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Happy Resurrection Day

Easter…is it truly the day when Jesus arose from the dead? Where did all of the strange customs come from, which have nothing to do with the resurrection of our Savior?

The purpose of this tract is to help answer those questions, and to help those who seek truth to draw their own conclusions.

The first thing we must understand is that professing Christians were not the only ones who celebrated a festival called “Easter.”

“Ishtar”, which is pronounced “Easter”, was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called “Tammuz”, who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god.

In those ancient times, there was a man named Nimrod, who was the grandson of one of Noah’s son named Ham.

Ham had a son named Cush who married a woman named Semiramis. Cush and Semiramis then had a son named him “Nimrod.”

After the death of his father, Nimrod married his own mother and became a powerful King.

The Bible tells of this man, Nimrod, in Genesis 10:8-10 as follows: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.”

Nimrod became a god-man to the people and Semiramis, his wife and mother, became the powerful Queen of ancient Babylon.

Nimrod was eventually killed by an enemy, and his body was cut in pieces and sent to various parts of his kingdom.

Semiramis had all of the parts gathered, except for one part that could not be found.

That missing part was his reproductive organ. Semiramis claimed that Nimrod could not come back to life without it and told the people of Babylon that Nimrod had ascended to the sun and was now to be called “Baal”, the sun god.

Queen Semiramis also proclaimed that Baal would be present on earth in the form of a flame, whether candle or lamp, when used in worship.

Semiramis was creating a mystery religion, and with the help of Satan, she set herself up as a goddess.

Semiramis claimed that she was immaculately conceived.

She taught that the moon was a goddess that went through a 28 day cycle and ovulated when full.

She further claimed that she came down from the moon in a giant moon egg that fell into the Euphrates River.

This was to have happened at the time of the first full moon after the spring equinox.

Semiramis became known as “Ishtar” which is pronounced “Easter”, and her moon egg became known as “Ishtar’s” egg.”

Ishtar soon became pregnant and claimed that it was the rays of the sun-god Baal that caused her to conceive.

The son that she brought forth was named Tammuz.

Tammuz was noted to be especially fond of rabbits, and they became sacred in the ancient religion, because Tammuz was believed to be the son of the sun-god, Baal. Tammuz, like his supposed father, became a hunter.

The day came when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig.

Queen Ishtar told the people that Tammuz was now ascended to his father, Baal, and that the two of them would be with the worshippers in the sacred candle or lamp flame as Father, Son and Spirit.

Ishtar, who was now worshiped as the “Mother of God and Queen of Heaven”, continued to build her mystery religion.

The queen told the worshippers that when Tammuz was killed by the wild pig, some of his blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree, and the stump grew into a full new tree overnight. This made the evergreen tree sacred by the blood of Tammuz.

She also proclaimed a forty day period of time of sorrow each year prior to the anniversary of the death of Tammuz.

During this time, no meat was to be eaten.

Worshippers were to meditate upon the sacred mysteries of Baal and Tammuz, and to make the sign of the “T” in front of their hearts as they worshiped.

They also ate sacred cakes with the marking of a “T” or cross on the top.

Every year, on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, a celebration was made.

It was Ishtar’s Sunday and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs.

Ishtar also proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that a pig must be eaten on that Sunday.

By now, the readers of this tract should have made the connection that paganism has infiltrated the contemporary “Christian” churches, and further study indicates that this paganism came in by way of the Roman Catholic System.

The truth is that Easter has nothing whatsoever to do with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We also know that Easter can be as much as three weeks away from the Passover, because the pagan holiday is always set as the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.

Some have wondered why the word “Easter” is in the King James Bible.

It is because Acts, chapter 12, (Acts 12:4) tells us that it was the evil King Herod, who was planning to celebrate Easter, and not the Christians.

The true Passover and pagan Easter sometimes coincide, but in some years, they are a great distance apart.

So much more could be said, and we have much more information for you, if you are a seeker of the truth.

We know that the Bible tells us in John 4:24, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

The truth is that the forty days of Lent, eggs, rabbits, hot cross buns and the Easter ham have everything to do with the ancient pagan religion of Mystery Babylon. These are all antichrist activities!

Satan is a master deceiver, and has filled the lives of well-meaning, professing Christians with idolatry.

