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Taliban’s New High Tech Missiles Linked To Hillary Clinton

Terrorists fired a recently produced Stinger missile at…


B. Christopher Agee



According to allegations in a new book, America actually facilitated the distribution of modern missiles among terrorist outfits in Afghanistan. Kenneth R. Timmerman writes in ‘Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi’ that Taliban insurgents subsequently used those weapons against American forces.

In a recent New York Post article, the author cited military special operations sources who report the missiles were originally slated for use by Qatari rebels in 2011 under the authorization of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of State.

He claims that terrorists fired a recently produced Stinger missile at a U.S. Army helicopter in the Kunar province nearly two years ago. Although hit, the pilot was reportedly able to navigate a crash landing a short distance away.

Timmerman wrote that the type of weaponry used was discovered after the Taliban fighters were wiped out by heavy gunfire from a military aircraft shortly after they fired on the Army chopper. A cleanup team discovered casings and other evidence – including a serial number – proving what type of missile was used and where it originated.

Following an investigation, he contends the missile was determined to be one of those then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wanted to send to Libyan fighters opposing Muammar al Gaddafi.

Recipients of these weapons, Timmerman alleges, in turn gave as many as 60 Stinger missiles – along with 200 other missiles – to Taliban forces in the months before the described helicopter attack. Since no American deaths were associated with the incident, however, he asserts the U.S. government chose to keep news that the Taliban possessed these weapons quiet. He wrote that releasing that information publicly would have likely led to a sharp decline in military morale as the Afghanistan War came to an end.

Timmerman found a glaring parallel between this story and the ongoing controversy surrounding the release of five dangerous terrorists in exchange for one American accused of deserting the U.S. Army. The former Guantanamo Bay prisoners were sent to Qatar, where they are reportedly being allowed to move freely for one year until they will be permitted to return to Afghanistan if they so desire.

The author wondered “if we can’t trust the Qataris not to give our weapons to the Taliban, how can we trust them with this?”

Posted on 11 Jun 14 by Western Journalism