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Congressman Says Obama Admin Materially Supporting Terrorists


Posted on May 27, 2011 by creeping

via Big Peace, John Guandolo U.S. Congressman Says The Obama Administration Materially Supporting Terrorists.

Last Friday, May 20th, U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert of the First District of Texas indicated the current Administration appears to be complicit in supporting the designated terrorist organization Hamas.  Thus far, there has been nearly no media coverage on the Congressman’s comments, which, one would think, would have a significant impact because of the implications of such an accusation.

The comments came during an interview on the nationally syndicated radio program, “The Sean Hannity Show,” and were in response to reports of the attendance of Mohammed Magid at President Obama’s speech on Thursday May 19th at the U.S. Department of State regarding Israeli and Palestinian issues in the Middle East.

Mohammed Majid is the President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the lead Muslim Brotherhood organization in North America and – according to Muslim Brotherhood (MB) documents – the “nucleus for the Islamic Movement in North America.”  The MB By-Laws state the purpose of the Muslim Brotherhood is to “establish Allah’s law (Shariah) in the land” and the Brotherhood Creed includes the phrase “…Jihad is our way and martyrdom in the way of Allah our inspiration.”  As a reminder, inherent to the Brotherhood structure is the Special Section – the MB entity which conducts Military Operations.  Documents and tapes discovered in 2004 in an FBI raid in Annandale, Virginia in which the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States were found, confirmed the Special Section is present in the U.S. as are weapons training camps – and have been from as early as 1981.  Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine – and is designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States government.  The MB By-Laws also state, “The Islamic nation must be fully prepared to fight the tyrants and enemies of Allah as a prelude to establishing the Islamic State.”  In summary, the Muslim Brotherhood is violently hostile to the United States and ISNA is the leading edge of their Movement here.  Their leader is Mohammed Majid.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), and CAIR are all listed “Unindicted Co-Conspirators” in the HLF trial.  All three organizations petitioned the court to have their names removed from this list.  In the Prosecutorial Memo to the court, federal prosecutors wrote:  “ISNA and NAIT, in fact, shared more with HLF than just a parent organization (MB).  They were intimately connected with the HLF and its assigned task of providing financial support to Hamas…The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood created the U.S. Palestine Committee which documents reflect was originally comprised of three organizations:  the OLF (HLF), the IAP, and the UASR.  CAIR was later added to these organizations…the mandate of these organizations per the International Muslim Brotherhood was to support Hamas.” Read more »

Filed under: Alerts, Creeping Sharia, DC, FBI, Legal, Media, Mosque, News, Obama, Politics, Religion, Sharia, Stealth Jihad, Texas | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Hmmm Who is running the FBI today?? Islamics?? Read this post and then the previous post about John Gondolo.

FBI Task Force Refuses to Join ‘Hyped’ New York City Terror Case

Published May 15, 2011

| FoxNews.com

The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force has opted out of the case of two New York men allegedly involved in a plot to blow up a local synagogue over concerns it is not a bona fide terrorism case, WNYC reports.

Two federal law enforcement sources, who spoke to the station on condition of anonymity, said the FBI did not take the case of the two alleged New York City terrorists because the end result was being over-hyped and the agency felt the case would not hold up in court.

Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne rejected the Federal critique, saying, “When somebody acquires weapons and plans to bomb the largest synagogue in Manhattan he can find, what do you call it, mischief?”

Over the years, there have been tensions between the FBI and the NYPD, WNYC reports. The NYPD maintains its own sophisticated counterterrorism unit and has 1,000 officers committed to intelligence gathering and infrastructure protection. It also has detectives deployed in several major cities around the world.

Ahmed Ferhani, who is from Algeria, and Mohamed Mamdouh, who is from Morocco, were arrested after Ferhani was caught in a police sting trying to buy guns, ammunition and a hand grenade. Police and prosecutors said they laid the trap after an undercover investigator who had befriended the pair recorded Ferhani talking about attacking a city synagogue and maybe the Empire State Building. Both men came to the U.S. during grade school. Officials characterized the case as one involving a “pair of lone wolves” who were not part of a broader global terrorism conspiracy.

The “lone wolf” characterization mimics the fears of local officials regarding “home-grown” players like Faisal Shahzad, who tried to set off a car bomb in Times Square.

Both Ferhani and Mamdouh have pleaded not guilty. They are being prosecuted by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance under a state terrorism statute passed in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Click to read more on this story from WNYC.org

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/05/15/feds-refuse-join-hyped-nyc-terror-case/#ixzz1MXDC2GyV

Islam discredited FBI agent working to expose the “peaceful religion”!

David Barton’s Anti-Islam Expert Is Disgraced Former FBI Agent

Submitted by Kyle on March 22, 2011 – 10:50
too listen to the broadcast live.
On today’s broadcast of “Wallbuilders Live,” David Barton and Rick Green discussed the “Islamic Flood is Coming to the United States ” with former FBI agent John Guandolo whom, as Barton explained, was forced out of the Bureau after it was taken over by those with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood:

Barton: John used to be the guy who briefed the FBI on terrorism and radical Islamic terrorism and so many Islamic folks worked their way into the FBI, they got him thrown out. They said “he keeps speaking bad about Islam, he keeps saying bad things about radical Islam, you need to get rid of him.” But he’s part of Team B and he’s the guy who keeps bringing out and bringing to light stuff, so John, we thought he’d be a good guy to have examine this because he is a national expert, he did brief the FBI until the Islamic folks kind of took him and got rid of him.

I mean, this is the kind of level of ignorance that is a real problem and that’s why John is really good at what he does. And you can understand why [Eric] Holder and others in the FBI wouldn’t want Guandolo around there. These are the kind of people they are chasing off because you’re starting to see the Muslim Brotherhood actually get in to some of our institutions.

Green: Unreal.

Now that is one way to explain how Guandolo suddenly left his position with the FBI in December 2009. Another way would be to speculate that he resigned when it was discovered that he had been sleeping with a key witness in the corruption case against former Congressman William Jefferson. As reported by The Times Picayune:

As the corruption case against former Rep. William Jefferson was about to go to trial in June, prosecutors learned from their star witness that she had had a sexual relationship with the undercover FBI agent who drove her to all the meetings where she secretly taped and delivered cash to the New Orleans Democrat.

But according to court documents unsealed last week, the FBI and its Office of Professional Responsibility knew at least as far back as last December that the agent, John Guandolo, “had had an intimate relationship with a confidential source that he thought could damage an investigation.”

Apparently, the Muslim Brotherhood is so powerful that it managed to get Guandolo to sleep with the key government witness he was supposed to be protecting in order to discredit him and stop him from exposing their plot to take over the United States.

* This post was updated on 4/18/11.

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