These things bring the wrath of God upon children of disobedience, who try to make pagan customs of Baal worship Christian.

You must answer for your activities and for what you teach your children.

These customs of Easter honor Baal, who is also Satan, and is still worshiped as the “Rising Sun” and his house is the “House of the Rising Sun.”

How many churches have “sunrise services” on Ishtar’s day and face the rising sun in the East?

How many will use colored eggs and rabbit stories, as they did in ancient Babylon.

These things are no joke, any more than Judgment day is a joke.

Origin of the text is from David J.  Meyer. Thank you sir for the research of one of satan’s holidays of deception.


This is the true origin of Easter…has nothing to do with Jesus Christ dying on a cross, and being raised from the dead so that we can accept Him into our hearts and be cleansed from sin.

Muslim do not celebrate either celebration. They look at Easter as a pagan holiday, and they know that it entails celebrating a false god to their god allah. Passover is not celebrated by Muslims either due to the fact that the Passover was commanded by Elohim, the Hebrew God, the Living God of today, to celebrate the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt, as well as it is celebrated by Christians by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, dying on a cross and raising from the dead three days later. In Islamic beliefs, Jesus (Muslim “prophet” Isa) was not the son of their god allah, and in their beliefs, allah changed the face of one of the disciples (mostly Judas Iscariot) to look like Jesus, so that disciple was crucified and not Jesus…to which allah pulled Jesus up to “paradise” to chastise him for “lying” to Muslims by saying he was God’s Son…

So that is the twofold reason why Muslims do not celebrate Easter. Christians should not celebrate Easter either, for the same reason…Easter is a celebration of a false god. Constantine made it a “Christian” holiday when he became a Christian (according to some resources, he became a Roman Catholic) because he wanted more people to accept Christ and Christians.


[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories.The best thing for you to do is to say a prayer, and ask Jesus Christ, the Son of God to forgive you of your sins, and wash away your transgressions for life ever after. Than change your ways by reading the Holy Bible to learn how God wants you to live. That’s all you have to do. You don’t have to worry if God is having an off day, and you have a 50/50 chance of going to Heaven, you don’t have to worry about hating others that don’t believe as you do, because Jesus tells us to love our neighbors, and you don’t have to kill anyone to have a 100% chance of getting to Heaven.]

New York Times Reports on Increase in Sexual Assaults in Brotherhood-Led Egypt

Here’s the discussion over the past couple of years:

WESTERN LEADERS: “Hey! If we help Islamist organizations in the Middle East, we can topple secular dictators and bring about a renaissance in Muslim leadership!”

PEOPLE WHO’VE STUDIED ISLAM: “That’s not going to work. If the Muslim Brotherhood takes over, women and religious minorities will be severely oppressed.”

WESTERN LEADERS: “How racist and Islamophobic of you to say that! You don’t understand the wonderful nature of Islam!”


WOMEN AND RELIGIOUS MINORITIES: “Help! Help! We’re being severely oppressed by the Muslim Brotherhood!”

WESTERN LEADERS: “Sorry, can’t help you. Who are we to interfere in the affairs of Muslims? It would be racist and Islamophobic to object to your oppression.”

PEOPLE WHO’VE STUDIED ISLAM: “We tried to tell you.”

You know the problem has gotten bad when even the New York Times is forced to say something about it.

CAIRO — The sheer number of women sexually abused and gang raped in a single public square had become too big to ignore. Conservative Islamists in Egypt’s new political elite were outraged — at the women.

“Sometimes,” said Adel Abdel Maqsoud Afifi, a police general, lawmaker and ultraconservative Islamist, “a girl contributes 100 percent to her own raping when she puts herself in these conditions.” The increase in sexual assaults over the last two years has set off a new battle over who is to blame, and the debate has become a stark and painful illustration of the convulsions racking Egypt as it tries to reinvent itself.

Under President Hosni Mubarak, the omnipresent police kept sexual assault out of the public squares and the public eye. But since Mr. Mubarak’s exit in 2011, the withdrawal of the security forces has allowed sexual assault to explode into the open, terrorizing Egyptian women.

Women, though, have also taken advantage of another aspect of the breakdown in authority — by speaking out through the newly aggressive news media, defying social taboos to demand attention for a problem the old government often denied. At the same time, some Islamist elected officials have used their new positions to vent some of the most patriarchal impulses in Egypt’s traditional culture and a deep hostility to women’s participation in politics.

