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TLC’s ‘ALL-AMERICAN MUSLIM’ loses 96% (101 out of 105) of its sponsors

Posted: January 3, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam |

On the Jan. 1st episode of All-American Muslim, there were nearly as many non-revenue-producing commercials for TLC’s other programs than there were paid sponsors. This show focused on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, and how Muslims are sick to death over having to apologize for the religion that inspired the hijackers who brought joy to hundreds of millions of America-hating Muslims around the world. 

Florida Family Association has launched six email alerts to inform supporters about The Learning Channel’s new show called All-American Muslim which riskily hides the Islamic agenda’s clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values.   The alerts encouraged supporters to send emails to the companies that advertised during the first six weeks that the program aired.  To read the full article regarding this issue click here.


The following facts clearly indicate that The Learning Channel  show All-American Muslim was not a winner in the American marketplace:  

•  NINETY SIX PERCENT (96%) of the companies that Florida Family Association targeted with emails did NOT advertise again during the January 1st  and 2nd  episodes of All-American Muslim.   One hundred one (101) out of one hundred five (105) companies did NOT advertise again.  Certainly some of the companies stopped their advertisements because of seasonal buys.  However, those seasonal buyers make up the small minority of companies not returning to the show.
•  Close to forty percent (40%) of the advertising space on the January 1st and 2nd episodes were devoted to The Learning Channel self-promotions of other shows and network trades.
•  Numerous companies known for buying bargain (when there is a ratings dive) advertising space collectively purchased a large percentage of the remaining advertising space.

Florida Family Association will NO longer post the names of the companies that pull off the show because of intense scrutiny by opponents.  Additionally, no email addresses will be posted for advertisers.  

REPEAT ADVERTISERS during one or more of the January 1st and 2nd episodes of All-American Muslim included:  Geico, Hershey’s Reese’s Cups, Kellogg’s Special K and SC Johnson’s Scrubbing Bubbles.

NEW ADVERTISERS during one or more of the January 1st and 2nd episodes of All-American Muslim included:  Esurance, FreshPet, Lifelock, Lionsgate, Mylife, Turbotax and Zoosk.

If this show airs again whether in repeats or new episodes Florida Family Association will contact advertisers.  The last episodes will air January 8th at 10 pm and January 9th at 12 am.  There is a fair chance that some companies will advertise during these last two episodes believing there will be no repercussions. Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to the companies that advertised during one or more of the January 1st and 2nd episodes of All-American Muslim.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button.  You cannot change the wording in the subject line or message anymore because some of the opponents of our efforts were using our email system.

Please click here to send your email to the companies that advertised during the January 1st and 2nd episodes of All-American Muslim.

If you have difficulty loading the above link please click here or go to http://floridafamily.org/issues.php and locate this issue on the main floridafamily.org web site.

Following are some of the many messages of support that LOWE’S received for their courage in going public with its decision to pull all advertising from ALL AMERICAN MUSLIM. 


[the list goes on]

Posted on 3 Jan 12 by BNI

HAMAS-linked CAIR leader calls for boycott of Lowe’s for pulling their ads off TLC’s ‘All-American Muslim’

Posted: December 13, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam |

Ahmed Rehab of CAIR says we infidels are just “racists”  who apparently don’t know that all Muslims stand for “peace, co-existence, justice, tolerance, love, and compassion.” (Tell me again, what ‘race’ is Islam?)

A little background on Ahmed:  IPT  CAIR Chicago director Ahmed Rehab currently serves as both CAIR-Chicago’s executive director and CAIR’s national strategic communications director. Rehab joined CAIR-Chicago in 2004 and became the chapter’s executive director mid-2006. Rehab has staunchly defended a charity found guilty of funneling money to Hamas, a Hamas operative, a fundraiser for a Hamas- linked group, and his own organization from its founding officials’ ties to a U.S. Hamas support network. He has also failed to wholly condemn Hamas when questioned by the media. Before his time with CAIR, Rehab listed an Islamist thinker who inspired Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida’s ideology as one of his “favorites.”

CA State Senator Ted Lieu is threatening legislation against Lowe’s if they don’t apologize and start running their ads on the repugnant ‘All-American (sic) Muslim’ show again.






“Demand Senator Ted Lieu Stop Bullying Lowe’s
Description: Last I checked it was not the job of a government official to bully and threaten a private business. Lowe’s can advertise WHERE THEY SEE FIT. Senator Lieu, get off of facebook and twitter, and get back to the job we put you in office for. Let Hamas-linked CAIR go after Lowe’s.

LINK: https://www.facebook.com/WeSupportLowes





CONTACT LOWE’S at: 1-800-445-6937

E-Mail: karen.s.cobb@lowes.com





Posted on 13 Dec 11 by BNI