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Now, dogs are being poisoned in Britain, too?

Posted: March 17, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam |

The pets, which belonged to two different households on the same road in Knottingley, West Yorks, suffered fits which left them foaming at the mouth. It is believed they had eaten slabs of blackened meat deliberately left for them, after tests revealed them to be poisoned.

Islam vs Europe says, “We don’t know for sure if this was done by Muslims. But West Yorkshire is one of the most heavily Muslim-colonized parts of Britain. That’s where Bradford is. Also the fact that pork was used each time is very curious. Muslims are not prohibited from handling pork, only eating it. And “pork-eaters” is one of their favorite insults for infidels. In these incidents, the pork element could provide both an extra sadistic twist and a kind of justification; as the Muslim would see it, the dog would have died because it made the immoral choice of eating pork and therefore was the author of its own demise.” (See other cases of Muslims poisoning dogs in links at the bottom)

UK TELEGRAPH  Owners Georgina Wetherall, 34, and Emma McGuire, 27, who live just eight doors apart, now fear more dogs in the road could be targeted and police are warning neighbors to be vigilant. Mrs. Wetherall said the deaths had left her so distraught she was now planning to move out of the road, where she has lived with her family for 14 years.

The apparent attacks began in January this year, when Miss McGuire’s three-month-old Jack Russell puppy Monty was found lifeless in his cage.

Miss McGuire’s three-month-old Jack Russell puppy Monty was found lifeless in his cage

After retracing his steps, she found six pieces of blackened pork loin in the garden, which vets confirmed had been poisoned. Despite her extra vigilance, her other Jack Russell Poppy died just one month later in similar circumstances. Miss McGuire said: “They might only be animals to some people, but they were my animals. They might as well have poisoned me.”

This week, friend and neighbor Mrs. Wetherall came home to find two of her dogs dead and another which foamed at the mouth before having to be put down. The mother-of-three said: “I want to know who has done this. It’s absolutely devastating. Whoever is doing this is the lowest of the low. “They weren’t just dogs, they were my family and I’ve never felt so empty.”

Georgina Wetherall with her daughter Jessica holding their dogs Roxy and Paddy who survived being poisoned

Michael Shewring, a vet from the Bartram and Patrick practice, said post-mortem tests on Mrs. Wetherall’s dogs were not yet complete, but that there were similarities in the symptoms leading to all five deaths. He added: “In the case of Miss McGuire’s dogs, the owners brought in pork loin steaks from the garden which were coated in something suitably evil and suspicious.

“For two dogs to go from young, fit and healthy to seizing uncontrollably, there’s no doubt these dogs were maliciously poisoned.”

Posted on 17 Mar 12 by BNI