The female victims, these officials declared, had invited the attacks by participating in public protests. “How do they ask the Ministry of Interior to protect a woman when she stands among men?” Reda Saleh Al al-Hefnawi, a lawmaker from the Muslim Brotherhood’s political party, asked at a parliamentary meeting on the issue.

The revolution initially promised to reopen public space to women. Men and women demonstrated together in Tahrir Square peacefully during the heady 18 days and nights that led to the ouster of Mr. Mubarak. But within minutes of his departure the threat re-emerged in a group attack on the CBS News correspondent Lara Logan. There are no official statistics on women attacked — partly because few women report offenses — but all acknowledge that the attacks have grown bolder and more violent.

By the second anniversary of the revolution, on Jan. 25, the symbolic core of the revolution — Tahrir Square — had become a no-go zone for women, especially after dark.

During a demonstration that day against the new Islamist-led government, an extraordinary wave of sexual assaults — at least 18 confirmed by human rights groups, and more, according to Egypt’s semiofficial National Council of Women — shocked the country, drawing public attention from President Mohamed Morsi and Western diplomats.

Hania Moheeb, 42, a journalist, was one of the first victims to speak out about her experience that day. In a television interview, she recounted how a group of men had surrounded her, stripped off her clothes and violated her for three quarters of an hour. The men all shouted that they were trying to rescue her, Ms. Moheeb recalled, and by the time an ambulance arrived she could no longer differentiate her assailants from defenders.

To alleviate the social stigma usually attached to sexual assault victims in Egypt’s conservative culture, her husband, Dr. Sherif Al Kerdani, appeared alongside her.

“My wife did nothing wrong,” Dr. Kerdani said.

In the 18 confirmed attacks that day, six women were hospitalized, according to interviews conducted by human rights groups. One woman was stabbed in her genitals, and another required a hysterectomy. (Continue Reading.)


Posted 27 Mar 13 by Answering Muslims

The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration

mb-in-whIf anyone needed evidence that Hillary Clinton is in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood, the events of the last few days should be more than sufficient.  On the anniversary of 9/11, on what should be a day of shame for the Muslim world, the US Embassy in Cairo issued a statement condemning critics of Islamofascism in language appropriate to the office of propaganda for the Muslim Brotherhood. Islamofascists launched violent attacks on Americans, repeating the outrages in miniature of the World Trade Center attacks 11 years ago. In the face of these outrages the posture of the U.S. government is one that would make Neville Chamberlain blush. In four years Barack Obama has managed to turn the entire Middle East over to America’s enemies. So that our readers can understand how this has happened and how far advanced the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into the Obama administration has progressed, we are publishing this pamphlet by Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy, called The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration. We are printing 200,000 copies to distribute to concerned Americans. We are selling them at cost if you buy 25 or more to share with your friends.—David Horowitz

Read the pamphlet below or order your copy by clicking here. 

Posted 14 Sep 12 by Front Page Mag


Arif Alikhan – Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Mohammed Elibiary – Homeland Security Adviser.

Rashad Hussain – Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Salam al-Marayati – Obama Adviser, founder of Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director.

Imam Mohamed Magid – Obama’s Sharia Czar, Islamic Society of North America.

Eboo Patel – Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. This goes back the Muslim Brotherhood vowing they will internally take over America by placing a Trojan horse in office. Mullah Obama has put more Muslims or sharia advocates in office than you could shake a stick at. The Muslims and the advocates (including Barack Hussein Obama) have multiple times stated the US Constitution is old fashioned and needs to be rewritten, as well as putting in bans (gun control) and working on a UN treaty (Res. 16/18) initiated by the Organization of the Islamic Conference against freedom of speech and religion here in the US, with Obama going for it because his statements in the past about we have too much freedom of speech because of the “old” Constitution. All of which points to Islamic doctrine/law (no non-Muslims should own guns, and no one should have the freedom to tell the truth about Islam). America is headed out of being a free country, and headed towards Islamic dictator lead hell. Click HERE if you want to see the Muslim Brotherhood’s document for taking over the US.]

Another U.S. Muslim calls for limiting American’s 1st Amendment rights…to protect Muslims

Posted on March 27, 2013 by creeping

And subjecting Americans to sharia law.


via Obama’s Religious Freedom Appointee Involved in Muslim Event Calling for Limiting Freedom of Speech | CNS News.

