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It. Is. Over.

Posted by Andrea at 6:28 AM

Well, yes.  The terrorists have been killed or captured!!

Terrorists?  There is NO mention of the word terrorist from Barack Hussein Obama yesterday after the younger Tsarnaev was captured so I guess it wasn’t – terrorism!  Just, how did someone put it – sports place violence?

Friday was – pick any of fifty words – I’ll use horrific.  Horrific for all of us wishing for justice to be done to the terrorists responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings and it does not matter what religion, color, sexual preference, politics or anything else – we just wanted them off the streets and to be punished one way or another.  We wanted this sorry chapter in America’s history to end.  We had every possible media source and tool to watch moment by moment and many did.  And it did end.  And here we are today, a new day.

How it played out leaves me with thoughts about the evil behind it – like –

  • Over and over on the police scanner I heard the instruction – “Do not return fire!”  Do not return fire?  That does not make sense even from a humanitarian sense because how humanitarian would it be to let the terrorist kill a policeman? I understand the need to know why/how this came about and if there were any accomplices but why was not the same order given for the first brother?  And I never heard a caveat – unless he fires first.  It was emphatic – “Do not return fire!”  And then, multiple times, the police were told to go quiet on their mics.  WTF?
  • Two brothers.
  • One has to live so that America can spend the next few years being worn to pieces (remember, that’s the part about don’t let a good crisis go to waste) watching his trial.
  • One has to die because they can’t take the chance of not getting the same story told by both.
  • The choice is simple, of the two, the youngest has to live.  The older is/was more radical and would not be as easy to manipulate in the future.

Over?  No.  The goal, to wear the people down, must press on.  The probably unintended-to-let-slip but works-to-evil’s-advantage from one very, cold Hillary on Benghazi (What difference does it make?) eats at us today.  Or John Kerry last week and his response to a question about Benghazi – We’ve got a lot more important things to move on to and get done.   We won’t forget that one for a long time as I am sure the families of the Benghazi four will not forget.  Never the coda.  The end.  Never.  Unless Americans rally to Lady Liberties defense.

And so, time to get back to work.  Two videos below.  Food for thought.  Meantime, prepare!  Food, water, cash, necessities.  Think, watch, look, listen, write, talk, read and read more….. as in these thoughts from the aftermath   …   Boston: It is now possible to shut down an entire US city under martial law   …   This is America   …   do not miss thisssss one – – – – – >  Or is it a military state?   …   Jihad Will Not Be Washed Away   …   FBI tells America: believe us and no one else   …   Where do we go from Boston?   …   Oh My: FBI Interviewed Boston Terrorist 2 Years Ago Over Extremist Ties   …    Islamapologists Report For Immediate Duty   …   How The Government Capitalizes On Terrorist Attacks   …   OH, and the kicker though I know there’s much more   …   Michelle O visited the Saudi “terrorist” in the hospital

h/t –ScreenShots News

17 false flag stings by FBI at the time of this video in 2009 – h/t – cmblake6 and upaces88 

Posted on 29 Apr 13 by Patriot’s Corner
[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Now we have a government that has performed multiple false flags since 9/11, and this is one that looks like it as well. The government is hiding the truth, on two counts. First count is that the Saudi student, that was initially detained for acting suspicious just before the 2d bomb. His apartment was searched and a plethora of evidence was found in his residence. In the meantime, Michelle Obama comes down for a friendly visit to a potential suspect and terrorist. Than the Saudi Ambassador meets secretively with US Government officials, than Obama decides to let the Saudi student go, to be deported with four of his friends back to Saudi. This is all known, but what isn’t known is that all five of the Saudi students had ties with Al-Qaeda, as well as the reason they were deported was because their threat to US Security. Another fact was that the initial student had a backpack on before the explosions, but did not have one on when he was tackled.
The second count is there was a governmental “training” drill on what to do in case a bombing at the Boston Marathon, or other like events, were to happen. The Navy Seals were there wearing similar backpacks as what was found as evidence as the item that carried the bombs, bomb sniffing dogs and handlers were all over the place near the finish line, a Facebook page was put up on Saturday, before the incident, that talked about the incident, than was taken down right away when it was seen. The bombs were so professionally made, that the Tsarnaev brothers could not have made the bombs.
Over all, it seems the US Government is behind this incident as a false flag. Whether it is true or not, don’t know for sure. But we do know for fact that the US Government does their “drills” and something like this happens.]

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