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OH, BOO HOO! CAIR thugs say high school football players are victims of anti-Muslim discrimination

Posted: January 24, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam

DEARBORNISTAN: After four Muslim teenage football players were charged with misdemeanor Assault & Battery, their attorney from terror-linked CAIR and Arab-American community leaders claim the players were targeted for prosecution because they are Arab (Muslims).

WXYZ NEWS  (H/T Rob E) The Muslim players for Star Academy High School in Dearborn Heights say what occurred at the end of their game against Lutheran Western was just a typical gridiron scuffle.

Investigators accuse three of the teens of punching, kicking and yanking the helmet off of a rival quarterback after referees stated that the quarterback was off-limits because he was “taking a knee” to run out the few seconds that were left on the clock. A fourth teen is accused of assaulting a member of the coaching staff for the opposing team.

The school district suspended all four players for several games and from classes for two days. Attorneys for the boys say that should have been sufficient punishment.

There is controversy over charges against four Star Academy football players who are charged with assault and battery after the young quarterback at Lutheran Westland High school was left with a serious concussion.

It happened at the end of the game.  The Lutheran coach who is P.J.’s dad says the refs told the players to stay away but police in Dearborn Heights say they charged anyway. 15-year-old P.J. Guse ended up at the hospital with a grade three concussion, he spent time off school, was dizzy, had memory loss and says he can’t believe it happened.

It took nearly three months of investigating but four senior players from Star have been charged with Assault and Battery, a misdemeanor.  Their lawyer, Nabih Ayad says he believes they were charged because they are Arab American. He wants the charges dismissed.

Police and prosecutors have viewed the tape of the game, talked to witnesses and say this had nothing to do with the players being Arab American. They say it has to do with an assault that could have ended much worse.

Posted on 25 Jan 12 by BNI

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