America’s free-speech model is in desperate need of an update, says an American-Muslim human rights activist who recently spoke at an event linked to an Obama administration appointee.

Dr. Qasim Rashid argued that cyber-bullying laws could be used to limit freedom of expression – such as the burning of Korans — in war time:

“When a nation is at war, many things that might be said in times of peace are a hindrance to this effort,” Rashid said on March 19 at Howard University.  “And their utterance will not be endured so long as men fight and…no court can regard them as protected by any constitutional right.”

Read that again. Rashid masquerades as a self-proclaimed moderate but he clearly wants to replace the Constitutional right of free speech with sharia law.

Rashid began his remarks by personally thanking Dr. Azizah al-Hibri, appointed by President Barack Obama to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) in June 2011. Al-Hibri founded Karamah, a group devoted to the rights of Muslim women, and it was this group that invited Rashid to speak.

“I do want to start by thanking Karamah,” Rashid said.  “I was fortunate enough to have several constitutional scholars look at this paper and provide feedback. Dr. al-Hibri, of course…”

The topic of the March 19 event at Howard University was titled, “The Limits of Free Speech in a Global Era: Does America’s Free Speech Model Endanger Muslim Americans?”

Our understanding of free speech today is not some long-held 227- or 235-year understanding,” said Rashid, a member of the Muslim Writers Guild of America, who presented a paper titled “In Harm’s Way: The Desperate Need to Update America’s Current Free Speech Model.”

In other words, Muslims like Rashid want to modify our Constitutional rights, using existing laws at first, to institutionalize sharia blasphemy laws. Muslims are becoming much more vocal about their desires to force all Americans to abide by Islamic sharia law. See Muslim group asks DOJ to start enforcing sharia blasphemy law and 40% of Muslims in US want sharia, 46% say criminalize blasphemy, incl death penalty.

Rashid quoted Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who in 2011 said, “Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war.”

Using the Koran burning as an example, Rashid said that cyber-bullying legislation could be used to prosecute individuals for their speech on a case-by-case basis.

“My argument is that we already have legislation, right?” he said.  “I mean, we already have a cyber-bullying policy in all 50 states that even without the threat of violence – even without violence occurring, we’re already holding individuals responsible for this intentional infliction of harm on others.”

“So I think that legislation’s already there,” Rashid said.  It’s just more a question of how is it going to be applied.

MFS notes:

According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Dr. al-Hibri sat on the National Advisory Board of the American Muslim Council (AMC) from 1991 to 1998 with AMC Executive Director Abdurahman Alamoudi.

Alamoudi was later sentenced to 23 years in prison after pleading guilty to terrorism charges for his involvement in an assassination plot of then- Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.

Thanks to sheikyermami for reminding us that Obama appointee al-Hibri says Koran and Islam influenced Jefferson, Founding Fathers.

David Wood at Answering Muslims writes:

Hmmm. Whenever I say, “Islam doesn’t allow criticism of Muhammad or his teachings,” I’m labeled a racist, Islamophobic, hate-mongering bigot. How dare I even suggest that Islam isn’t perfectly in line with the U.S. Constitution? But when Muslim leaders call for restrictions on free speech, no one seems to care.

I’m still waiting, though, for some consistency on the part of Muslims. If Qasim Rashid wants my speech to be restricted because it might offend Muslims, what about verses of the Qur’an that are offensive to non-Muslims? The Qur’an calls Christians and Jews the “worst of creatures” (98:6), and commands Muslims to violently subjugate non-Muslims (9:29), and asks Allah to destroy Christians and Jews (9:30), and invites men to beat their wives into submission (4:34). If we’re going to start banning speech, why wouldn’t this speech be first on the list?

Andrew Harrod has a more detailed analysis of the meeting via A Muslim ‘Reformer’s’ Idea of Free Speech.

Here’s a photo from Rashid’s website and a description:

In our inaugural year, 2010, the Muslim Law Student Association at Richmond Law got off to a great start with a lecture on Shariah Finance.


                                                                                                                                                               From Islamic blasphemy to finance, Rashid is all about sharia.

He specifically uses Terry Jones as an example of banning free speech so this should be interesting – WORLDWIDE BURNING OF 2,998 KORANS ON SEPTEMBER 11th, 2013.

