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Funny…but to a point…true

how to make a muslim

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. I thought this was funny…not meaning it as a hateful ideology, but it seems to be the actual process…they indoctrinate the “victim”, fill his mind with violence, destruction and chaos…then let them loose…then claim the “victim” is distorting Islam…it is more like Manchurian Muslims…]

ISIS Releases it’s 5-Year Territorial Expansion Plan

Posted by sharia unveiled on June 23, 2014


Map courtesy of: Ayman Mohyeldin | h/t Terri Lynn

Posted on 23 Jun14 by Sharia Unveiled

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. And this doesn’t entail the subvert takeover of Western countries…

How can people believe the white washed version of Islam when they state that Islam is peaceful and tolerant…do people think that one can take over multiple countries in five years by just preaching or asking, or do people want to be politically correct (reality shows, PC is in actuality dhimminess, ask Mohammed), or are they just stupid and don’t want to rile up the Muslims, for fear of death? you decide.

Sad thing is…the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (Syria) were a part of al-Qaeda, which was created by the Muslim Brotherhood as one of their military arms…the al-Qaeda are primarily Sunni (which aren’t as aggressive as the Shia, but they will still kill infidels and Kufars without much hesitance), where the Iraq is primarily Shia (which are more aggressive because they look more at the mahdi coming back and the Shia will be at the top of the list of “good works” in satan’s I mean allah’s eyes.

This rift between the the Shia and the Sunni could possibly be the feet in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. You see, in verses 41-43 in Daniel 2, it talks about the feet being of “mixed” with clay and iron. Now, something to put together (not saying this the a God given interpretation,  but one of my thinking, the Book of Daniel was written in Aramaic, and in the Aramaic mixed was translated from the word “ereb”. Ereb, in Aramaic, according to the Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon 6151 and 6152, is Arab. Now the thought to gander here is, the iron in the feet could mean Shia Muslims, because they are like iron when performing oppression and terrorism according to what allah and Mohammed said to do, verses the mirey clay the Shia are mixed with, which could be the “not as aggressive” Sunni. They do not fully get along with each other…case in point…ISIS and al-Qaeda…they started out to be working together, but they separated for differences in religious beliefs.]