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New Intel Report States: Malaysia Flight MH370 Flew to Pakistan (Video)

Posted by sharia unveiled on March 25, 2014

malaysia-airplane-1Photo courtesy of: Gateway Pundit

by, Lignet | h/t Gateway Pundit

As the search for Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 drags on without a trace of wreckage at sea, the likelihood of foul play looms larger. One country keeps rising to the top of the list of suspects: Pakistan.

Ten days after the flight vanished, LIGNET learned that engineers at Boeing, the plane’s manufacturer, believed the missing aircraft was on the ground in Pakistan. For several reasons, including Al-Qaeda’s presence there, historical attack patterns, corruption, weakness and terrorist sympathies at the highest levels inside Pakistan, that hunch may be right.

The absence of wreckage suggests a planned diversion, the kidnapping of 230 passengers and obvious ill intent.

Lt. General McInerney and Intel Group With Source Inside Boeing Stands By Report – MH370 Flew to Pakistan

If Flight 370 has indeed fallen into the hands of al-Qaeda, U.S. intelligence and law enforcement potentially are engaged in a race against time to find the aircraft before it is used in a terror attack to rival 9/11.

Posted 25 Mar 14 by Sharia Unveiled

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. What seems to be missing is the fact that the pilot and the co-pilot are devout Muslims, as well as supporters of Anwar Ibrahim…who is the Leader of Opposition of Malaysia (Pakatan Rakyat), and who is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Wow, 2+2=terrorism…go figure…also, on a side note, h/t to BNI for a little more info in the pilot…]

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