Posted on 27 Mar 13 by Creeping Sharia

Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after protesting Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood hard-liners stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo, turning it into torture chamber for Christians who had been demonstrating against the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in the latest case of violent persecution that experts fear will only get worse.


 FOX News Such stories have become increasingly common as tensions between Egypt’s Muslims and Copts mount, but in the latest case, mosque officials corroborated much of the account and even filed a police report. Demonstrators, some of whom were Muslim, say they were taken from the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in suburban Cairo to a nearby mosque on Friday and tortured for hours by hard-line militia members.


Amir Ayad lies in a hospital bed after he was beaten by Islamic hardliners who stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo.

“They accompanied me to one of the mosques in the area and I discovered the mosque was being used to imprison demonstrators and torture them,” Amir Ayad, a Coptic who has been a vocal protester against the regime, told MidEast Christian News from a hospital bed.


Ayad said he was beaten for hours with sticks before being left for dead on a roadside. Amir’s brother, Ezzat Ayad, said he received an anonymous phone call at 3 a.m. Saturday, with the caller saying his brother had been found near death and had been taken to the ambulance.

“He underwent radiation treatment that proved that he suffered a fracture in the bottom of his skull, a fracture in his left arm, a bleeding in the right eye, and birdshot injuries,” Ezzat Ayad said.


Officials at the Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque said radical militias stormed the building, in the Cairo suburb of Moqattam, after Friday prayers. “[We] deeply regret what has happened and apologize to the people of Moqattam,” mosque officials said in a statement, adding that “they had lost control over the mosque at the time.” The statement also “denounced and condemned the violence and involving mosques in political conflicts.”


The latest crackdown is further confirmation that the Muslim Brotherhood’s most hard-line elements are consolidating control in Egypt, according to Shaul Gabbay, a professor of international studies at the University of Denver.

“It will only get worse,” said Gabbay. “This has been a longstanding conflict, but now that the Muslim Brotherhood is in power, it is moving forward to implement its ideology – which is that Christians are supposed to become Muslims. “There is no longer anything to hold them back,” he continued. “The floodgates are open.”


Gabbay said the violent militias that allegedly tortured Ayad work hand-in-hand with police and may, in fact, be beyond the control of increasingly unpopular President Mohammed Morsi. While he may benefit from roving bands that attack demonstrators, they also undermine his claim of being a legitimate leader.

“Egyptian society is split over the Morsi regime, and it is not just a Coptic-Muslim split,” Gabbay said. “The less conservative elements of the Muslim society are increasingly uneasy with the Muslim Brotherhood. The Christian Copts are an easy target, but they are not alone in their mistrust of the Brotherhood.”


Experts agreed that the Copts, who comprise roughly 10 percent of the nation’s 83 million people, are not alone in their opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood, which took power in hotly contested elections following the 2011 ouster of longtime President Hosni Mubarak. Moderate Muslims and secular liberals are increasingly uncomfortable with the Islamization of the government.  

Sheikh Ahmed Saber, a well-known imam and official in Egypt’s Ministry of Endowments, has blasted Morsi’s justice ministry for allowing persecution of Copts. “All Egyptians in general are oppressed, but Christians are particularly oppressed, because they suffer double of what others suffer,” Saber told MCN.



Posted 27 Mar 13 by BNI

Kraft Foods’ Cadbury Easter products submitted to sharia law

Posted on March 26, 2013 by creeping


Why does Cadbury need Easter and Christmas products to be halal or legally permitted in Islam? Muslims not only don’t celebrate these days but here’s what the leader of a prominent Muslim group in the U.S. says recognizing such holy days is strengthening the pillars of Kufr.”

…a Muslim can’t enjoin in any aspect of Christmas in the disguise that Jesus is our Prophet too, we are just honoring him by celebrating Christmas. We should recognize the bidah of Christmas and the Prophet’s warning that all bidah should be rejected. Therefore, accepting Christmas invitations, attending Christmas parties, buying small plastic Christmas trees to please the kids (some Muslims actually do) should be avoided.

By greeting Christians with ‘merry Christmas’ we are legitimizing Christmas, by driving out on Christmas eve to witness the decoration of houses, we are appreciating bidah with our eyes, by placing our kids on the laps of Santa in the malls we are handing them in the hands of a fiend, by closing our Islamic Schools or shops during Christmas we are giving it our silent approval, by selling Christmas items in our shops, we are strengthening the pillars of Kufr.

