphate, God willing.”

The caliphate was a system for governing Islamic empires based on sharia law. There were five caliphates under different dynasties until Turkey’s founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk abolished the last of them early last century.

The remarks by Jbeli — his party’s nominee to be the next prime minister — complicated Ennahda’s efforts to form a coalition government, leading one prospective partner to say it was partly suspending negotiations in protest.

Ennahda has reassured Tunisians it will not impose a Muslim moral code on society and will respect women’s equality, but the comments by Jbeli were interpreted by secularists as evidence the party has a hidden agenda.

Khemais Ksila, a member of the executive committee of the Ettakatol party, which is in coalition talks with Ennahda, said the party was suspending its participation in two of the three committees which were working on a coalition deal.

“We do not accept this statement,” he said. “We thought we were going to build a second republic with our partner, not a sixth caliphate.”

Ennahda won Tunisia’s first democratic election after a revolution in January which ousted autocratic leader Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and inspired the “Arab Spring” uprisings.

The party’s actions are being scrutinized closely in Egypt and Libya, where Islamists who until now have been banned from political life are also gaining in influence after revolutions forced out entrenched rulers.

The Internet footage showed Jbeli, a political prisoner under Ben Ali, telling supporters: “My brothers, you are at a historic moment … in a new cycle of civilization, God willing … We are in sixth caliphate, God willing.”

The use of the term caliphate in Arab politics is highly sensitive because it is a concept promoted by groups at the radical end of the Islamist spectrum, such as Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which is banned in many countries.

Moderate Islamist movements such as Ennahda or Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood generally steer clear of the term because of these associations.


An Ennahda official said that the party’s opponents were deliberately misreading what Jbeli had said.

“Jbeli was intending to speak about good governance and a break with corruption … not the establishment of an Islamic regime,” Faouzi Kamoun, the director of Jbeli’s office, told Reuters.

“We are a civil party … This is indisputable. But a section of the elite is seeking to distract people from the main issues,” he said.

That did not reassure secularists, who have traditionally dominated Tunisia’s ruling classes and now think their freedoms will be eroded by the Islamists.

Ennahda is the first Islamist party to win power in the Arab world since Hamas won an election in the Palestinian Territories in 2006.

“This speech is very dangerous,” Said Issam Chebbi, a leading member of the secularist PDP party, told Reuters. “This is what we feared.”

The secularist Maghreb newspaper mocked Jbeli with a photo montage on its front page of the Ennahda official dressed as a traditional Arab emir, or leader, and the headline: “Sixth Caliph Hamadi Jbeli.”

An Internet user called Imen Kaouel posted a comment underneath an online video of Jbeli’s speech saying: “We are starting to discover the true face of Ennahda.”

Ennahda is led by Rachid Ghannouchi, an Islamic scholar who spent 22 years in exile in London. Western diplomats say his moderate approach is sincere, but that some in the party’s rank and file may want to take it down a more hardline path.

In last month’s election, Ennahda emerged the biggest party in an assembly which will choose a new caretaker government, rewrite the constitution and schedule fresh elections.

It did not have a majority, forcing it into coalition talks with two smaller, secularist parties, Ettakatol and the Congress for the Republic (CPR).

Ettakatol official Ksila said the suspension was in protest at Jbeli’s comments, and also because the CPR was trying to railroad through the selection of its leader, Moncef Marzouki, as Tunisia’s new president, a largely ceremonial post.

Ettakatol had indicated it wanted its leader, Mustafa Ben Jaafar, to get the job.

The row was the first public sign of friction between the would-be coalition partners.

(Editing by Christian Lowe and Diana Abdallah)


The Western Governments: if they know, they are not telling you, and if they don’t know they have their heads stuck in the sand. We continue to warn, now prepare for greatest war the world has ever seen, this time G-d will get involved directly. Look for the peace treaty once all the players are in place then comes sudden destruction.

Posted on 21 Nov 11 by shoebat.com and Reuters Canada

“Palestine will be the future Caliphate”

The well known and commonly recited verse on the day of judgement according the holy Hadith of Al Bukari: “The Day of Judgement will not come to pass until the Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind the stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Slave of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

Here is a prominent Imam just explaining and interpreting the above. When will America and the world awaken from their stupor?

Share with the people who need to know!

Egypt: 50,000 attend Muslim Brotherhood/Salafi rally: “The United Arab States and the United Islamic States are inevitably coming, and soon we will have one caliph to rule us all”

Democracy on the march! “Thousands attend joint Brotherhood-Salafi rally,” by Hany ElWaziry for AlMasry AlYoum, May 8:

More than 50,000 people on Saturday attended a joint rally held by the Muslim Brotherhood group and Salafis in Haram district, Giza.The organizers chanted slogans stating that the Brotherhood and the Salafis are one, and that both seek to apply the Islamic Sharia.

“The United Arab States and the United Islamic States are inevitably coming,” said prominent Salafi preacher Safwat Hegazy at the rally. “And soon we will have one caliph to rule us all.”

Hegazy condemned those who burnt the church in Imbaba on Saturday. “They are not Salafis or Brothers, nor are they Egyptians,” he said. “They are the enemy that incites sectarian strife.”

Salafi preacher Mohamed Hassan, for his part, called on all Islamic groups to reassure Muslims and Christians alike. “Egypt does not belong to the Muslims alone,” he said. “And Copts are protected by Islam. They need not resort to the United States for that.”

Yes, they will have the protection of dhimmitude.

Posted by Robert on May 9, 2011 12:10 AM | 11 Comments