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Detroit terror suspect accused of vehicular jihad against FBI agent

Posted on October 5, 2011 by creeping

via Terror suspect accused of trying to hit FBI agent – Yahoo! News. h/t Religion of Peace

AP Photo

DETROIT – A federal judge in Michigan has ordered a man suspected of supporting terrorist groups held on allegations he tried to crash into the car of an FBI agent who was following him as part of heightened security for the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Reed S. Berry, 26, of St. Joseph was under surveillance because of his suspected terrorist links, according to an FBI affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids.

The government has said the links include Internet communication with one or more groups involved in international terrorism.

Defense lawyer Elias Muawad said what the government has labeled terrorist links in court filings appear to be online speech protected by the First Amendment. He also said his client, Berry, has been upset about being under investigation for months, subject to searches and barred from air travel.

“He was feeling like a caged person,” Muawad told The Associated Press on Sunday.

According to the Sept. 23 complaint that charged Berry with assaulting a federal officer, the FBI executed a search warrant March 9 seeking evidence linking Berry to foreign terrorist groups.

“The FBI investigation to date has developed information that Berry was using the Internet both to contact and to provide affirmative support to one or more FTOs,” or foreign terrorist organizations, the complaint said.

The FBI then got a warrant May 11 to search Berry’s Yahoo email account, and investigators now are reviewing its contents, the complaint said.

In anticipation of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, “the FBI decided to maintain around-the-clock knowledge of Berry’s whereabouts that weekend,” the complaint said.

FBI Special Agent Samuel Moore and Michigan State Police Detective Sgt. Larry Dyksterhouse were watching Berry the night of Sept. 9 and had been told that their “target” was aware he was under surveillance, the complaint said.

The agents followed Berry as he drove around Benton Harbor and St. Joseph. They said he traveled to various locations and at one point turned his headlights off and just sat in the vehicle.

Moore said Berry eventually put his car in reverse and began speeding toward Moore’s stopped vehicle. The agent said he “immediately accelerated forward and to the hard left, avoiding a direct collision” with Berry.

On Wednesday, U.S. Magistrate Hugh Brenneman in Grand Rapids ordered Berry detained before the assault trial.

“In addition to the present offense, defendant is well aware the FBI is using considerable resources to investigate whether defendant has been participating in terrorist-related activities,” Brenneman wrote in his order that Berry stay behind bars until trial.

Brenneman also cited the fact that Berry has a wife in London and “has told the FBI he wants to leave this country and never return.” And, the judge said, Berry’s state criminal record shows “a repeated disregard of the judicial system” with bond and parole revocations.

Posted on 5 Oct 11 by creeping sharia

Failed underwear bomber says he assaulted guards “in defense of Muhammad,” says he should only be judged according to Sharia

We have seen many other cases where a Muslim defendant has refused to recognize the authority of the court, with various gestures of disrespect, because it is not a Sharia court. And because he only recognizes Sharia law, Abdulmutallab therefore calls himself unlawfully imprisoned.

Unfortunately for him, we don’t imprison defendants only according to the laws they recognize. “Underwear bomb suspect claims wrongful imprisonment by U.S., files for release,” from the Detroit Free Press, August 25 (thanks to Zilla):

The so-called underwear bomber charged with trying to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner is arguing for his prison release, claiming wrongful imprisonment by the American government.

In a handwritten court document filed today, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 24, asked the court to release him from prison, arguing that “all Muslims should only be ruled by the law of the Quran.”

“The defendant is being unjustly detained in the Unites States of American, and subjected to the Rule of Man,” wrote Abdulmutallab, adding he should “only be judged and ruled by the law of the Quran.”

In a separate, handwritten court filing, the Nigerian national also wrote that “excessive force” was used to restrain him on Wednesday while he was in his closed cell, during the “holy month of Ramadan.” He wrote that between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., “in defense of Muhammad,” he assaulted several officers from his cell, and that as a result, “excessive force” was used to restrain him.

Abdulmutallab, who is acting as his own attorney in the case, also asked the court to order that no excessive force be used on him.

On appeal, he can claim his attorney was incompetent.

He’s actually angry the guards fought back. From “‘Underwear’ bomb suspect claims assault on guards, seeks Quran judgment,” by Robert Snell for the Detroit News, August 25 (thanks also to Zilla):

… “Defendant Abdulmutallab, in defense of Muhammad (peace be upon him … the messenger of Allah to Mankind who is being defamed and abused by the United States of America) assaulted several officers from his cell,” he wrote. “As a result, excessive force was used to restrain defendant Abdulmutallab who was already in a closed cell on his own.”

He asked Edmunds to order prison guards not to use excessive force while he is “justly defending Muhammad and his religion,” according to the court filing….

Posted by Marisol on August 26, 2011