The same must be true about Easter. h/t and pic via sheikyermami


via Cadbury’s Halal Products webpage.

Seasonal (Easter and Christmas)
Cadbury Dairy Milk Seasonal & Novelty products
Cadbury Dark Chocolate Seasonal & Novelty products
Cadbury Dream Chocolate Seasonal & Novelty products
Cadbury Beanie Characters
Cadbury Mini Eggs
Dream White Chocolate Seasonal & Novelty products
Old Gold Seasonal & Novelty products
Red Tulip Milk Chocolate Seasonal & Novelty Items
Red Tulip White Chocolate Seasonal & Novelty Items

Check out the non-sense being spewed by the dhimmi’s at Cadbury, via Vlad Tepes:

One of the main reasons some of our products are halal certified is to ensure that people of Muslim faith, both here in Australia and across our export markets, can identify our products as including ingredients that meet their consumption requirements.

Cadbury products do not contain ingredients from animals with the exception of fresh full cream milk which is present within our Cadbury Dairy Milk milk chocolate recipe. The cows that we source this milk from are not slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law.

Following other consumer inquiries, Kraft Foods has written formally to the AFIC in order to seek clarification on its business activities. In response, the AFIC provided Kraft Foods with verbal and written assurances that it is not engaged in unlawful activities. As such, Kraft Foods has confidence in AFIC as a reputable organisation.

We would also like to make clear that the Halal certification of our products is not intended to offend any other cultural or religious belief; and does not prevent other faiths from being able to purchase and consume our products.

And how does not being halal prevent Muslims from purchasing or consuming these products? If you choose to be Muslim or stay Muslim (because you can be put to death if you choose to leave) then live with your decision. Don’t force others to live by Islam. Shame on Kraft and Cadbury.

Let them know how you feel.

Posted on 26 Mar 13 by Creeping Sharia

New Syrian “Interim Prime Minister” Also ISNA Member

Local media is reporting that Ghassan Hitto, elected by the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) as head of an interim government in Syria, was a member of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) in addition to his other ties to the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas support organizations. According to a NUVO News report:

Ghassan Hitto, who was elected to the post on March 19, holds degrees from two Central Indiana institutions: B.S. degrees in computer science and mathematics from Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, and an M.B.A. from Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion. He was also a member of the Islamic Society of North America in Plainfield until his family moved away from the area about 20 years ago, according to an ISNA member who answered the phone. Hitto, who was born in Syria, is a naturalized American citizen.

A Hudson Institute report identifies ISNA as a part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

A post from last week reported on the election of Mr. Hitto and his leader position in several U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas support organizations:

  • According to investigative research posted on the GMNBDR, Mr. Hitto was a Secretary-Treasurer of the American Middle Eastern League for Palestine (AMELP), another name by which the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP) operated and that shared the same office and officers. The IAP was known to have been part of the Hamas infrastructure in the U.S.
  • In 2002, U.S. media also identified Mr. Hitto as a “friend of the Elashi family” and who appeared to be acting as their spokesperson. In 2009, Ghassan Elashi was sentenced to 65 years in prison for his role in financing Hamas as part of the Holy Land Foundation.
  • In 2002, U.S. media identified Mr. Hitto as the Vice-President of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Dallas Fort-Worth Chapter (see Note 1). A Hudson Institute report identifies CAIR as part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas support infrastructure in the U.S.
  • According to the Texas Secretary of State, Mr. Hitto is a director of the Muslim American Society (MAS) Youth Center of Dallas. He has also been listed in the past as the contact person for the Dallas chapter of the MAS. The Hudson Institute report also identifies the MAS as part of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and close to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

So far, U.S. media has completely failed to identify any of these positions held by Mr. Hitto who has now become the fourth U.S. Muslim Brotherhood figure to be identified as part of the Syrian National Council. According to an Al-Jazeera report, Hitto founded the Coalition of Free Syria activist group in 2011, and become a national board member of the Syrian American Council the following year. The same report says he is a member of the recently formed National Coalition.

(Note 1: Fort Worth Star-Telegram May 15, 2002, Wednesday FINAL EDITION “Woman tells of detention”)

Posted on 24 Mar 13 by Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

U.S. Government Allows Muslims to Determine What American Textbooks Are Allowed To Say About Islam

permitsI’m sure it sounded reasonable in the beginning — history book publishers of U.S. textbooks should consult with Muslims when they write anything about Islam, just to make sure it is correct. Check with the experts on the subject.

But the Muslims involved in influencing what is being taught to junior high and high school students in the United States are first of all, not history experts, and second of all, they are deliberately editing the information to give a falsely positive view of Islamic doctrine and history. In the interests of multiculturalism, some schools go much further and actually insist their students practice Islam!

Looking at the long term, if you were an Islamic supremacist and you wanted to soften up Americans for an eventual takeover, and if you wanted to keep them from stopping you until it’s too late, you would be hard pressed to find a more promising project than influencing school children to think Islam is benign. These future American leaders and voters will not be very willing to learn about the real nature and scope of the third jihad.

This astonishing situation in our school system is documented thoroughly in a new investigative report produced by a partnership of the Mission Viejo chapter of ACT for America and the United American Committee. Read the whole report here: Islam in America’s Classrooms: History or Propaganda? (PDF document).

Posted in Mar 09 by Citizen Warrior

YES! Florida Senate panel clears bill that would ban Sharia ‘Islamic’ law usage in state courts

ACLJShariahLawbooklet-vi-194x300After it failed last year, lawmakers on Thursday revived a bill that would ban Sharia, or Islamic, law and other foreign laws from Florida courts. Republican Senator Alan Hays, who sponsored the bill, said his measure was a “preemptive gesture” to assure no foreign/sharia law is considered in a ruling.

Miami Herald His bill is aimed at divorce and child custody cases and does not mention Shariah, or Islamic law, specifically In order to prevent lawsuits by CAIR). The Senate’s Governmental Oversight and Accountability committee cleared the bill (SB 58) by a party-line vote of 6-3. A bill last year passed the House but never was called for a vote before the Senate.


Hays’ “motives and intentions are good, but it’s a bad idea,” said Sen. Chris Smith, a Fort Lauderdale Democrat. “It’s just not needed … It’s not going to become an issue because we have a great legal system. And it could open us up to more litigation.” The Florida Bar’s Family Law section opposed the measure, saying it would create confusion and uncertainty.

Several Muslims also spoke against the bill, including Moazzam Adnan Raja, a marketing director from Longwood. Raja soon choked up and cried. ”Show some compassion, show us love,” he told senators. “We don’t want to be called second-class citizens. We want to be accepted.” (OH, BOO HOO, go back to Muslimland)


Saif Hamideh, a Florida State political science major whose family is from Jordan, worried about unintended consequences from such a law. He said he one day hoped to get married in Jordan, and was fearful his marriage might not be recognized in Florida. (Good, stay in Jordan)

Corey Saylor, legislative director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said six states have laws similar to Hays’ bill: Arizona, South Dakota, Kansas, Louisiana, Tennessee and Oklahoma. His group sued in Oklahoma and that law was suspended.

“In general, these laws have no real-world impact,” Saylor said. Judges “can’t replace the constitution with religious laws. But in passing these laws, elected officials are now joining in on the conversation of inspiring fear of Muslims.” (They don’t have to inspire it, it is widespread already)

The below headline is from the moribund New York Times, where the leftist dhimmis don’t have a problem with sharia law, ONLY with U.S. Constitutional Law.


Posted 22 Mar 13 by BNI

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Alabama has done the same thing and a few other states have done the same thing…good job states that are actually not cowering under Mullah Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood!!]

Saudi Cleric Warns Saudi Government

U.S. media is reporting that Salman Al-Oadah, a Saudi cleric close to the Global Muslim Brotherhood, has issued a warning to Saudi Arabian government that violence will erupt unless certain changes are carried out. According to a CNN report:

CNN March 18, 2013 — Updated 0453 GMT) — One of Saudi Arabia’s most prominent and popular clerics has issued a stark warning to the Saudi government, saying it must take serious steps toward instituting reform, stamping out corruption and releasing political detainees ‘before violence is kindled.’ In an open letter published online over the weekend, Salman Al-Oadah described a rising tide of anger in the deeply conservative kingdom, writing that ‘negative feelings have been accumulating for a long time’ in Saudi Arabia. ‘When tempers are high,’ added Al-Oadah, ‘religious, political and cultural symbols lose their value. The mob in the street takes control.’ Al-Oadah, a conservative preacher who has more than 2 million followers on Twitter, was jailed from 1994 until 1999 as a result of his calls for political change and creation of an opposition group. His letter comes one week after two of Saudi Arabia’s leading human rights activists were given lengthy jail sentences and at a time when the number of dissenting voices there has been growing. Saudi Arabia, where protests are prohibited, never experienced the kind of unrest that took root in the region as a result of the Arab Spring. Yet small-scale demonstrations have become more and more frequent in the past several months. Protesters have repeatedly gathered to demand the release of jailed relatives they say have been held for years without having been charged, tried or given access to lawyers. Al-Oadah addresses the issue of political prisoners extensively in his letter, writing that, ‘no one should be left in detention except for those who have clear and legitimate evidence brought against them.’ Rights activists accuse Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry of having detained thousands of citizens in connection with the country’s counterterrorism efforts and say anger there is at an all-time high as a result. Last month, 161 protesters were arrested in Buraidah outside the city’s Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution. A police spokesman called the demonstration ‘an attempt to turn public opinion by taking advantage of those who have been accused and convicted of activities of the deviant groups.’ The term ‘deviant groups’ is the language typically used by the Saudi government when referring to terrorist groups. Just days earlier, dozens of women were arrested in the same city for staging a sit-in. Among their demands: the release of their relatives and the ouster of the country’s interior minister, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. In one amateur video posted online, female protesters burned a picture of Prince Mohammed, a particularly brazen act in such an absolute monarchy — one that Al-Oadah addresses in his letter. ‘The recent burning of officials’ pictures is a symbolic act that should give us some pause to think,’ writes Al-Oadah, ‘What got it started? Where is this all going?’ All in all, Al-Oadah paints a bleak picture of the situation in Saudi Arabia, writing that ’causes of societal distress include: financial and administrative corruption, unemployment, inadequate housing, poverty, substandard health care and education, and dim prospects for political reform.’”

Salman Al-Audah (aka Salman al-Oadah, Salman Bin Fahd Al Ouda, Salman Al-`Udah, Salman Al Awda) was until recently known to be a sympathizer of Osama Bin Laden but, likely under pressure from the Saudi government, has moderated his public positions and has been a regular feature at Global Muslim Brotherhood events.

Posted on 21 Mar 13 by Global Muslim Brotherhood Dailey Report

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Thanks to my friend, Joel Richardson, he has looked and researched the possibility of Saudi Arabia being the Mystery Babylon that Revelation 17:5 that says, “And upon her forehead was the name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” The Book of Revelation tells us that the “harlot” will be destroyed. Along with the harlot, there is a beast with seven heads and ten horns, that SUPPORTS her.

Now, quickly will try to pass this information on…the harlot is an apostate bunch of believers, the seven heads is a city on seven hills, and the ten horns are ten kingdoms (governments in today’s language/context) that have not been given their “crowns” at that time. Now, I am thinking (through a little research) the beast that SUPPORTS the harlot (or the apostate Christians of ALL denominations) could very well be the Muslim Brotherhood. And the MYSTERY BABYLON the Apostle John could be referring to Mecca, and not the Vatican as most Christians believe. There are a lot of scriptures used to “support” the Vatican theory, however, most theologians do not look at the fact that the Biblical anti-Christ is Islamic (which goes, once again, against their believes it’s the Pope). The Bible shows it is an Islamic anti-Christ, and he isn’t going to go to the Vatican, but he will go to Mecca…one of the holy places for Muslims, mandated to pilgrim to it, and on seven hills. Mystery Babylon has a great possibility of being Saudi Arabia, possibly being confirmed by this blog.

I say the supporting beast could be the Muslim Brotherhood because, with the anti-Christ being Islamic, and the entire goal of Islam is to take over the world, the Muslim Brotherhood come into view. Reason they’re in the spotlight is because they are currently trying to take over countries and make them full, hard core, Islamic, Shari’a countries. Let me name the ones that the Muslim Brotherhood has already conquered…Egypt and Palestine. Here are the ones they are trying to conquer currently…Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Jordan, Syria, Tunisia, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates. This makes ten countries…coincidence? You decide.